Changeset 5147 in osm for applications/editors

2007-10-24T07:31:46+02:00 (17 years ago)

josm/plugins: reindent build Files, sort plugin build order

23 edited


  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/build.xml

    r5018 r5147  
    11<project name="josm-plugins" default="build" basedir=".">
    3         <!-- There's no josm.jar in the svn, so point "josm" to a local copy of your JOSM binary -->
    4         <!--<property name="josm" location="../../../../editors/josm/dist/josm-custom.jar" />-->
    5         <!--<property name="josm" location="../josm/josm-latest.jar" ></property>-->
    7         <!-- target directory to place the plugin in -->
    8         <!-- Windows has a different home directory scheme then unix/linux -->
    9         <!-- I don't know an automatic way to find it with ant :-(, if you know, please fix -->
    10         <!--<property name="plugins" location="${user.home}/.josm/plugins" ></property>-->
    11         <!--<property name="plugins" location="${user.home}/Anwendungsdaten/JOSM/plugins" ></property>-->
     3  <!-- There's no josm.jar in the svn, so point "josm" to a local copy of your JOSM binary -->
     4  <!--<property name="josm" location="../../../../editors/josm/dist/josm-custom.jar" />-->
     5  <!--<property name="josm" location="../josm/josm-latest.jar" ></property>-->
     7  <!-- target directory to place the plugin in -->
     8  <!-- Windows has a different home directory scheme then unix/linux -->
     9  <!-- I don't know an automatic way to find it with ant :-(, if you know, please fix -->
     10  <!--<property name="plugins" location="${user.home}/.josm/plugins" ></property>-->
     11  <!--<property name="plugins" location="${user.home}/Anwendungsdaten/JOSM/plugins" ></property>-->
    13         <!-- you should not need to modify anything below this! -->
     13  <!-- you should not need to modify anything below this! -->
    16         <target name="compile_josm">
    17                 <ant dir="../core" target="dist" />
    18         </target>
     16  <target name="compile_josm">
     17    <ant dir="../core" target="dist" />
     18  </target>
    20         <target name="compile" depends="compile_josm">
    21         </target>
     20  <target name="compile" depends="compile_josm">
     21  </target>
    23         <target name="build" depends="compile">
    24                 <ant    dir="colorscheme"       antfile="build.xml"     target="dist"/>
    25         <!--ant dir="grid"      antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/-->
    26                 <ant    dir="lang"      antfile="build.xml"     target="install-all"/>
    27                 <ant    dir="livegps"   antfile="build.xml"     target="dist"/>
    28                 <ant    dir="mappaint"  antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
    29                 <ant    dir="namefinder"        antfile="build.xml"     target="dist"/>
    30         <!-- ant        dir="navigator" antfile="build.xml"     target="dist"/ -->
    31                 <ant    dir="nearclick" antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
    32                 <ant    dir="osmarender"        antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
    33                 <ant    dir="plastic_laf"       antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
    34         <!-- ant        dir="pluginmanager"     antfile="build.xml"     target="dist"/ -->
    35                 <ant    dir="slippymap" antfile="build.xml"     target="dist"/>
    36         <!-- ant        dir="surveyor"  antfile="build.xml"     target="dist"/ -->
    37                 <ant    dir="tagging-preset-tester"     antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
    38         <!-- ant        dir="tways"     antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/ -->
    39                 <ant    dir="validator" antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
    40         <!-- ant        dir="waypoints" antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/ -->
    41                 <ant    dir="wmsplugin" antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
    42                 <ant    dir="ywms"      antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
    43         </target>
     23  <target name="build" depends="compile">
     24    <ant        dir="colorscheme"       antfile="build.xml"     target="dist"/>
     25    <ant        dir="lang"              antfile="build.xml"     target="install-all"/>
     26    <ant        dir="mappaint"          antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
     27    <ant        dir="namefinder"        antfile="build.xml"     target="dist"/>
     28    <ant        dir="nearclick"         antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
     29    <ant        dir="osmarender"        antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
     30    <ant        dir="plastic_laf"       antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
     31    <ant        dir="slippymap"         antfile="build.xml"     target="dist"/>
     32    <ant        dir="tagging-preset-tester"     antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
     33    <ant        dir="validator"         antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
     34    <ant        dir="wmsplugin"         antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
     35    <ant        dir="ywms"              antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/>
    45         <target name="clean">
    46                 <ant    dir="colorscheme"       antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    47                 <ant    dir="grid"      antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    48                 <ant    dir="lang"      antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    49                 <ant    dir="livegps"   antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    50                 <ant    dir="mappaint"  antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    51                 <ant    dir="namefinder"        antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    52                 <ant    dir="navigator" antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    53                 <ant    dir="nearclick" antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    54                 <ant    dir="osmarender"        antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    55                 <ant    dir="plastic_laf"       antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    56                 <ant    dir="pluginmanager"     antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    57                 <ant    dir="surveyor"  antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    58                 <ant    dir="tagging-preset-tester"     antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    59                 <ant    dir="tways"     antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    60                 <ant    dir="validator" antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    61                 <ant    dir="waypoints" antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    62                 <ant    dir="wmsplugin" antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    63                 <ant    dir="ywms"      antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    64         </target>
     37    <ant        dir="livegps"           antfile="build.xml"     target="dist"/>
     38    <ant        dir="surveyor"          antfile="build.xml"     target="dist"/>
     39    <!--ant     dir="grid"              antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/-->
     40    <!-- ant    dir="pluginmanager"     antfile="build.xml"     target="dist"/ -->
     41    <!-- ant    dir="tways"             antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/ -->
     42    <!-- ant    dir="waypoints"         antfile="build.xml"     target="build"/ -->
     43    <!-- ant    dir="navigator"         antfile="build.xml"     target="dist"/ -->
     44  </target>
    66         <target name="clean_install">
    67         </target>
     46  <target name="clean">
     47    <ant        dir="colorscheme"       antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     48    <ant        dir="grid"              antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     49    <ant        dir="lang"              antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     50    <ant        dir="mappaint"          antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     51    <ant        dir="namefinder"        antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     52    <ant        dir="navigator"         antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     53    <ant        dir="nearclick"         antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     54    <ant        dir="osmarender"        antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     55    <ant        dir="plastic_laf"       antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     56    <ant        dir="pluginmanager"     antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     57    <ant        dir="tagging-preset-tester"     antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     58    <ant        dir="tways"             antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     59    <ant        dir="validator"         antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     60    <ant        dir="waypoints"         antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     61    <ant        dir="wmsplugin"         antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     62    <ant        dir="ywms"              antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
    69         <target name="install" depends="build">
    70         </target>
     64    <ant        dir="surveyor"          antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     65    <ant        dir="livegps"           antfile="build.xml"     target="clean"/>
     66  </target>
     68  <target name="clean_install">
     69  </target>
     71  <target name="install" depends="build">
     72  </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/colorscheme/build.xml

    r3785 r5147  
    2222    <!-- images -->
    2323    <!--
    24     <copy todir="${}/images">
    25       <fileset dir="src/images" />
    26     </copy>
    27     -->
    28       <!-- copy configuration xml files -->
     24        <copy todir="${}/images">
     25           <fileset dir="src/images" />
     26        </copy>
     27        -->
     28    <!-- copy configuration xml files -->
    2929    <copy todir="${}">
    3030      <fileset dir="src">
    6262  <target name="init">
    63      <echo>java version: ${java.version}</echo>
    64    </target>
     63    <echo>java version: ${java.version}</echo>
     64  </target>
    6666  <target name="clean">
    7575    <echo file="${}">&lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
    7676  &lt;plugins>
    77     &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
    78       &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
    79       &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
    80       &lt;resource>${}${plugin.jar}&lt;/resource>
    81     &lt;/plugin>
     77  &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
     78  &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
     79  &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
     80  &lt;resource>${}${plugin.jar}&lt;/resource>
     81  &lt;/plugin>
    8282  &lt;/plugins>
    83     </echo>
    84   </target>
    86         <!-- write site description for the given plugin (not implemented in JOSM as full version yet!) -->
    87   <target name="site-full-donotuse">
    88     <echo message="creating site description in ${}"/>
    89     <echo file="${}">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
    90 &lt;site version="1.0">
    91   &lt;!-- meta data of site -->
    92   &lt;site-info>
    93     &lt;site-name>${}&lt;/site-name>
    94     &lt;site-url>${}&lt;/site-url>
    95   &lt;/site-info>
     86<!-- write site description for the given plugin (not implemented in JOSM as full version yet!) -->
     87<target name="site-full-donotuse">
     88  <echo message="creating site description in ${}"/>
     89  <echo file="${}">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
     90    &lt;site version="1.0">
     91    &lt;!-- meta data of site -->
    97   &lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
    98   &lt;plugins>
    99     &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
    100       &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
    101       &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
    102       &lt;resources>
    103         &lt;resource src="${}${plugin.jar}"
    104                   target="${josm.home.dir}/plugins/${plugin.jar}"/>
    105       &lt;/resources>
    106     &lt;/plugin>
    107   &lt;/plugins>
     97&lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
     99&lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
     103&lt;resource src="${}${plugin.jar}"
    109     </echo>
    110   </target>
    112   <!-- upload the site description and the jar file via ssh -->
    113   <target name="upload" depends="dist,site">
    114     <echo message="uploading jar and site description to ${}"/>
    115     <exec executable="scp">
    116       <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
    117       <arg value="${}"/>
    118       <arg value="${}"/>
    119     </exec>
    120   </target>
     112<!-- upload the site description and the jar file via ssh -->
     113<target name="upload" depends="dist,site">
     114  <echo message="uploading jar and site description to ${}"/>
     115  <exec executable="scp">
     116    <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
     117    <arg value="${}"/>
     118    <arg value="${}"/>
     119  </exec>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/duplicateway/build.xml

