Package org.openstreetmap.josm.actions
Provides the classes for JOSM user actions.
All of them inherit from
Interface Summary Interface Description AdaptableAction Interface to indicate that name (tooltip) and icon may be changed for an entry in the toolbar.ExpertToggleAction.ExpertModeChangeListener This listener is notified whenever the expert mode setting changed.IPrimitiveAction Interface used to enable/disable all primitive-related actions, even those registered by plugins.ParameterizedAction Interface for (toolbar-)actions that have additional parameters which need to be saved to the preferences (and loaded back). -
Class Summary Class Description AboutAction Nice about screen.AboutAction.OpenDirAction AbstractInfoAction Abstract base class for info actions, opening an URL describing a particular object.AbstractMergeAction Abstract superclass of different "Merge" actions.AbstractMergeAction.LayerListCellRenderer the list cell renderer used to render layer list entriesAbstractMergeAction.TargetLayerDialogResult<T extends Layer> TargetLayerDialogResult
returned byAbstractMergeAction.askTargetLayer(java.util.List<? extends org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer>, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.String)
containing the selectedTargetLayer and whether the checkbox is tickedAbstractPasteAction This is the base class for all actions that paste objects.AbstractSelectAction Superclass of "Select" actions in various parts of JOSM.AbstractShowHistoryAction Superclass of "History" actions in various parts of JOSM.AbstractUploadAction Abstract super-class of all upload actions.ActionParameter<T> Abstract class for key=value parameters, used inParameterizedAction
.ActionParameter.StringActionParameter Simple ActionParameter implementation for string values.AddImageryLayerAction Action displayed in imagery menu to add a new imagery layer.AddImageryLayerAction.LayerSelection Represents the user choices when selecting layers to display.AddImageryLayerAction.SelectWmsLayersDialog AddNodeAction This action displays a dialog where the user can enter a latitude and longitude, and when ok is pressed, a new node is created at the specified position.AlignInCircleAction Aligns all selected nodes within a circle.AlignInLineAction Aligns all selected nodes into a straight line (useful for roads that should be straight, but have side roads and therefore need multiple nodes)AlignInLineAction.Line Class that represent a lineAutoScaleAction Toggles the autoScale feature of the mapViewChangesetManagerToggleAction This action toggles the visibility of theChangesetCacheManager
dialog.CloseChangesetAction User action to close open changesets.CombineWayAction Combines multiple ways into one.CopyAction Copy OSM primitives to clipboard in order to paste them, or their tags, somewhere else.CopyCoordinatesAction User action to copy the coordinates of one or several node(s) to the clipboard.CopyUrlAction User action to copy the URL of one or several object(s) to the clipboard.CreateCircleAction - Create a new circle from two selected nodes or a way with 2 nodes which represent the diameter of the circle.CreateCircleAction.PolarNode Class designed to create a couple between a node and its angle relative to the center of the circle.CreateMultipolygonAction Create multipolygon from selected ways automatically.CreateMultipolygonAction.CreateUpdateMultipolygonTask DeleteAction Action that deletes selected objects.DeleteLayerAction Deletes the active layer.DialogsToggleAction This action toggles visibility of dialogs panel and other panels to free more space for drawing (GIMP-like)DiskAccessAction Helper class for all actions that access the disk.DistributeAction Distributes the selected nodes to equal distances along a line.DownloadAction Action that opens a connection to the osm server and downloads map data.DownloadAlongAction Abstract superclass of DownloadAlongTrackAction and DownloadAlongWayActionDownloadAlongWayAction Calculate area around selected ways and split it into reasonable parts so that they can be downloaded.DownloadNotesInViewAction Action that downloads the notes within the current view from the server.DownloadOsmInViewAction Action that downloads the OSM data within the current view from the server.DownloadOsmInViewAction.DownloadOsmInViewTask DownloadPrimitiveAction Download an OsmPrimitive by specifying type and IDDownloadReferrersAction This action loads the set of primitives referring to the current selection