- Timestamp:
- 2009-11-06T17:55:07+01:00 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/relation
- Files:
- 3 edited
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r2365 r2394 12 12 13 13 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageProvider; 14 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.relation.WayConnectionType.Direction; 15 14 16 15 17 public class MemberTableLinkedCellRenderer extends MemberTableCellRenderer { 16 18 17 final static Image arrowUp = ImageProvider.get("dialogs", "arrowup").getImage(); 18 final static Image arrowDown = ImageProvider.get("dialogs", "arrowdown").getImage(); 19 final static Image corners = ImageProvider.get("dialogs", "roundedcorners").getImage(); 19 final static Image arrowUp = ImageProvider.get("dialogs/relation", "arrowup").getImage(); 20 final static Image arrowDown = ImageProvider.get("dialogs/relation", "arrowdown").getImage(); 21 final static Image corners = ImageProvider.get("dialogs/relation", "roundedcorners").getImage(); 22 final static Image roundabout_right = ImageProvider.get("dialogs/relation", "roundabout_right_tiny").getImage(); 23 final static Image roundabout_left = ImageProvider.get("dialogs/relation", "roundabout_left_tiny").getImage(); 20 24 private WayConnectionType value = new WayConnectionType(); 21 25 … … 37 41 if (value == null || !value.isValid()) { 38 42 return; 39 }40 41 Image arrow = null;42 switch (value.direction) {43 case 1:44 arrow = arrowDown;45 break;46 case -1:47 arrow = arrowUp;48 break;49 43 } 50 44 … … 100 94 } 101 95 102 if ((arrow != null) && (value.linkPrev || value.linkNext)) { 103 g.drawImage(arrow, xoff-3, (y1 + y2) / 2 - 2, null); 104 } 105 96 /* vertical lines */ 106 97 g.setColor(Color.black); 107 98 g.drawLine(xoff, y1, xoff, y2); … … 109 100 g.drawLine(xoff+xloop, y1, xoff+xloop, y2); 110 101 } 111 102 103 /* special icons */ 104 Image arrow = null; 105 switch (value.direction) { 106 case FORWARD: 107 arrow = arrowDown; 108 break; 109 case BACKWARD: 110 arrow = arrowUp; 111 break; 112 } 113 if ((arrow != null) && (value.linkPrev || value.linkNext)) { 114 g.drawImage(arrow, xoff-3, (y1 + y2) / 2 - 2, null); 115 } 116 else if (value.direction == Direction.ROUNDABOUT_LEFT) { 117 g.drawImage(roundabout_left, xoff-6, 1, null); 118 } else if (value.direction == Direction.ROUNDABOUT_RIGHT) { 119 g.drawImage(roundabout_right, xoff-6, 1, null); 120 } 112 121 } 113 122 } -
r2375 r2394 20 20 21 21 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 22 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth; 22 23 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Node; 23 24 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive; … … 25 26 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.RelationMember; 26 27 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Way; 28 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.relation.WayConnectionType.Direction; 27 29 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer; 30 31 import static org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.relation.WayConnectionType.Direction.*; 28 32 29 33 public class MemberTableModel extends AbstractTableModel implements TableModelListener { … … 669 673 } 670 674 671 /** 672 * Determines the direction of way k with re ferenceto the way ref_i.673 * The direction ofway ref_i is ref_direction.674 *675 * ref_i is usually the predecessor of k.676 *677 * direction:678 * Let the relation be a route of oneway streets, and someone travels them in thegivenorder.679 * Direction is 1 for if it is legel and -1 if it is illegal to do so forthe givenway.680 *681 * If the two ways are not properly linked the return value is 0.682 **/ 683 private intdetermineDirection(int ref_i,intref_direction, int k) {675 /** 676 * Determines the direction of way k with respect to the way ref_i. 677 * The way ref_i is assumed to have the direction ref_direction and 678 * to be the predecessor of k. 679 * 680 * If both ways are not linked in any way, NONE is returned. 681 * 682 * Else the direction is given as follows: 683 * Let the relation be a route of oneway streets, and someone travels them in the given order. 684 * Direction is FORWARD for if it is legel and BACKWARD if it is illegal to do so for the given way. 685 * 686 **/ 687 private Direction determineDirection(int ref_i,Direction ref_direction, int k) { 684 688 if (ref_i < 0 || k < 0 || ref_i >= members.size() || k >= members.size()) { 685 return 0;686 } 687 if (ref_direction == 0) {688 return 0;689 return NONE; 690 } 691 if (ref_direction == NONE) { 692 return NONE; 689 693 } 690 694 … … 702 706 703 707 if (way_ref == null || way == null) { 704 return 0; 705 } 708 return NONE; 709 } 710 711 /** the list of nodes the way k can dock to */ 712 List<Node> refNodes= new ArrayList<Node>(); 706 713 707 Node nRef = ref_direction > 0 ? way_ref.lastNode() : way_ref.firstNode(); 708 if (nRef == null) { 709 return 0; 714 switch (ref_direction) { 715 case FORWARD: 716 refNodes.add(way_ref.lastNode()); 717 break; 718 case BACKWARD: 719 refNodes.add(way_ref.firstNode()); 720 break; 721 case ROUNDABOUT_LEFT: 722 case