    r4245 r5147  
    55  <target name="compile" depends="clean">
    66    <mkdir dir="build"></mkdir>
    7         <mkdir dir="build/images"></mkdir>
     7    <mkdir dir="build/images"></mkdir>
    88    <copy todir="build">
    9         <fileset dir="bin" casesensitive="yes">
    10           <filename name="**/*.class"/>
    11         </fileset>
     9      <fileset dir="bin" casesensitive="yes">
     10        <filename name="**/*.class"/>
     11      </fileset>
    1212    </copy>
    13         <copy todir="build/images">
    14         <fileset dir="images" casesensitive="yes">
    15           <filename name="**/*.png"/>
    16         </fileset>
    17         </copy>
     13    <copy todir="build/images">
     14      <fileset dir="images" casesensitive="yes">
     15        <filename name="**/*.png"/>
     16      </fileset>
     17    </copy>
    1818  </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/grid/build.xml

    r5017 r5147  
    88  <property name="plugin.jar" value="${}.jar"/>
    10         <!-- point to your JOSM directory -->
    11         <property name="josm" location="${}/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
     10  <!-- point to your JOSM directory -->
     11  <property name="josm" location="${}/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
    15         <target name="init">
    16                 <mkdir dir="build"></mkdir>
    17                 <mkdir dir="dist"></mkdir>
    18         </target>
     15  <target name="init">
     16    <mkdir dir="build"></mkdir>
     17    <mkdir dir="dist"></mkdir>
     18  </target>
    20         <target name="compile" depends="init">
    21                 <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" debug="true" destdir="build">
    22                         <include name="**/*.java" />
    23                 </javac>
    24         </target>
     20  <target name="compile" depends="init">
     21    <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" debug="true" destdir="build">
     22      <include name="**/*.java" />
     23    </javac>
     24  </target>
    26         <target name="build" depends="compile">
    27                 <copy todir="build/images" >
    28                         <fileset dir="images" />
    29                 </copy>
    30                 <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="build">
    31                         <manifest>
    32                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="grid.GridPlugin" />
    33                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Provide a background layer that displays a map grid" />
    34                         </manifest>
    35                 </jar>
    36         </target>
     26  <target name="build" depends="compile">
     27    <copy todir="build/images" >
     28      <fileset dir="images" />
     29    </copy>
     30    <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="build">
     31      <manifest>
     32        <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="grid.GridPlugin" />
     33        <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Provide a background layer that displays a map grid" />
     34      </manifest>
     35    </jar>
     36  </target>
    38         <target name="clean">
    39                 <delete dir="build" />
    40                 <delete dir="dist" />
    41                 <delete dir="${plugin.jar}" />
    42         </target>
     38  <target name="clean">
     39    <delete dir="build" />
     40    <delete dir="dist" />
     41    <delete dir="${plugin.jar}" />
     42  </target>
    44         <target name="install" depends="build">
    45                 <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${user.home}/.josm/plugins"/>
    46         </target>
     44  <target name="install" depends="build">
     45    <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${user.home}/.josm/plugins"/>
     46  </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/lakewalker/build.xml

    r4061 r5147  
    55  <target name="compile" depends="clean">
    66    <mkdir dir="build"></mkdir>
    7         <mkdir dir="build/images"></mkdir>
     7    <mkdir dir="build/images"></mkdir>
    88    <copy todir="build">
    9         <fileset dir="bin" casesensitive="yes">
    10           <filename name="**/*.class"/>
    11         </fileset>
     9      <fileset dir="bin" casesensitive="yes">
     10        <filename name="**/*.class"/>
     11      </fileset>
    1212    </copy>
    13         <copy todir="build/images">
    14         <fileset dir="images" casesensitive="yes">
    15           <filename name="**/*.png"/>
    16         </fileset>
    17         </copy>
     13    <copy todir="build/images">
     14      <fileset dir="images" casesensitive="yes">
     15        <filename name="**/*.png"/>
     16      </fileset>
     17    </copy>
    1818  </target>
    3636  <target name="install" depends="jar">
    3737    <copy file="Lakewalker.jar" todir="${user.home}/Application Data/JOSM/plugins"/>
    38         <copy todir="${user.home}/Application Data/JOSM/plugins/Lakewalker">
    39                 <fileset dir="Lakewalker">
    40                         <filename name = "*.py"/>
    41                 </fileset>
    42         </copy>
     38    <copy todir="${user.home}/Application Data/JOSM/plugins/Lakewalker">
     39      <fileset dir="Lakewalker">
     40        <filename name = "*.py"/>
     41      </fileset>
     42    </copy>
    4343  </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/lang/build.xml

    r5017 r5147  
    1010  <property name="plugins" value=".."/>
    12         <target name="install-all" depends="josm-build,keys.pot">
    13                 <ant target="install"><property name="language" value="de"/></ant>
    14                 <ant target="install"><property name="language" value="fr"/></ant>
    15                 <ant target="install"><property name="language" value="ro"/></ant>
    16                 <ant target="install"><property name="language" value="en_GB"/></ant>
    17         </target>
     12  <target name="install-all" depends="josm-build,keys.pot">
     13    <ant target="install"><property name="language" value="de"/></ant>
     14    <ant target="install"><property name="language" value="fr"/></ant>
     15    <ant target="install"><property name="language" value="ro"/></ant>
     16    <ant target="install"><property name="language" value="en_GB"/></ant>
     17  </target>
    19         <target name="install">
    20                 <mkdir dir="${language}/bin"/>
    21                 <mkdir dir="dist"/>
    22                 <javac srcdir="${language}/src" classpath="${}/dist/josm-custom.jar" destdir="${language}/bin" />
     19  <target name="install">
     20    <mkdir dir="${language}/bin"/>
     21    <mkdir dir="dist"/>
     22    <javac srcdir="${language}/src" classpath="${}/dist/josm-custom.jar" destdir="${language}/bin" />
    24                 <exec executable="msgmerge">
    25                         <arg line="-U ${language}/${language}.po keys.pot"/>
    26                 </exec>
     24    <exec executable="msgmerge">
     25      <arg line="-U ${language}/${language}.po keys.pot"/>
     26    </exec>
    28                 <exec executable="msgfmt">
    29                         <arg line="--java2 -d${language}/bin -rorg.openstreetmap.josm.Translation -l${language} ${language}/${language}.po"/>
    30                 </exec>
     28    <exec executable="msgfmt">
     29      <arg line="--java2 -d${language}/bin -rorg.openstreetmap.josm.Translation -l${language} ${language}/${language}.po"/>
     30    </exec>
    32                 <copy file="" todir="${language}/bin/org/openstreetmap/josm" />
     32    <copy file="" todir="${language}/bin/org/openstreetmap/josm" />
    34                 <jar destfile="dist/lang-${language}.jar" basedir="${language}/bin">
    35                         <manifest>
    36                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.TranslationLoader_${language}" />
    37                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Translation to locale ${language}" />
    38                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Early" value="true" />
    39                         </manifest>
    40                 </jar>
    41         </target>
     34    <jar destfile="dist/lang-${language}.jar" basedir="${language}/bin">
     35      <manifest>
     36        <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.TranslationLoader_${language}" />
     37        <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Translation to locale ${language}" />
     38        <attribute name="Plugin-Early" value="true" />
     39      </manifest>
     40    </jar>
     41  </target>
    45         <target name="josm-build">
    46                 <ant dir="${}" />
    47         </target>
    49         <target name="keys.pot">
    50                 <exec executable="find" output="alljava.txt">
    51                         <arg line="${}/src ${plugins} -name '*.java'"/>
    52                 </exec>
     45  <target name="josm-build">
     46    <ant dir="${}" />
     47  </target>
     49  <target name="keys.pot">
     50    <exec executable="find" output="alljava.txt">
     51      <arg line="${}/src ${plugins} -name '*.java'"/>
     52    </exec>
    54                 <exec executable="xgettext">
    55                         <arg line="-ktr -ktrn:1,2 -ktrc -kmarktr -Ljava -okeys.pot -falljava.txt"/>
    56                 </exec>
    57         </target>
     54    <exec executable="xgettext">
     55      <arg line="-ktr -ktrn:1,2 -ktrc -kmarktr -Ljava -okeys.pot -falljava.txt"/>
     56    </exec>
     57  </target>
    59         <target name="clean">
    60                 <delete dir="build" />
    61                 <delete dir="dist" />
    62                 <delete dir="${plugin.jar}" />
    63         </target>
     59  <target name="clean">
     60    <delete dir="build" />
     61    <delete dir="dist" />
     62    <delete dir="${plugin.jar}" />
     63  </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/livegps/build.xml