from the OSM server.DrawBoundariesOfDownloadedDataAction This class toggles whether to draw boundaries of downloaded data.DuplicateAction An action that duplicates the given nodes.ExitAction Exit the application.ExpertToggleAction This action toggles the Expert mode.ExtensionFileFilter A file filter that filters after the extension.FollowLineAction Follow line action - Makes easier to draw a line that shares points with another line Aimed at those who want to draw two or more lines related with each other, but carry different information (i.e.FullscreenToggleAction This class toggles the full-screen mode.GpxExportAction Exports data to gpx.HelpAction Open a help browser and displays lightweight online help.HistoryInfoAction Display history information about OSM ways, nodes, or relations.HistoryInfoAction.HistoryObjectIDDialog Dialog allowing to choose object id if no one is selected.HistoryInfoWebAction Display history information about OSM ways, nodes, or relations in web browser.ImageryAdjustAction Adjust the position of an imagery layer.ImageryAdjustAction.ConfirmOverwriteBookmarkDialog InfoAction Display advanced object information about OSM nodes, ways, or relations.InfoWebAction Display object information about OSM nodes, ways, or relations in web browser.InvertSelectionAction User action to invert the selection in the current dataset.JoinAreasAction Join Areas (i.e.JoinAreasAction.AssembledMultipolygon A multipolygon with a list of inner ways and an assembled polygon for the outer wayJoinAreasAction.AssembledPolygon This helper class describes a polygon, assembled from several ways.JoinAreasAction.JoinAreaCommand JoinAreasAction.JoinAreasResult This helper class describes join areas action result.JoinAreasAction.Multipolygon A record class to store how a multipolygon is constructedJoinAreasAction.PolygonLevel Helper storage class for finding findOuterWaysJoinAreasAction.RelationRole JoinAreasAction.WayInPolygon HelperClass - saves a way and the "inside" side.JoinAreasAction.WayTraverser This helper class implements algorithm traversing through connected ways.JoinNodeWayAction Action allowing to join a node to a nearby way, operating on two modes: Join Node to Way: Include a node into the nearest way segments.JoinNodeWayAction.NodeDistanceToRefNodeComparator Sorts collinear nodes by their distance to a common reference node.JosmAction Base class helper for all Actions in JOSM.JumpToAction Allows to jump to a specific location.JumpToAction.JumpToPositionDialog MapRectifierWMSmenuAction Download rectified images from various services.MapRectifierWMSmenuAction.RectifierService Class that bundles all required information of a rectifier serviceMergeLayerAction Action that merges two or more OSM data layers.MergeNodesAction Merges a collection of nodes into one node.MergeSelectionAction Merge the currently selected objects into another layer.MirrorAction Mirror the selected nodes or ways along the vertical axis Note: If a ways are selected, their nodes are mirroredMoveAction Moves the selectionMoveNodeAction This action displays a dialog with the coordinates of a node where the user can change them, and when ok is pressed, the node is relocated to the specified position.NewAction Creates a blank new OSM data layer.OpenBrowserAction Action to open browser on given URL.OpenFileAction Open a file chooser dialog and select a file to import.OpenFileAction.OpenFileTask Task to open files.OpenLocationAction Open an URL input dialog and load data from the given URL.OpenLocationAction.WhichTasksToPerformDialog OrthogonalizeAction Tools / OrthogonalizeOrthogonalizeAction.EN Class contains some auxiliary functionsOrthogonalizeAction.Undo Undo the previous orthogonalization for certain nodes.OrthogonalizeAction.WayData Class contains everything we need to know about a single way.ParameterizedActionDecorator Action wrapper that delegates to aParameterizedAction
object using a specific set of parameters.PasteAction Paste OSM primitives from clipboard to the current edit layer.PasteAtSourcePositionAction A special version of thePasteAction