ROUNDABOUT_RIGHT: 723 refNodes = way_ref.getNodes(); 724 break; 725 } 726 727 if (refNodes == null) { 728 return NONE; 710 729 } 711 730 712 if (nRef == way.firstNode()) { 713 return 1; 714 } 715 if (nRef == way.lastNode()) { 716 return -1; 717 } 718 return 0; 719 } 720 731 for (Node n : refNodes) { 732 if (n == null) continue; 733 if (roundaboutType(k) != NONE) { 734 for (Node nn : way.getNodes()) { 735 if (n == nn) { 736 return roundaboutType(k); 737 } 738 } 739 } else { 740 if (n == way.firstNode()) { 741 return FORWARD; 742 } 743 if (n == way.lastNode()) { 744 return BACKWARD; 745 } 746 } 747 } 748 return NONE; 749 } 750 751 /** 752 * determine, if the way i is a roundabout and if yes, what type of roundabout 753 */ 754 private Direction roundaboutType(int i) { 755 RelationMember m = members.get(i); 756 if (m == null || !m.isWay()) return NONE; 757 Way w = m.getWay(); 758 if (w != null && 759 "roundabout".equals(w.get("junction")) && 760 w.getNodesCount() < 200 && 761 w.getNodesCount() > 2 && 762 w.getNode(0) != null && 763 w.getNode(1) != null && 764 w.getNode(2) != null && 765 w.firstNode() == w.lastNode()) { 766 /** do some simple determinant / cross pruduct test on the first 3 nodes 767 to see, if the roundabout goes clock wise or ccw */ 768 EastNorth en1 = w.getNode(0).getEastNorth(); 769 EastNorth en2 = w.getNode(1).getEastNorth(); 770 EastNorth en3 = w.getNode(2).getEastNorth(); 771 en1 = en1.sub(en2); 772 en2 = en2.sub(en3); 773 return en1.north() * en2.east() - en2.north() * en1.east() > 0 ? ROUNDABOUT_LEFT : ROUNDABOUT_RIGHT; 774 } else 775 return NONE; 776 } 777 721 778 private WayConnectionType wayConnection(int i) { 722 779 if (connectionType == null) { … … 730 787 } 731 788 789 /** 790 * refresh the cache of member WayConnectionTypes 791 */ 732 792 public void updateLinks() { 733 793 connectionType = null; … … 761 821 boolean linkPrev = (i != firstGroupIdx); 762 822 boolean linkNext; 763 intdir;823 Direction dir; 764 824 if (linkPrev) { 765 825 dir = determineDirection(i-1, con.get(i-1).direction, i); 766 linkNext = (determineDirection(i, dir, i+1) != 0);826 linkNext = (determineDirection(i, dir, i+1) != NONE); 767 827 } 768 828 else { 769 dir = determineDirection(i, +1, i+1) != 0 ? +1 : 0; 770 if (dir == 0) { 771 dir = determineDirection(i, -1, i+1) != 0 ? -1 : 0; 772 } 773 linkNext = (dir != 0); 829 if (roundaboutType(i) != NONE) { 830 dir = determineDirection(i, roundaboutType(i), i+1) != NONE ? roundaboutType(i) : NONE; 831 } else { /** guess the direction and see if it fits with the next member */ 832 dir = determineDirection(i, FORWARD, i+1) != NONE ? FORWARD : NONE; 833 if (dir == NONE) { 834 dir = determineDirection(i, BACKWARD, i+1) != NONE ? BACKWARD : NONE; 835 } 836 } 837 linkNext = (dir != NONE); 838 if (dir == NONE) { 839 if (roundaboutType(i) != NONE) { 840 dir = roundaboutType(i); 841 } 842 } 843 774 844 } 775 845 … … 779 849 boolean loop; 780 850 if (i == firstGroupIdx) { 781 loop = determineDirection(i, 1, i) ==1;851 loop = determineDirection(i, FORWARD, i) == FORWARD; 782 852 } else { 783 853 loop = determineDirection(i, dir, firstGroupIdx) == con.get(firstGroupIdx).direction; … … 792 862 } 793 863 connectionType = con; 864 // for (int i=0; i<con.size(); ++i) { 865 // System.err.println(con.get(i)); 866 // } 794 867 } 795 868 } -
r2365 r2394 3 3 4 4 import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; 5 6 import static org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.relation.WayConnectionType.Direction.*; 5 7 6 8 public class WayConnectionType { … … 14 16 15 17 /** 16 * direction is +1if the first node of this way is connected to the previous way18 * direction is FORWARD if the first node of this way is connected to the previous way 17 19 * and / or the last node of this way is connected to the next way. 18 * direction is -1 if it is the other way around. 19 * If this way is neither connected to the previous nor to the next way, then 20 * direction has the value 0. 20 * direction is BACKWARD if it is the other way around. 21 * direction has a ROUNDABOUT value, if it is tagged as such and it is somehow 22 * connected to the previous / next member. 23 * If there is no connection to the previous or next member, then 24 * direction has the value NONE. 21 25 */ 22 public final int direction; 26 public final Direction direction; 27 28 public enum Direction { 29 FORWARD, BACKWARD, ROUNDABOUT_LEFT, ROUNDABOUT_RIGHT, NONE; 30 31 public boolean isRoundabout() { 32 return this == ROUNDABOUT_RIGHT || this == ROUNDABOUT_LEFT; 33 } 34 }; 23 35 24 36 /** True, if the element is part of a closed loop of ways. */ 25 37 public boolean isLoop; 26 38 27 public WayConnectionType(boolean linkPrev, boolean linkNext, int direction) { 39 public boolean isRoundabout = false; 40 41 public WayConnectionType(boolean linkPrev, boolean linkNext, Direction direction) { 28 42 this.linkPrev = linkPrev; 29 43 this.linkNext = linkNext; … … 38 52 this.linkNext = false; 39 53 this.isLoop = false; 40 this.direction = 0;54 this.direction = NONE; 41 55 invalid = true; 42 56 }
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