    r3836 r5147  
    11<project name="livegps" default="dist" basedir=".">
    22  <!-- compilation properties -->
    3    <property name="" value="../../core"/>
    4    <property name="josm.home.dir" value="${user.home}/.josm"/>
    5    <property name="" value="build"/>
    6    <property name="" value="${}"/>
    7    <property name="plugin.jar" value="${}.jar"/>
    8    <property name="livegpsplugin.jar" value="${josm.home.dir}/plugins/livegps.jar"/>
    10    <!-- plugin meta data (enter new version number if anything changed!) -->
    11    <property name="plugin.version" value="1.2.1"/>
    12    <property name="plugin.description" value="Allow live GPS feed from a gpsd server (V${plugin.version})."/>
    13    <property name="plugin.stage" value="50"/>
    14    <property name="plugin.class" value="livegps.LiveGpsPlugin"/>
    16    <!-- update site meta data -->
    17    <property name="" value="josm-site.xml"/>
    18    <property name="" value="Josm's LiveGps Update Site"/>
    19    <property name="" value=""/>
    20    <property name="" value=""/>
     3  <property name="" value="../../core"/>
     4  <property name="josm.home.dir" value="${user.home}/.josm"/>
     5  <property name="" value="build"/>
     6  <property name="" value="${}"/>
     7  <property name="plugin.jar" value="${}.jar"/>
     8  <property name="livegpsplugin.jar" value="${josm.home.dir}/plugins/livegps.jar"/>
     10  <!-- plugin meta data (enter new version number if anything changed!) -->
     11  <property name="plugin.version" value="1.2.1"/>
     12  <property name="plugin.description" value="Allow live GPS feed from a gpsd server (V${plugin.version})."/>
     13  <property name="plugin.stage" value="50"/>
     14  <property name="plugin.class" value="livegps.LiveGpsPlugin"/>
     16  <!-- update site meta data -->
     17  <property name="" value="josm-site.xml"/>
     18  <property name="" value="Josm's LiveGps Update Site"/>
     19  <property name="" value=""/>
     20  <property name="" value=""/>
    2323  <target name="dist" depends="compile,site">
    5858  <target name="init">
    59      <echo>java version: ${java.version}</echo>
    60    </target>
     59    <echo>java version: ${java.version}</echo>
     60  </target>
    6262  <target name="clean">
    7171    <echo file="${}">&lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
    7272  &lt;plugins>
    73     &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
    74       &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
    75       &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
    76       &lt;resource>${}${plugin.jar}&lt;/resource>
    77     &lt;/plugin>
     73  &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
     74  &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
     75  &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
     76  &lt;resource>${}${plugin.jar}&lt;/resource>
     77  &lt;/plugin>
    7878  &lt;/plugins>
    79     </echo>
    80   </target>
    82   <!-- write site description for the given plugin (not implemented in JOSM as full version yet!) -->
    83   <target name="site-full-donotuse">
    84     <echo message="creating site description in ${}"/>
    85     <echo file="${}">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
    86 &lt;site version="1.0">
    87   &lt;!-- meta data of site -->
    88   &lt;site-info>
    89     &lt;site-name>${}&lt;/site-name>
    90     &lt;site-url>${}&lt;/site-url>
    91   &lt;/site-info>
     82<!-- write site description for the given plugin (not implemented in JOSM as full version yet!) -->
     83<target name="site-full-donotuse">
     84  <echo message="creating site description in ${}"/>
     85  <echo file="${}">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
     86    &lt;site version="1.0">
     87    &lt;!-- meta data of site -->
    93   &lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
    94   &lt;plugins>
    95     &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
    96       &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
    97       &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
    98       &lt;resources>
    99         &lt;resource src="${}${plugin.jar}"
    100                   target="${josm.home.dir}/plugins/${plugin.jar}"/>
    101       &lt;/resources>
    102     &lt;/plugin>
    103   &lt;/plugins>
     93&lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
     95&lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
     99&lt;resource src="${}${plugin.jar}"
    105     </echo>
    106   </target>
    108   <!-- upload the site description and the jar file via ssh -->
    109   <target name="upload" depends="dist,site">
    110     <echo message="uploading jar and site description to ${}"/>
    111     <exec executable="scp">
    112       <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
    113       <arg value="${}"/>
    114       <arg value="${}"/>
    115     </exec>
    116   </target>
     108<!-- upload the site description and the jar file via ssh -->
     109<target name="upload" depends="dist,site">
     110  <echo message="uploading jar and site description to ${}"/>
     111  <exec executable="scp">
     112    <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
     113    <arg value="${}"/>
     114    <arg value="${}"/>
     115  </exec>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/mappaint/build.xml

    r4428 r5147  
    11<project name="mappaint" default="build" basedir=".">
    3         <!-- There's no josm.jar in the svn, so point "josm" to a local copy of your JOSM binary -->
    4         <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
    5         <!--<property name="josm" location="../josm/josm-latest.jar" ></property>-->
    7         <!-- target directory to place the plugin in -->
    8         <!-- Windows has a different home directory scheme then unix/linux -->
    9         <!-- I don't know an automatic way to find it with ant :-(, if you know, please fix -->
    10         <property name="plugins" location="${user.home}/.josm/plugins" ></property>
    11         <!--<property name="plugins" location="${user.home}/Anwendungsdaten/JOSM/plugins" ></property>-->
     3  <!-- There's no josm.jar in the svn, so point "josm" to a local copy of your JOSM binary -->
     4  <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
     5  <!--<property name="josm" location="../josm/josm-latest.jar" ></property>-->
     7  <!-- target directory to place the plugin in -->
     8  <!-- Windows has a different home directory scheme then unix/linux -->
     9  <!-- I don't know an automatic way to find it with ant :-(, if you know, please fix -->
     10  <property name="plugins" location="${user.home}/.josm/plugins" ></property>
     11  <!--<property name="plugins" location="${user.home}/Anwendungsdaten/JOSM/plugins" ></property>-->
    13         <!-- you should not need to modify anything below this! -->
     13  <!-- you should not need to modify anything below this! -->
    16         <target name="init">
    17                 <mkdir dir="build"></mkdir>
    18                 <mkdir dir="dist"></mkdir>
    19         </target>
     16  <target name="init">
     17    <mkdir dir="build"></mkdir>
     18    <mkdir dir="dist"></mkdir>
     19  </target>
    21         <target name="compile" depends="init">
    22                 <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" destdir="build" debug="true" source="1.5" target="1.5">
    23                         <include name="**/*.java" />
    24                 </javac>
    25         </target>
     21  <target name="compile" depends="init">
     22    <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" destdir="build" debug="true" source="1.5" target="1.5">
     23      <include name="**/*.java" />
     24    </javac>
     25  </target>
    27         <target name="build" depends="compile">
    28                 <copy todir="build/standard">
    29                         <fileset dir="styles/standard"></fileset>
    30                 </copy>
    31                 <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    32                         <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    33                         <arg value="info"/>
    34                         <arg value="--xml"/>
    35                         <arg value="."/>
    36                 </exec>
    37                 <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    38                 <delete file="REVISION"/>
    39                 <jar destfile="dist/mappaint.jar" basedir="build">
    40                         <manifest>
    41                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="mappaint.MapPaintPlugin" />
    42                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="An alternative render for the map with colouring, line thickness and icons.&lt;br&gt;" />
    43                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
    44                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/>
    45                                 <attribute name="Author" value="Nick Whitelegg / Ulf Lamping"/>
    46                         </manifest>
    47                 </jar>
    48         </target>
     27  <target name="build" depends="compile">
     28    <copy todir="build/standard">
     29      <fileset dir="styles/standard"></fileset>
     30    </copy>
     31    <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
     32      <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
     33      <arg value="info"/>
     34      <arg value="--xml"/>
     35      <arg value="."/>
     36    </exec>
     37    <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
     38    <delete file="REVISION"/>
     39    <jar destfile="dist/mappaint.jar" basedir="build">
     40      <manifest>
     41        <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="mappaint.MapPaintPlugin" />
     42        <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="An alternative render for the map with colouring, line thickness and icons.&lt;br&gt;" />
     43        <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
     44        <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/>
     45        <attribute name="Author" value="Nick Whitelegg / Ulf Lamping"/>
     46      </manifest>
     47    </jar>
     48  </target>
    50         <target name="clean">
    51                 <delete dir="build" />
    52                 <delete dir="dist" />
    53         </target>
     50  <target name="clean">
     51    <delete dir="build" />
     52    <delete dir="dist" />
     53  </target>
    55         <target name="clean_install">
    56                 <delete file="${plugins}/mappaint.jar" />
    57         </target>
     55  <target name="clean_install">
     56    <delete file="${plugins}/mappaint.jar" />
     57  </target>
    59         <target name="install" depends="build">
    60                 <copy file="dist/mappaint.jar" todir="${plugins}"/>
    61         </target>
     59  <target name="install" depends="build">
     60    <copy file="dist/mappaint.jar" todir="${plugins}"/>
     61  </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/namefinder/build.xml

    r4864 r5147  
    44  <property name="" value="build"/>
    6     <!-- init target -->
    7      <target name="init">
    8         <mkdir dir="build" />
    9         <mkdir dir="dist" />
    10       </target>
     6  <!-- init target -->
     7  <target name="init">
     8    <mkdir dir="build" />
     9    <mkdir dir="dist" />
     10  </target>
    12     <!-- clean target -->
    13       <target name="clean">
    14         <delete dir="build" />
    15         <delete dir="dist" />
    16       </target>
    18     <!-- compile target -->
    19     <target name="compile" depends="init">
     12  <!-- clean target -->
     13  <target name="clean">
     14    <delete dir="build" />
     15    <delete dir="dist" />
     16  </target>
     18  <!-- compile target -->
     19  <target name="compile" depends="init">
    2020    <javac srcdir="namefinder" destdir="${}" debug="true" source="1.5" target="1.5">
    2121      <classpath>
    2727      </classpath>
    2828    </javac>
    29     </target>
     29  </target>
    31     <!-- dist target - create jar file -->
     31  <!-- dist target - create jar file -->
    3232  <target name="dist" depends="compile">
    3333    <jar destfile="dist/${}.jar" basedir="${}">
    4040  </target>
    42     <!-- dist target - copy jar file to plugin destination -->
    43      <target name="install" depends="dist">
    44         <copy file="dist/${}.jar" todir="${josm.home.dir}/plugins" />
    45       </target>
     42  <!-- dist target - copy jar file to plugin destination -->
     43  <target name="install" depends="dist">
     44    <copy file="dist/${}.jar" todir="${josm.home.dir}/plugins" />
     45  </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/navigator/build.xml

    r3865 r5147  
    11<project name="navigator" default="dist" basedir=".">
    3         <!-- compilation properties -->
    4           <property name="" value="../../core"/>
    5           <property name="josm.home.dir" value="${user.home}/.josm"/>
    6           <property name="" value="bin"/>
    7           <property name="" value="${}"/>
    8           <property name="plugin.jar" value="${}.jar"/>
    10           <!-- plugin meta data (enter new version number if anything changed!) -->
    11           <property name="plugin.version" value="0.3.1"/>
    12           <property name="plugin.description" value="Provides navigation/autorouting functionality (V${plugin.version})."/>
    13           <property name="plugin.stage" value="50"/>
    14     <property name="plugin.class" value="at.dallermassl.josm.plugin.navigator.NavigatorPlugin"/>
    16           <!-- update site meta data -->
    17           <property name="" value="josm-site.xml"/>
    18           <property name="" value="Josm's Surveyor Update Site"/>
    19           <property name="" value="${}/"/>
    20           <property name="" value="${}/"/>
     3  <!-- compilation properties -->
     4  <property name="" value="../../core"/>
     5  <property name="josm.home.dir" value="${user.home}/.josm"/>
     6  <property name="" value="bin"/>
     7  <property name="" value="${}"/>
     8  <property name="plugin.jar" value="${}.jar"/>
     10  <!-- plugin meta data (enter new version number if anything changed!) -->
     11  <property name="plugin.version" value="0.3.1"/>
     12  <property name="plugin.description" value="Provides navigation/autorouting functionality (V${plugin.version})."/>
     13  <property name="plugin.stage" value="50"/>
     14  <property name="plugin.class" value="at.dallermassl.josm.plugin.navigator.NavigatorPlugin"/>
     16  <!-- update site meta data -->
     17  <property name="" value="josm-site.xml"/>
     18  <property name="" value="Josm's Surveyor Update Site"/>
     19  <property name="" value="${}/"/>
     20  <property name="" value="${}/"/>
    23         <target name="dist" depends="compile,site">
    24                 <!-- images -->
    25                 <copy todir="${}/images">
    26                         <fileset dir="src/images" />
    27                 </copy>
    28                         <!-- copy configuration xml files
    29                 <copy todir="${}">
    30                         <fileset dir="src">
    31                                 <include name="*.xml"/>
    32                 </fileset>
    33                 </copy>
    34                         -->
     23  <target name="dist" depends="compile,site">
     24    <!-- images -->
     25    <copy todir="${}/images">
     26      <fileset dir="src/images" />
     27    </copy>
     28    <!-- copy configuration xml files
     29         <copy todir="${}">
     30           <fileset dir="src">
     31             <include name="*.xml"/>
     32           </fileset>
     33         </copy>
     34         -->
    3636    <!-- create jar file -->
    3737    <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}">
    4444      </manifest>
    4545    </jar>
    46         </target>
     46  </target>
    48         <target name="compile" depends="init">
    49                 <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    50                 <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${}" debug="true" source="1.5" target="1.5">
    51                         <classpath>
    52                                 <pathelement path="${}/build"/>
    53               <fileset dir="${}/lib">
    54                 <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    55               </fileset>
     48  <target name="compile" depends="init">
     49    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
     50    <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${}" debug="true" source="1.5" target="1.5">
     51      <classpath>
     52        <pathelement path="${}/build"/>
     53        <fileset dir="${}/lib">
     54          <include name="**/*.jar"/>
     55        </fileset>
    5656        <fileset dir="lib">
    5757          <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    5858        </fileset>
    59                         </classpath>
    60           </javac>
    61         </target>
     59      </classpath>
     60    </javac>
     61  </target>
    6363  <target name="install" depends="dist">
    6464    <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.home.dir}/plugins" />
    6565    <copy todir="${josm.home.dir}/plugins">
    66         <fileset dir="lib">
     66      <fileset dir="lib">
    6767        <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    68         </fileset>
     68      </fileset>
    6969    </copy>
    7070  </target>
    7272  <target name="init">
    73      <echo>java version: ${java.version}</echo>
    74    </target>
     73    <echo>java version: ${java.version}</echo>
     74  </target>
    7676  <target name="clean">
    8585    <echo file="${}">&lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
    8686  &lt;plugins>
    87     &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
    88       &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
    89       &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
    90       &lt;resource>${}${plugin.jar}&lt;/resource>
    91     &lt;/plugin>
     87  &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
     88  &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
     89  &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
     90  &lt;resource>${}${plugin.jar}&lt;/resource>
     91  &lt;/plugin>
    9292  &lt;/plugins>
    93     </echo>
    94   </target>
    96   <!-- write site description for the given plugin (not implemented in JOSM as full version yet!) -->
    97   <target name="site-full-donotuse">
    98     <echo message="creating site description in ${}"/>
    99     <echo file="${}">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
    100 &lt;site version="1.0">
    101   &lt;!-- meta data of site -->
    102   &lt;site-info>
    103     &lt;site-name>${}&lt;/site-name>
    104     &lt;site-url>${}&lt;/site-url>
    105   &lt;/site-info>
     96<!-- write site description for the given plugin (not implemented in JOSM as full version yet!) -->
     97<target name="site-full-donotuse">
     98  <echo message="creating site description in ${}"/>
     99  <echo file="${}">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
     100    &lt;site version="1.0">
     101    &lt;!-- meta data of site -->
    107   &lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
    108   &lt;plugins>
    109     &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
    110       &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
    111       &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
    112       &lt;resources>
    113         &lt;resource src="${}${plugin.jar}"
    114                   target="${josm.home.dir}/plugins/${plugin.jar}"/>
    115       &lt;/resources>
    116     &lt;/plugin>
    117   &lt;/plugins>
     107&lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
     109&lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
     113&lt;resource src="${}${plugin.jar}"
    119     </echo>
    120   </target>
    123   <!-- upload the site description and the jar file via ssh -->
    124   <target name="upload" depends="dist,site">
    125     <echo message="uploading jar and site description to ${}"/>
    126     <exec executable="scp">
    127       <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
    128       <arg value="${}"/>
    129       <arg value="${}"/>
    130     </exec>
    131   </target>
     123<!-- upload the site description and the jar file via ssh -->
     124<target name="upload" depends="dist,site">
     125  <echo message="uploading jar and site description to ${}"/>
     126  <exec executable="scp">
     127    <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
     128    <arg value="${}"/>
     129    <arg value="${}"/>
     130  </exec>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/nearclick/build.xml

    r4088 r5147  
    11<project name="nearclick" default="build" basedir=".">
    3         <!-- There's no josm.jar in the svn, so point "josm" to a local copy of your JOSM binary -->
    4         <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
    5         <!--<property name="josm" location="../josm/josm-latest.jar" ></property>-->
    7         <!-- target directory to place the plugin in -->
    8         <!-- Windows has a different home directory scheme then unix/linux -->
    9         <!-- I don't know an automatic way to find it with ant :-(, if you know, please fix -->
    10         <!--<property name="plugins" location="${user.home}/.josm/plugins" ></property>-->
    11         <property name="plugins" location="${user.home}/Application Data/JOSM/plugins" ></property>
     3  <!-- There's no josm.jar in the svn, so point "josm" to a local copy of your JOSM binary -->
     4  <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
     5  <!--<property name="josm" location="../josm/josm-latest.jar" ></property>-->
     7  <!-- target directory to place the plugin in -->
     8  <!-- Windows has a different home directory scheme then unix/linux -->
     9  <!-- I don't know an automatic way to find it with ant :-(, if you know, please fix -->
     10  <!--<property name="plugins" location="${user.home}/.josm/plugins" ></property>-->
     11  <property name="plugins" location="${user.home}/Application Data/JOSM/plugins" ></property>
    13         <!-- you should not need to modify anything below this! -->
     13  <!-- you should not need to modify anything below this! -->
    16         <target name="init">
    17                 <mkdir dir="build"></mkdir>
    18                 <mkdir dir="dist"></mkdir>
    19         </target>
     16  <target name="init">
     17    <mkdir dir="build"></mkdir>
     18    <mkdir dir="dist"></mkdir>
     19  </target>
    21         <target name="compile" depends="init">
    22                 <javac srcdir="src" target="1.5" classpath="${josm}" destdir="build" debug="true">
    23                         <include name="**/*.java" />
    24                 </javac>
    25         </target>
     21  <target name="compile" depends="init">
     22    <javac srcdir="src" target="1.5" classpath="${josm}" destdir="build" debug="true">
     23      <include name="**/*.java" />
     24    </javac>
     25  </target>
    27         <target name="build" depends="compile">
    28                 <jar destfile="dist/nearclick.jar" basedir="build">
    29                         <manifest>
    30                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="nearclick.NearClickPlugin" />
    31                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Simulates a click when you do a small and short drag. This is usefull for tablet pens, when you have problems just clicking the tablet without the mouse moving (general Java - tablet problem)." />
    32                         </manifest>
    33                 </jar>
    34         </target>
     27  <target name="build" depends="compile">
     28    <jar destfile="dist/nearclick.jar" basedir="build">
     29      <manifest>
     30        <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="nearclick.NearClickPlugin" />
     31        <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Simulates a click when you do a small and short drag. This is usefull for tablet pens, when you have problems just clicking the tablet without the mouse moving (general Java - tablet problem)." />
     32      </manifest>
     33    </jar>
     34  </target>
    36         <target name="clean">
    37                 <delete dir="build" />
    38                 <delete dir="dist" />
    39         </target>
     36  <target name="clean">
     37    <delete dir="build" />
     38    <delete dir="dist" />
     39  </target>
    41         <target name="clean_install">
    42                 <delete file="${plugins}/nearclick.jar" />
    43         </target>
     41  <target name="clean_install">
     42    <delete file="${plugins}/nearclick.jar" />
     43  </target>
    45         <target name="install" depends="build">
    46                 <copy file="dist/nearclick.jar" todir="${plugins}"/>
    47         </target>
     45  <target name="install" depends="build">
     46    <copy file="dist/nearclick.jar" todir="${plugins}"/>
     47  </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/openvisible/build.xml

    r5140 r5147  
    11<project name="openvisible" default="dist" basedir=".">
    3         <!-- compilation properties -->
    4           <property name="" value="../../core"/>
    5           <property name="josm.home.dir" value="${user.home}/.josm"/>
    6           <property name="" value="bin"/>
    7       <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="dist"/>
    8           <property name="" value="${}"/>
    9           <property name="plugin.jar" value="${}.jar"/>
    11           <!-- plugin meta data (enter new version number if anything changed!) -->
    12           <property name="plugin.version" value="0.2"/>
    13           <property name="plugin.description" value="Allows opening gpx/osm files that intersect the currently visible screen area (V${plugin.version})."/>
    14           <property name="plugin.stage" value="50"/>
    15     <property name="plugin.class" value="at.dallermassl.josm.plugin.openvisible.OpenVisiblePlugin"/>
    17           <!-- update site meta data -->
    18           <property name="" value="josm-site.xml"/>
    19           <property name="" value="Josm's OpenVisible Update Site"/>
    20           <property name="" value="${}/"/>
    21           <property name="" value="${}/"/>
     3  <!-- compilation properties -->
     4  <property name="" value="../../core"/>
     5  <property name="josm.home.dir" value="${user.home}/.josm"/>
     6  <property name="" value="bin"/>
     7  <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="dist"/>
     8  <property name="" value="${}"/>
     9  <property name="plugin.jar" value="${}.jar"/>
     11  <!-- plugin meta data (enter new version number if anything changed!) -->
     12  <property name="plugin.version" value="0.2"/>
     13  <property name="plugin.description" value="Allows opening gpx/osm files that intersect the currently visible screen area (V${plugin.version})."/>
     14  <property name="plugin.stage" value="50"/>
     15  <property name="plugin.class" value="at.dallermassl.josm.plugin.openvisible.OpenVisiblePlugin"/>
     17  <!-- update site meta data -->
     18  <property name="" value="josm-site.xml"/>
     19  <property name="" value="Josm's OpenVisible Update Site"/>
     20  <property name="" value="${}/"/>
     21  <property name="" value="${}/"/>
    24         <target name="dist" depends="compile,site">
    25                 <!-- images -->
    26                 <copy todir="${}/images">
    27                         <fileset dir="images" />
    28                 </copy>
    29                         <!-- copy configuration xml files
    30                 <copy todir="${}">
    31                         <fileset dir="src">
    32                                 <include name="*.xml"/>
    33                 </fileset>
    34                 </copy>
    35                         -->
    37                 <mkdir dir="dist"/>
     24  <target name="dist" depends="compile,site">
     25    <!-- images -->
     26    <copy todir="${}/images">
     27      <fileset dir="images" />
     28    </copy>
     29    <!-- copy configuration xml files
     30         <copy todir="${}">
     31           <fileset dir="src">
     32             <include name="*.xml"/>
     33           </fileset>
     34         </copy>
     35         -->
     37    <mkdir dir="dist"/>
    3939    <!-- create jar file -->
    4040    <jar destfile="${plugin.dist.dir}/${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}">
    4747      </manifest>
    4848    </jar>
    49         </target>
     49  </target>
    51         <target name="compile" depends="init">
    52                 <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    53                 <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${}" debug="true" source="1.5" target="1.5">
    54                         <classpath>
    55                                 <pathelement path="${}/build"/>
    56               <fileset dir="${}/lib">
    57                 <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    58               </fileset>
    59               <!--
    60         <fileset dir="lib">
    61           <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    62         </fileset>
    63         -->
    64                         </classpath>
    65           </javac>
    66         </target>
     51  <target name="compile" depends="init">
     52    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
     53    <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${}" debug="true" source="1.5" target="1.5">
     54      <classpath>
     55        <pathelement path="${}/build"/>
     56        <fileset dir="${}/lib">
     57          <include name="**/*.jar"/>
     58        </fileset>
     59        <!--
     60            <fileset dir="lib">
     61              <include name="**/*.jar"/>
     62            </fileset>
     63            -->
     64      </classpath>
     65    </javac>
     66  </target>
    6868  <target name="install" depends="dist">
    6969    <copy file="${plugin.dist.dir}/${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.home.dir}/plugins" />
    70         <!--
    71     <copy todir="${josm.home.dir}/plugins">
    72         <fileset dir="lib">
    73         <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    74         </fileset>
    75     </copy>
     70    <!--
     71        <copy todir="${josm.home.dir}/plugins">
     72          <fileset dir="lib">
     73            <include name="**/*.jar"/>
     74          </fileset>
     75        </copy>
    7676        -->
    7777  </target>
    7979  <target name="init">
    80      <echo>java version: ${java.version}</echo>
    81    </target>
     80    <echo>java version: ${java.version}</echo>
     81  </target>
    8383  <target name="clean">
    9292    <echo file="${}">&lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
    9393  &lt;plugins>
    94     &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
    95       &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
    96       &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
    97       &lt;resource>${}${plugin.jar}&lt;/resource>
    98     &lt;/plugin>
     94  &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
     95  &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
     96  &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
     97  &lt;resource>${}${plugin.jar}&lt;/resource>
     98  &lt;/plugin>
    9999  &lt;/plugins>
    100     </echo>
    101   </target>
    103   <!-- write site description for the given plugin (not implemented in JOSM as full version yet!) -->
    104   <target name="site-full-donotuse">
    105     <echo message="creating site description in ${}"/>
    106     <echo file="${}">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
    107 &lt;site version="1.0">
    108   &lt;!-- meta data of site -->
    109   &lt;site-info>
    110     &lt;site-name>${}&lt;/site-name>
    111     &lt;site-url>${}&lt;/site-url>
    112   &lt;/site-info>
     103<!-- write site description for the given plugin (not implemented in JOSM as full version yet!) -->
     104<target name="site-full-donotuse">
     105  <echo message="creating site description in ${}"/>
     106  <echo file="${}">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
     107    &lt;site version="1.0">
     108    &lt;!-- meta data of site -->
    114   &lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
    115   &lt;plugins>
    116     &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
    117       &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
    118       &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
    119       &lt;resources>
    120         &lt;resource src="${}${plugin.jar}"
    121                   target="${josm.home.dir}/plugins/${plugin.jar}"/>
    122       &lt;/resources>
    123     &lt;/plugin>
    124   &lt;/plugins>
     114&lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
     116&lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
     120&lt;resource src="${}${plugin.jar}"
    126     </echo>
    127   </target>
    130   <!-- upload the site description and the jar file via ssh -->
    131   <target name="upload" depends="dist,site">
    132     <echo message="uploading jar and site description to ${}"/>
    133     <exec executable="scp">
    134       <arg value="${plugin.dist.dir}/${plugin.jar}"/>
    135       <arg value="${}"/>
    136       <arg value="${}"/>
    137     </exec>
    138   </target>
     130<!-- upload the site description and the jar file via ssh -->
     131<target name="upload" depends="dist,site">
     132  <echo message="uploading jar and site description to ${}"/>
     133  <exec executable="scp">
     134    <arg value="${plugin.dist.dir}/${plugin.jar}"/>
     135    <arg value="${}"/>
     136    <arg value="${}"/>
     137  </exec>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/osmarender/build.xml

    r4972 r5147  
    11<project name="osmarender" default="install" basedir=".">
    3         <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
    4         <property name="rendering" location="../../../../rendering" />
     3  <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
     4  <property name="rendering" location="../../../../rendering" />
    6         <target name="compile">
    7                 <mkdir dir="bin"></mkdir>
    8                 <mkdir dir="dist"></mkdir>
    9                 <javac srcdir="src" debug="true" classpath="${josm}" destdir="bin">
    10                         <include name="**/*.java" />
    11                 </javac>
    12         </target>
     6  <target name="compile">
     7    <mkdir dir="bin"></mkdir>
     8    <mkdir dir="dist"></mkdir>
     9    <javac srcdir="src" debug="true" classpath="${josm}" destdir="bin">
     10      <include name="**/*.java" />
     11    </javac>
     12  </target>
    14         <target name="build"  depends="compile">
    15                 <copy todir="bin" file="${rendering}/osmarender6/osmarender.xsl"/>
    16                 <copy tofile="bin/osm-map-features.xml"
    17                         file="${rendering}/osmarender5/osm-map-features-z17.xml"/>
    18                 <jar destfile="dist/osmarender.jar" basedir="bin">
    19                         <manifest>
    20                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="OsmarenderPlugin" />
    21                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Launches FireFox to display the current visible screen as a nice SVG image" />
    22                         </manifest>
    23                 </jar>
    24         </target>
     14  <target name="build"  depends="compile">
     15    <copy todir="bin" file="${rendering}/osmarender6/osmarender.xsl"/>
     16    <copy tofile="bin/osm-map-features.xml"
     17          file="${rendering}/osmarender5/osm-map-features-z17.xml"/>
     18    <jar destfile="dist/osmarender.jar" basedir="bin">
     19      <manifest>
     20        <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="OsmarenderPlugin" />
     21        <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Launches FireFox to display the current visible screen as a nice SVG image" />
     22      </manifest>
     23    </jar>
     24  </target>
    26         <target name="clean">
    27                 <delete dir="bin" />
    28                 <delete dir="dist" />
    29         </target>
     26  <target name="clean">
     27    <delete dir="bin" />
     28    <delete dir="dist" />
     29  </target>
    31         <target name="install" depends="compile,build" />
     31  <target name="install" depends="compile,build" />
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/plastic_laf/build.xml

    r3792 r5147  
    11<project name="plastic_laf" default="build" basedir=".">
    3         <target name="build">
    4                 <mkdir dir="dist"></mkdir>
    5                 <unjar dest="bin" src="lib/looks-2.0.4.jar" />
    6                 <javac srcdir="src" destdir="bin">
    7                         <include name="**/*.java" />
    8                 </javac>
    9                 <jar destfile="dist/plastic_laf.jar" basedir="bin">
    10                         <manifest>
    11                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="plastic_laf.Plugin" />
    12                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="The great JGoodies Plastic Look and Feel" />
    13                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Early" value="true" />
    14                         </manifest>
    15                 </jar>
    16         </target>
     3  <target name="build">
     4    <mkdir dir="dist"></mkdir>
     5    <unjar dest="bin" src="lib/looks-2.0.4.jar" />
     6    <javac srcdir="src" destdir="bin">
     7      <include name="**/*.java" />
     8    </javac>
     9    <jar destfile="dist/plastic_laf.jar" basedir="bin">
     10      <manifest>
     11        <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="plastic_laf.Plugin" />
     12        <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="The great JGoodies Plastic Look and Feel" />
     13        <attribute name="Plugin-Early" value="true" />
     14      </manifest>
     15    </jar>
     16  </target>
    18         <target name="clean">
    19                 <delete dir="dist" />
    20         </target>
     18  <target name="clean">
     19    <delete dir="dist" />
     20  </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/pluginmanager/build.xml

    r3787 r5147  
    11<project name="pluginmanager" default="dist" basedir=".">
    3         <!-- compilation properties -->
    4         <property name="" value="../../core"/>
    5         <property name="josm.home.dir" value="${user.home}/.josm"/>
    6         <property name="" value="bin"/>
     3  <!-- compilation properties -->
     4  <property name="" value="../../core"/>
     5  <property name="josm.home.dir" value="${user.home}/.josm"/>
     6  <property name="" value="bin"/>
    77  <property name="" value="${}"/>
    8         <property name="plugin.jar" value="${}.jar"/>
    10         <!-- plugin meta data (enter new version number if anything changed!) -->
    11         <property name="plugin.version" value="0.3.0"/>
    12         <property name="plugin.description" value="Manage plugins and provide update mechanism (V${plugin.version})."/>
     8  <property name="plugin.jar" value="${}.jar"/>
     10  <!-- plugin meta data (enter new version number if anything changed!) -->
     11  <property name="plugin.version" value="0.3.0"/>
     12  <property name="plugin.description" value="Manage plugins and provide update mechanism (V${plugin.version})."/>
    1313  <property name="plugin.class" value="at.dallermassl.josm.plugin.pluginmanager.PluginManagerPlugin"/>
    15         <!-- update site meta data -->
    16         <property name="" value="josm-site.xml"/>
    17         <property name="" value="Josm's PluginManager Update Site"/>
     15  <!-- update site meta data -->
     16  <property name="" value="josm-site.xml"/>
     17  <property name="" value="Josm's PluginManager Update Site"/>
    1818  <property name="" value=""/>
    1919  <property name="" value=""/>
    22         <target name="dist" depends="compile, site">
    23                 <!-- images -->
    24                 <!--
    25                 <copy todir="${}/images">
    26                         <fileset dir="src/images" />
    27                 </copy>
    28                 -->
    29                         <!-- copy configuration xml files -->
    30                 <copy todir="${}">
    31                         <fileset dir="src">
    32                                 <include name="*.xml"/>
    33                 </fileset>
    34                 </copy>
    36                 <!-- create jar file -->
    37                 <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}">
    38                         <manifest>
     22  <target name="dist" depends="compile, site">
     23    <!-- images -->
     24    <!--
     25         <copy todir="${}/images">
     26           <fileset dir="src/images" />
     27         </copy>
     28         -->
     29    <!-- copy configuration xml files -->
     30    <copy todir="${}">
     31      <fileset dir="src">
     32        <include name="*.xml"/>
     33      </fileset>
     34    </copy>
     36    <!-- create jar file -->
     37    <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}">
     38      <manifest>
    3939        <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="${plugin.class}" />
    4040        <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="${plugin.description}" />
    4141        <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${plugin.version}" />
    4242        <!--attribute name="Plugin-Dependencies" value="org.eigenheimstrasse.josm" /-->
    43                         </manifest>
    44                 </jar>
    45         </target>
     43      </manifest>
     44    </jar>
     45  </target>
    47         <target name="compile" depends="init">
    48                 <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    49                 <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${}" debug="true" source="1.5" target="1.5">
    50                         <classpath>
    51                                 <pathelement path="${}/build"/>
    52               <fileset dir="${}/lib">
    53                 <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    54               </fileset>
    55                         </classpath>
    56           </javac>
    57         </target>
     47  <target name="compile" depends="init">
     48    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
     49    <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${}" debug="true" source="1.5" target="1.5">
     50      <classpath>
     51        <pathelement path="${}/build"/>
     52        <fileset dir="${}/lib">
     53          <include name="**/*.jar"/>
     54        </fileset>
     55      </classpath>
     56    </javac>
     57  </target>
    59         <target name="install" depends="dist">
    60                 <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.home.dir}/plugins" />
    61         </target>
     59  <target name="install" depends="dist">
     60    <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.home.dir}/plugins" />
     61  </target>
    6363  <target name="init">
    64         <echo>java version: ${java.version}</echo>
    65         </target>
     64    <echo>java version: ${java.version}</echo>
     65  </target>
    67         <target name="clean">
    68                 <delete dir="${}" />
     67  <target name="clean">
     68    <delete dir="${}" />
    6969    <delete dir="${}" />
    7070    <delete dir="${plugin.jar}" />
    71         </target>
     71  </target>
    73         <!-- write site description for the given plugin -->
     73  <!-- write site description for the given plugin -->
    7474  <target name="site">
    75         <echo message="creating site description in ${}"/>
    76         <echo file="${}">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
    77 &lt;site version="1.0">
    78   &lt;!-- meta data of site -->
     75    <echo message="creating site description in ${}"/>
     76    <echo file="${}">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
     77      &lt;site version="1.0">
     78      &lt;!-- meta data of site -->
    7979  &lt;site-info>
    80     &lt;site-name>${}&lt;/site-name>
    81     &lt;site-url>${}&lt;/site-url>
     80  &lt;site-name>${}&lt;/site-name>
     81  &lt;site-url>${}&lt;/site-url>
    8282  &lt;/site-info>
    8484  &lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
    8585  &lt;plugins>
    86     &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
    87       &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
    88       &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
    89       &lt;resources>
    90         &lt;resource src="${}/${plugin.jar}"
    91                   target="$${josm.user.dir}/plugins/${plugin.jar}"/>
    92       &lt;/resources>
    93     &lt;/plugin>
     86  &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
     87  &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
     88  &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
     89  &lt;resources>
     90  &lt;resource src="${}/${plugin.jar}"
     91  target="$${josm.user.dir}/plugins/${plugin.jar}"/>
     92  &lt;/resources>
     93  &lt;/plugin>
    9494  &lt;/plugins>
    95 &lt;/site>
    96         </echo>
    97   </target>
     95  &lt;/site>
    99         <!-- upload the site description and the jar file via ssh -->
    100         <target name="upload" depends="dist,site">
    101                 <echo message="uploading jar and site description to ${}"/>
    102                 <exec executable="scp">
    103                         <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
    104       <arg value="${}"/>
    105                         <arg value="${}"/>
    106                 </exec>
    107         </target>
     99<!-- upload the site description and the jar file via ssh -->
     100<target name="upload" depends="dist,site">
     101  <echo message="uploading jar and site description to ${}"/>
     102  <exec executable="scp">
     103    <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
     104    <arg value="${}"/>
     105    <arg value="${}"/>
     106  </exec>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/slippymap/build.xml

    r3788 r5147  
    11<project name="slippymap" default="dist" basedir=".">
    3         <target name="dist" depends="compile">
    4                 <!-- images -->
    5                 <copy todir="build/images">
    6                         <fileset dir="images" />
    7                 </copy>
     3  <target name="dist" depends="compile">
     4    <!-- images -->
     5    <copy todir="build/images">
     6      <fileset dir="images" />
     7    </copy>
    9                 <!-- create josm-custom.jar -->
    10                 <jar destfile="slippymap.jar" basedir="build">
    11                         <manifest>
    12                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="slippymap.SlippyMapPlugin" />
    13                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Displays a slippy map tile grid, and tile status info" />
    14                         </manifest>
    15                 </jar>
    16         </target>
     9    <!-- create josm-custom.jar -->
     10    <jar destfile="slippymap.jar" basedir="build">
     11      <manifest>
     12        <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="slippymap.SlippyMapPlugin" />
     13        <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Displays a slippy map tile grid, and tile status info" />
     14      </manifest>
     15    </jar>
     16  </target>
    18         <target name="compile" depends="init">
    19                 <javac srcdir="slippymap" classpath="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" destdir="build" />
    20         </target>
     18  <target name="compile" depends="init">
     19    <javac srcdir="slippymap" classpath="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" destdir="build" />
     20  </target>
    22         <target name="init">
    23                 <mkdir dir="build" />
    24         </target>
     22  <target name="init">
     23    <mkdir dir="build" />
     24  </target>
    26         <target name="clean">
    27                 <delete dir="build" />
    28         </target>
     26  <target name="clean">
     27    <delete dir="build" />
     28  </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/surveyor/build.xml

    r4499 r5147  
    11<project name="surveyor" default="dist" basedir=".">
    3         <!-- compilation properties -->
    4           <property name="" value="../../core"/>
    5           <property name="josm.home.dir" value="${user.home}/.josm"/>
    6           <property name="" value="bin"/>
    7           <property name="" value="${}"/>
    8           <property name="plugin.jar" value="${}.jar"/>
    9     <property name="livegpsplugin.jar" value="${josm.home.dir}/plugins/livegps.jar"/>
    11           <!-- plugin meta data (enter new version number if anything changed!) -->
    12           <property name="plugin.version" value="1.3.3"/>
    13           <property name="plugin.description" value="Allow adding markers/nodes on current gps positions (V${plugin.version})."/>
    14           <property name="plugin.stage" value="60"/>
    15     <property name="plugin.class" value="at.dallermassl.josm.plugin.surveyor.SurveyorPlugin"/>
    17           <!-- update site meta data -->
    18           <property name="" value="josm-site.xml"/>
    19           <property name="" value="Josm's Surveyor Update Site"/>
    20           <property name="" value=""/>
    21           <property name="" value=""/>
     3  <!-- compilation properties -->
     4  <property name="" value="../../core"/>
     5  <property name="josm.home.dir" value="${user.home}/.josm"/>
     6  <property name="" value="bin"/>
     7  <property name="" value="${}"/>
     8  <property name="plugin.jar" value="${}.jar"/>
     9  <property name="livegpsplugin.jar" value="../livegps/livegps.jar"/>
     11  <!-- plugin meta data (enter new version number if anything changed!) -->
     12  <property name="plugin.version" value="1.3.3"/>
     13  <property name="plugin.description" value="Allow adding markers/nodes on current gps positions (V${plugin.version})."/>
     14  <property name="plugin.stage" value="60"/>
     15  <property name="plugin.class" value="at.dallermassl.josm.plugin.surveyor.SurveyorPlugin"/>
     17  <!-- update site meta data -->
     18  <property name="" value="josm-site.xml"/>
     19  <property name="" value="Josm's Surveyor Update Site"/>
     20  <property name="" value=""/>
     21  <property name="" value=""/>
    24         <target name="dist" depends="compile,site">
    25                 <!-- images -->
    26                 <copy todir="${}/">
    27                         <fileset dir="resources">
    28                                 <include name="*.xml"/>
    29                                 <include name="audio/*"/>
    30                   </fileset>
    31                 </copy>
     24  <target name="dist" depends="compile,site">
     25    <!-- images -->
     26    <copy todir="${}/">
     27      <fileset dir="resources">
     28        <include name="*.xml"/>
     29        <include name="audio/*"/>
     30      </fileset>
     31    </copy>
    3333    <!-- create jar file -->
    3434    <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}">
    4141      </manifest>
    4242    </jar>
    43         </target>
     43  </target>
    45         <target name="compile" depends="init">
    46                 <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    47                 <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${}" debug="true" source="1.5" target="1.5">
    48                         <classpath>
    49                                 <pathelement path="${}/build"/>
    50               <fileset dir="${}/lib">
    51                 <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    52               </fileset>
     45  <target name="compile" depends="init">
     46    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
     47    <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${}" debug="true" source="1.5" target="1.5">
     48      <classpath>
     49        <pathelement path="${}/build"/>
     50        <fileset dir="${}/lib">
     51          <include name="**/*.jar"/>
     52        </fileset>
    5353        <pathelement location="${livegpsplugin.jar}"/>
    54                         </classpath>
    55           </javac>
    56         </target>
     54      </classpath>
     55    </javac>
     56  </target>
    5858  <target name="install" depends="dist">
    6262  <target name="init">
    63      <echo>java version: ${java.version}</echo>
    64    </target>
     63    <echo>java version: ${java.version}</echo>
     64  </target>
    6666  <target name="clean">
    7575    <echo file="${}">&lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
    7676  &lt;plugins>
    77     &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
    78       &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
    79       &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
    80       &lt;resource>${}${plugin.jar}&lt;/resource>
    81     &lt;/plugin>
     77  &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
     78  &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
     79  &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
     80  &lt;resource>${}${plugin.jar}&lt;/resource>
     81  &lt;/plugin>
    8282  &lt;/plugins>
    83     </echo>
    84   </target>
    86   <!-- write site description for the given plugin (not implemented in JOSM as full version yet!) -->
    87   <target name="site-full-donotuse">
    88     <echo message="creating site description in ${}"/>
    89     <echo file="${}">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
    90 &lt;site version="1.0">
    91   &lt;!-- meta data of site -->
    92   &lt;site-info>
    93     &lt;site-name>${}&lt;/site-name>
    94     &lt;site-url>${}&lt;/site-url>
    95   &lt;/site-info>
     86<!-- write site description for the given plugin (not implemented in JOSM as full version yet!) -->
     87<target name="site-full-donotuse">
     88  <echo message="creating site description in ${}"/>
     89  <echo file="${}">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
     90    &lt;site version="1.0">
     91    &lt;!-- meta data of site -->
    97   &lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
    98   &lt;plugins>
    99     &lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
    100       &lt;name>${}&lt;/name>
    101       &lt;description>${plugin.description}&lt;/description>
    102       &lt;resources>
    103         &lt;resource src="${}${plugin.jar}"
    104                   target="${josm.home.dir}/plugins/${plugin.jar}"/>
    105       &lt;/resources>
    106     &lt;/plugin>
    107   &lt;/plugins>
     97&lt;!-- plugins available on this site -->
     99&lt;plugin id="${}" version="${plugin.version}">
     103&lt;resource src="${}${plugin.jar}"
    109     </echo>
    110   </target>
    113   <!-- upload the site description and the jar file via ssh -->
    114   <target name="upload" depends="dist,site">
    115     <echo message="uploading jar and site description to ${}"/>
    116     <exec executable="scp">
    117       <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
    118       <arg value="${}"/>
    119       <arg value="${}"/>
    120     </exec>
    121   </target>
     113<!-- upload the site description and the jar file via ssh -->
     114<target name="upload" depends="dist,site">
     115  <echo message="uploading jar and site description to ${}"/>
     116  <exec executable="scp">
     117    <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
     118    <arg value="${}"/>
     119    <arg value="${}"/>
     120  </exec>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/tagging-preset-tester/build.xml

    r3996 r5147  
    88        <target name="build" depends="compile">
    9                 <mkdir dir="dist"/>
    10                 <jar destfile="dist/tagging-preset-tester.jar"
    11                         basedir="build"
    12                         manifest="src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/taggingpresettester/MANIFEST.MF">
    13                         <fileset dir="."><include name="images/*"/></fileset>
    14                 </jar>
     9          <mkdir dir="dist"/>
     10          <jar destfile="dist/tagging-preset-tester.jar"
     11              basedir="build"
     12              manifest="src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/taggingpresettester/MANIFEST.MF">
     13            <fileset dir="."><include name="images/*"/></fileset>
     14          </jar>
    1515        </target>
    1717        <target name="clean">
    18                 <delete dir="dist"/>
    19                 <delete dir="build"/>
     18          <delete dir="dist"/>
     19          <delete dir="build"/>
    2020        </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/utilsplugin/build.xml

    r5076 r5147  
    11<project name="utilsplugin" default="build" basedir=".">
    22  <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
    44  <target name="init">
    55    <mkdir dir="build"/>
    2020        <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="0.5"/>
    2121        <attribute name="Author"
    22           value="(originally) Martijn van Oosterhout &gt;;"/>
     22                   value="(originally) Martijn van Oosterhout &gt;;"/>
    2323      </manifest>
    2424    </jar>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/validator/build.xml

    r4024 r5147  
    11<project name="validator" default="build" basedir=".">
    3         <!-- point to your JOSM directory -->
    4         <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
     3  <!-- point to your JOSM directory -->
     4  <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
    8         <target name="init">
    9                 <mkdir dir="build"/>
    10         </target>
     8  <target name="init">
     9    <mkdir dir="build"/>
     10  </target>
    12         <target name="compile" depends="init">
    13                 <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" destdir="build" debug="true">
    14                         <include name="**/*.java" />
    15                 </javac>
    16         </target>
     12  <target name="compile" depends="init">
     13    <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" destdir="build" debug="true">
     14      <include name="**/*.java" />
     15    </javac>
     16  </target>
    18         <target name="build" depends="clean, compile">
    19                 <copy todir="build/images">
    20                         <fileset dir="images"/>
    21                 </copy>
    22                 <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    23                         <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    24                         <arg value="info"/>
    25                         <arg value="--xml"/>
    26                         <arg value="."/>
    27                 </exec>
    28                 <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    29                 <delete file="REVISION"/>
    30                 <jar destfile="validator.jar" basedir="build">
    31                         <manifest>
    32                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.validator.OSMValidatorPlugin"/>
    33                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="A OSM data validator"/>
    34                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
    35                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/>
    36                                 <attribute name="Author" value="Francisco R. Santos &lt;>"/>
    37                         </manifest>
    38                 </jar>
    39         </target>
     18  <target name="build" depends="clean, compile">
     19    <copy todir="build/images">
     20      <fileset dir="images"/>
     21    </copy>
     22    <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
     23      <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
     24      <arg value="info"/>
     25      <arg value="--xml"/>
     26      <arg value="."/>
     27    </exec>
     28    <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
     29    <delete file="REVISION"/>
     30    <jar destfile="validator.jar" basedir="build">
     31      <manifest>
     32        <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.validator.OSMValidatorPlugin"/>
     33        <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="A OSM data validator"/>
     34        <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
     35        <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/>
     36        <attribute name="Author" value="Francisco R. Santos &lt;>"/>
     37      </manifest>
     38    </jar>
     39  </target>
    41         <target name="clean">
    42                 <delete dir="build" />
    43         </target>
     41  <target name="clean">
     42    <delete dir="build" />
     43  </target>
    45         <target name="install" depends="build">
    46                 <copy file="validator.jar" todir="${user.home}/.josm/plugins"/>
    47         </target>
     45  <target name="install" depends="build">
     46    <copy file="validator.jar" todir="${user.home}/.josm/plugins"/>
     47  </target>
    49         <target name="test" depends="install">
    50                 <java jar="${josm}" fork="true">
    51                 </java>
    52         </target>
     49  <target name="test" depends="install">
     50    <java jar="${josm}" fork="true">
     51    </java>
     52  </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/waypoints/build.xml

    r3788 r5147  
    11<project name="waypoints" default="build" basedir=".">
    3         <!-- point to your JOSM directory -->
    4         <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
     3  <!-- point to your JOSM directory -->
     4  <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
    8         <target name="init">
    9                 <mkdir dir="build"></mkdir>
    10                 <mkdir dir="dist"></mkdir>
    11         </target>
     8  <target name="init">
     9    <mkdir dir="build"></mkdir>
     10    <mkdir dir="dist"></mkdir>
     11  </target>
    13         <target name="compile" depends="init">
    14                 <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" destdir="build" debug="true">
    15                         <include name="**/*.java" />
    16                 </javac>
    17         </target>
     13  <target name="compile" depends="init">
     14    <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" destdir="build" debug="true">
     15      <include name="**/*.java" />
     16    </javac>
     17  </target>
    19         <target name="build" depends="compile">
    20                         <!--
    21                 <copy todir="build/images">
    22                         <fileset dir="images"></fileset>
    23                 </copy>
    24                 -->
    25                 <jar destfile="dist/waypoints.jar" basedir="build">
    26                         <manifest>
    27                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="waypoints.WaypointPlugin" />
    28                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Automatic conversion of waypoints in a GPX file to OSM nodes." />
    29                         </manifest>
    30                 </jar>
    31         </target>
     19  <target name="build" depends="compile">
     20    <!--
     21        <copy todir="build/images">
     22          <fileset dir="images"></fileset>
     23        </copy>
     24        -->
     25    <jar destfile="dist/waypoints.jar" basedir="build">
     26      <manifest>
     27        <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="waypoints.WaypointPlugin" />
     28        <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Automatic conversion of waypoints in a GPX file to OSM nodes." />
     29      </manifest>
     30    </jar>
     31  </target>
    33         <target name="clean">
    34                 <delete dir="build" />
    35                 <delete dir="dist" />
    36         </target>
     33  <target name="clean">
     34    <delete dir="build" />
     35    <delete dir="dist" />
     36  </target>
    38         <target name="install" depends="build">
    39                 <copy file="dist/waypoints.jar" todir="${user.home}/.josm/plugins"/>
    40         </target>
     38  <target name="install" depends="build">
     39    <copy file="dist/waypoints.jar" todir="${user.home}/.josm/plugins"/>
     40  </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/wmsplugin/build.xml

    r3310 r5147  
    11<project name="wmsplugin" default="build" basedir=".">
    3         <!-- point to your JOSM directory -->
    4         <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
     3  <!-- point to your JOSM directory -->
     4  <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
    8         <target name="init">
    9                 <mkdir dir="build"></mkdir>
    10                 <mkdir dir="dist"></mkdir>
    11         </target>
     8  <target name="init">
     9    <mkdir dir="build"></mkdir>
     10    <mkdir dir="dist"></mkdir>
     11  </target>
    13         <target name="compile" depends="init">
    14                 <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" debug="true" destdir="build">
    15                         <include name="**/*.java" />
    16                 </javac>
    17         </target>
     13  <target name="compile" depends="init">
     14    <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" debug="true" destdir="build">
     15      <include name="**/*.java" />
     16    </javac>
     17  </target>
    19         <target name="build" depends="compile">
    20                 <copy todir="build/images" >
    21                         <fileset dir="images" />
    22                 </copy>
    23                 <jar destfile="dist/wmsplugin.jar" basedir="build">
    24                         <manifest>
    25                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="wmsplugin.WMSPlugin" />
    26                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Allows external WMS resources to be displayed,&lt;br&gt; i.e from Metacarta's Map Rectifier, Landsat, NPE.&lt;br&gt;
    27                                         Change url via menu item, or wmsplugin.url in advanced prefs. v2.1" />
    28                         </manifest>
    29                 </jar>
    30         </target>
     19  <target name="build" depends="compile">
     20    <copy todir="build/images" >
     21      <fileset dir="images" />
     22    </copy>
     23    <jar destfile="dist/wmsplugin.jar" basedir="build">
     24      <manifest>
     25        <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="wmsplugin.WMSPlugin" />
     26        <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Allows external WMS resources to be displayed,&lt;br&gt; i.e from Metacarta's Map Rectifier, Landsat, NPE.&lt;br&gt;
     27                                                    Change url via menu item, or wmsplugin.url in advanced prefs. v2.1" />
     28      </manifest>
     29    </jar>
     30  </target>
    32         <target name="clean">
    33                 <delete dir="build" />
    34                 <delete dir="dist" />
    35         </target>
     32  <target name="clean">
     33    <delete dir="build" />
     34    <delete dir="dist" />
     35  </target>
    37         <target name="install" depends="build">
    38                 <copy file="dist/wmsplugin.jar" todir="${user.home}/.josm/plugins"/>
    39         </target>
     37  <target name="install" depends="build">
     38    <copy file="dist/wmsplugin.jar" todir="${user.home}/.josm/plugins"/>
     39  </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/ywms/build.xml

    r4018 r5147  
    11<project name="ywms" default="build" basedir=".">
     3  <!-- point to your JOSM directory -->
     4  <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
    3         <!-- point to your JOSM directory -->
    4         <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
     8  <target name="init">
     9    <mkdir dir="build"/>
     10  </target>
     12  <target name="compile" depends="init">
     13    <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" destdir="build" debug="true">
     14      <include name="**/*.java" />
     15    </javac>
     16  </target>
    8         <target name="init">
    9                 <mkdir dir="build"/>
    10         </target>
     18  <target name="build" depends="compile">
     19    <copy todir="build/resources">
     20      <fileset dir="resources"/>
     21    </copy>
     22    <copy todir="build/images">
     23      <fileset dir="images"/>
     24    </copy>
     25    <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
     26      <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
     27      <arg value="info"/>
     28      <arg value="--xml"/>
     29      <arg value="."/>
     30    </exec>
     31    <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
     32    <delete file="REVISION"/>
     33    <jar destfile="ywms.jar" basedir="build">
     34      <manifest>
     35        <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.ywms.YWMSPlugin"/>
     36        <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="A WMS server for Yahoo imagery based on Firefox"/>
     37        <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
     38        <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/>
     39        <attribute name="Author" value="Francisco R. Santos &lt;>"/>
     40      </manifest>
     41    </jar>
     42  </target>
    12         <target name="compile" depends="init">
    13                 <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" destdir="build" debug="true">
    14                         <include name="**/*.java" />
    15                 </javac>
    16         </target>
     44  <target name="clean">
     45    <delete dir="build" />
     46  </target>
    18         <target name="build" depends="compile">
    19                 <copy todir="build/resources">
    20                         <fileset dir="resources"/>
    21                 </copy>
    22                 <copy todir="build/images">
    23                         <fileset dir="images"/>
    24                 </copy>
    25                 <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    26                         <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    27                         <arg value="info"/>
    28                         <arg value="--xml"/>
    29                         <arg value="."/>
    30                 </exec>
    31                 <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    32                 <delete file="REVISION"/>
    33                 <jar destfile="ywms.jar" basedir="build">
    34                         <manifest>
    35                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.ywms.YWMSPlugin"/>
    36                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="A WMS server for Yahoo imagery based on Firefox"/>
    37                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
    38                                 <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/>
    39                                 <attribute name="Author" value="Francisco R. Santos &lt;>"/>
    40                         </manifest>
    41                 </jar>
    42         </target>
     48  <target name="install" depends="build">
     49    <copy file="ywms.jar" todir="${user.home}/.josm/plugins"/>
     50  </target>
    44         <target name="clean">
    45                 <delete dir="build" />
    46         </target>
    48         <target name="install" depends="build">
    49                 <copy file="ywms.jar" todir="${user.home}/.josm/plugins"/>
    50         </target>
    52         <target name="test" depends="install">
    53                 <java jar="${josm}" fork="true"/>
    54         </target>
     52  <target name="test" depends="install">
     53    <java jar="${josm}" fork="true"/>
     54  </target>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.