that pastes at the exact source location the item was copied from.PasteTagsAction Action, to paste all tags from one primitive to another.PreferencesAction Open the Preferences dialog.PreferenceToggleAction User action to toggle a custom boolean preference value.PurgeAction The action to purge the selected primitives, i.e.PurgeAction.SelectionForcedPrimitiveRenderer force selection to be active for all entriesRedoAction Redoes the last command.RenameLayerAction Action to rename an specific layer.RenameLayerAction.InitialValueOptionPane ReorderImageryLayersAction Reorders all non-overlay imagery layers in a cyclic manner.ReportBugAction Reports a ticket to JOSM bugtracker.RestartAction Restarts JOSM as it was launched.RestorePropertyAction Obtains the selected key and values from a table and restores those properties on the specified primitive.ReverseWayAction Reverses the ways that are currently selected by the userReverseWayAction.ReverseWayResult The resulting way after reversing it and the commands to get there.SaveAction Export the data as an OSM xml file.SaveActionBase Abstract superclass of save actions.SaveAsAction Export the data.SearchNotesDownloadAction Action to use the Notes search API to download all notes matching a given search term.SelectAllAction User action to select all primitives in the current dataset.SelectByInternalPointAction This allows to select a polygon/multipolygon by an internal point.SelectNonBranchingWaySequences Auxiliary class for theSelectNonBranchingWaySequencesAction
.SelectNonBranchingWaySequencesAction This allows to select a sequence of non-branching connected ways.SelectSharedChildObjectsAction Select child objects (way nodes and relation members) that are shared by all objects in the current selection.SessionLoadAction Loads a JOSM session.SessionLoadAction.Loader JOSM session loaderSessionSaveAction Saves a JOSM sessionSessionSaveAsAction Saves a JOSM session to a new fileShowStatusReportAction Opens a dialog with useful status information like version numbers for Java, JOSM and plugins Also includes preferences with stripped username and password.SimplifyWayAction Delete unnecessary nodes from a waySimplifyWayAction.SimplifyChangeListener SimplifyWayAction.SimplifyWayDataSelectionListener SplitWayAction Splits a way into multiple ways (all identical except for their node list).SplitWayAction.SegmentListCellRenderer SplitWayAction.SegmentToKeepSelectionDialog A dialog to query which way segment should reuse the history of the way to split.TaggingPresetSearchAction The tagging presets search action (F3).TiledRenderToggleAction This class enables and disables tiled rendering mode.ToggleAction Abstract class for Toggle Actions.ToggleUploadDiscouragedLayerAction An action enabling/disabling the discouraged upload flag of the layer specified in the constructor.UndoAction Undoes the last command.UnGlueAction Duplicate nodes that are used by multiple ways or tagged nodes used by a single way or nodes which referenced more than once by a single way.UnJoinNodeWayAction Disconnect nodes from a way they currently belong to.UnselectAllAction User action to clear the current selection.UpdateDataAction This action synchronizes the dataset with the current state on the server.UpdateModifiedAction This action synchronizes a set of primitives with their state on the server.UpdateSelectionAction This action synchronizes a set of primitives with their state on the server.UploadAction Action that opens a connection to the osm server and uploads all changes.UploadNotesAction Action to initiate uploading changed notes to the OSM server.UploadSelectionAction Uploads the current selection to the server.UploadSelectionAction.UploadHullBuilder Computes the collection of primitives to upload, given a collection of candidate primitives.ValidateAction The action that does the validate thing.ViewportFollowToggleAction This action toggles automatic moving of the map view to last placed nodeWireframeToggleAction This class toggles the wireframe rendering mode.ZoomInAction Zoom in map.ZoomOutAction Zoom out map.ZoomToAction An action that zooms to the selected OSM primitive in a table of primitives. -
Enum Summary Enum Description AutoScaleAction.AutoScaleMode A list of things we can zoom to.ExtensionFileFilter.AddArchiveExtension Strategy to determine if extensions must be added to the description.MoveAction.Direction Move direction.OrthogonalizeAction.Direction -
Exception Summary Exception Description AlignInCircleAction.InvalidSelection InvalidSelection exception has to be raised when action can't be performedAlignInLineAction.InvalidSelection InvalidSelection exception has to be raised when action can't be performedOrthogonalizeAction.InvalidUserInputException Exception: unsuited user inputOrthogonalizeAction.RejectedAngleException Exception: angle cannot be recognized as 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees