- Timestamp:
- 2009-11-09T21:32:12+01:00 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
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- Removed
r2263 r2422 2 2 package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor; 3 3 4 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Node;5 6 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main;7 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.Projection;8 4 9 5 public class QuadTiling … … 41 37 // out("shift: " + shift + " bits: " + bits); 42 38 // remember x is the MSB 43 if ((bits & 0x2) != 0) 39 if ((bits & 0x2) != 0) { 44 40 x += x_unit; 45 if ((bits & 0x1) != 0) 41 } 42 if ((bits & 0x1) != 0) { 46 43 y += y_unit; 44 } 47 45 x_unit /= 2; 48 46 y_unit /= 2; … … 55 53 static long xy2tile(long x, long y) 56 54 { 57 long tile = 0; 58 int i; 59 for (i = NR_LEVELS-1; i >= 0; i--) 60 { 55 long tile = 0; 56 int i; 57 for (i = NR_LEVELS-1; i >= 0; i--) 58 { 61 59 long xbit = ((x >> i) & 1); 62 60 long ybit = ((y >> i) & 1); … … 64 62 // Note that x is the MSB 65 63 tile |= (xbit<<1) | ybit; 66 } 67 return tile; 64 } 65 return tile; 68 66 } 69 67 static long coorToTile(LatLon coor) … … 73 71 static long lon2x(double lon) 74 72 { 75 //return Math.round((lon + 180.0) * QuadBuckets.WORLD_PARTS / 360.0)-1; 76 long ret = (long)Math.floor((lon + 180.0) * WORLD_PARTS / 360.0); 77 if (ret == WORLD_PARTS) 78 ret--; 79 return ret; 73 //return Math.round((lon + 180.0) * QuadBuckets.WORLD_PARTS / 360.0)-1; 74 long ret = (long)Math.floor((lon + 180.0) * WORLD_PARTS / 360.0); 75 if (ret == WORLD_PARTS) { 76 ret--; 77 } 78 return ret; 80 79 } 81 80 static long lat2y(double lat) 82 81 { 83 //return Math.round((lat + 90.0) * QuadBuckets.WORLD_PARTS / 180.0)-1; 84 long ret = (long)Math.floor((lat + 90.0) * WORLD_PARTS / 180.0); 85 if (ret == WORLD_PARTS) 86 ret--; 87 return ret; 82 //return Math.round((lat + 90.0) * QuadBuckets.WORLD_PARTS / 180.0)-1; 83 long ret = (long)Math.floor((lat + 90.0) * WORLD_PARTS / 180.0); 84 if (ret == WORLD_PARTS) { 85 ret--; 86 } 87 return ret; 88 88 } 89 89 static public long quadTile(LatLon coor) 90 90 { 91 91 return xy2tile(lon2x(coor.lon()), 92 92 lat2y(coor.lat())); 93 93 } 94 94 static public int index(int level, long quad) -
r2381 r2422 25 25 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Way; 26 26 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.WaySegment; 27 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.QuadBuckets.BBox; 27 28 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.Projection; 28 29 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.help.Helpful; … … 36 37 public class NavigatableComponent extends JComponent implements Helpful { 37 38 38 public static final int snapDistance = sqr(Main.pref.getInteger("node.snap-distance", 10)); 39 public static final int snapDistance = Main.pref.getInteger("node.snap-distance", 10); 40 public static final int snapDistanceSq = sqr(snapDistance); 39 41 40 42 private static int sqr(int a) { return a*a;} … … 296 298 } 297 299 300 private BBox getSnapDistanceBBox(Point p) { 301 return new BBox(getLatLon(p.x - snapDistance / 2, p.y - snapDistance / 2), 302 getLatLon(p.x + snapDistance / 2, p.y + snapDistance / 2)); 303 } 304 298 305 /** 299 306 * Return the nearest point to the screen point given. … … 301 308 */ 302 309 public final Node getNearestNode(Point p) { 303 double minDistanceSq = snapDistance;304 Node minPrimitive = null;305 310 DataSet ds = getCurrentDataSet(); 306 311 if (ds == null) 307 312 return null; 308 for (Node n : ds.getNodes()) { 313 314 double minDistanceSq = snapDistanceSq; 315 Node minPrimitive = null; 316 for (Node n : ds.searchNodes(getSnapDistanceBBox(p))) { 309 317 if (!n.isUsable()) { 310 318 continue; … … 319 327 else if (dist == minDistanceSq && minPrimitive != null 320 328 && ((n.isNew() && ds.isSelected(n)) 321 || (!ds.isSelected(minPrimitive) && (ds.isSelected(n) || n.isNew())))) { 329 || (!ds.isSelected(minPrimitive) && (ds.isSelected(n) || n.isNew())))) { 322 330 minPrimitive = n; 323 331 } … … 337 345 if (ds == null) 338 346 return null; 339 for (Way w : ds.getWays()) { 347 348 for (Way w : ds.searchWays(getSnapDistanceBBox(p))) { 340 349 if (!w.isUsable()) { 341 350 continue; … … 359 368 double b = p.distanceSq(A); 360 369 double perDist = a - (a - b + c) * (a - b + c) / 4 / c; // perpendicular distance squared 361 if (perDist < snapDistance && a < c + snapDistance && b < c + snapDistance) { 370 if (perDist < snapDistanceSq && a < c + snapDistanceSq && b < c + snapDistanceSq) { 362 371 if (ds.isSelected(w)) { 363 372 perDist -= 0.00001; … … 450 459 /** 451 460 * @return A list of all objects that are nearest to 452 * the mouse. Does a simple sequential scan on all the data.461 * the mouse. 453 462 * 454 463 * @return A collection of all items or <code>null</code> … … 461 470 if (ds == null) 462 471 return null; 463 for (Way w : ds. getWays()) {472 for (Way w : ds.searchWays(getSnapDistanceBBox(p))) { 464 473 if (!w.isUsable()) { 465 474 continue; … … 480 489 double b = p.distanceSq(A); 481 490 double perDist = a - (a - b + c) * (a - b + c) / 4 / c; // perpendicular distance squared 482 if (perDist < snapDistance && a < c + snapDistance && b < c + snapDistance) { 491 if (perDist < snapDistanceSq && a < c + snapDistanceSq && b < c + snapDistanceSq) { 483 492 nearest.add(w); 484 493 break; … … 487 496 } 488 497 } 489 for (Node n : ds. getNodes()) {498 for (Node n : ds.searchNodes(getSnapDistanceBBox(p))) { 490 499 if (n.isUsable() 491 && getPoint(n).distanceSq(p) < snapDistance) { 500 && getPoint(n).distanceSq(p) < snapDistanceSq) { 492 501 nearest.add(n); 493 502 } … … 498 507 /** 499 508 * @return A list of all nodes that are nearest to 500 * the mouse. Does a simple sequential scan on all the data.509 * the mouse. 501 510 * 502 511 * @return A collection of all nodes or <code>null</code> … … 509 518 if (ds == null) 510 519 return null; 511 for (Node n : ds.getNodes()) { 520 521 for (Node n : ds.searchNodes(getSnapDistanceBBox(p))) { 512 522 if (n.isUsable() 513 && getPoint(n).distanceSq(p) < snapDistance) { 523 && getPoint(n).distanceSq(p) < snapDistanceSq) { 514 524 nearest.add(n); 515 525 }
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