Changeset 14273 in josm

2018-09-26T18:29:26+02:00 (6 years ago)

fix typos - patch by naoliv - fix #16781 - Thanks a lot

71 edited


  • trunk/data/validator/numeric.mapcss

    r13357 r14273  
    3131*[building:levels][building:levels !~ /^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.5)?)$/],
    32 *[level][level !~ /^((((-*[1-9]|[0-9])|-*[1-9][0-9]*)(\.5)?)|-0\.5)(;((((-*[1-9]|[0-9])|-*[1-9][0-9]*)(\.5)?)|-0\.5))*$/] { /* all numbers from -∞ to ∞ in 0.5 steps, optional multiple values seperated by a ; */
     32*[level][level !~ /^((((-*[1-9]|[0-9])|-*[1-9][0-9]*)(\.5)?)|-0\.5)(;((((-*[1-9]|[0-9])|-*[1-9][0-9]*)(\.5)?)|-0\.5))*$/] { /* all numbers from -∞ to ∞ in 0.5 steps, optional multiple values separated by a ; */
    3333  throwWarning: tr("{0} should have numbers only with optional .5 increments", "{0.key}");
    3434  assertMatch: "node level=one";
  • trunk/src/javax/json/stream/

    r13231 r14273  
    100100 * <p>
    101101 * Other JSON values (that are not JSON objects or arrays) can be created
    102  * by calling the appropiate {@code write} methods.
     102 * by calling the appropriate {@code write} methods.
    103103 * <p>
    104104 * The following example shows how to generate a JSON string:
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r14153 r14273  
    9999     * @param buttonText text of button used to select target layer
    100100     * @param buttonIcon icon name of button used to select target layer
    101      * @return choosen target layer
     101     * @return chosen target layer
    102102     */
    103103    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r14153 r14273  
    153153        /**
    154          * Returns the last exception that occured.
    155          * @return the last exception that occured, or {@code null}
     154         * Returns the last exception that occurred.
     155         * @return the last exception that occurred, or {@code null}
    156156         */
    157157        public Exception getLastException() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r14153 r14273  
    229229    /**
    230      * Overwrite this if {@link #updateEnabledState()} should be called when the active / availabe layers change. Default is true.
     230     * Overwrite this if {@link #updateEnabledState()} should be called when the active / available layers change. Default is true.
    231231     * @return <code>true</code> if a {@link LayerChangeListener} and a {@link ActiveLayerChangeListener} should be registered.
    232232     * @since 10353
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/mapmode/

    r14153 r14273  
    738738            // If ALT is pressed, a new way should be created and that new way should get
    739             // selected. This works everytime unless the ways the nodes get inserted into
     739            // selected. This works every time unless the ways the nodes get inserted into
    740740            // are already selected. This is the case when creating a self-overlapping way
    741741            // but pressing ALT prevents this. Therefore we must de-select the way manually
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/command/

    r10663 r14273  
    3535    /**
    3636     * Creates a RotateCommand.
    37      * Assign the initial object set, compute pivot point and inital rotation angle.
     37     * Assign the initial object set, compute pivot point and initial rotation angle.
    3838     * @param objects objects to fetch nodes from
    3939     * @param currentEN cuurent eats/north
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/

    r14138 r14273  
    156156    /**
    157      * Replies true if this is a local build, i.e. an inofficial development build.
    158      *
    159      * @return true if this is a local build, i.e. an inofficial development build.
     157     * Replies true if this is a local build, i.e. an unofficial development build.
     158     *
     159     * @return true if this is a local build, i.e. an unofficial development build.
    160160     */
    161161    public boolean isLocalBuild() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/cache/

    r14270 r14273  
    384384                    return true;
    385385                } else {
    386                     Logging.debug("JCS - failure during load - reponse is not loadable nor cached as empty");
     386                    Logging.debug("JCS - failure during load - response is not loadable nor cached as empty");
    387387                    return false;
    388388                }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/imagery/

    r14153 r14273  
    490490        supportedMimeTypes.add("image/png8");           // used by geoserver
    491491        if (supportedMimeTypes.contains("image/jpeg")) {
    492             supportedMimeTypes.add("image/jpg"); // sometimes mispelled by Arcgis
     492            supportedMimeTypes.add("image/jpg"); // sometimes misspelled by Arcgis
    493493        }
    494494        Collection<String> unsupportedFormats = new ArrayList<>();
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r11408 r14273  
    1616 * A Set-like class that allows looking up equivalent preexising instance.
    17  * It is useful whereever one would use self-mapping construct like
     17 * It is useful wherever one would use self-mapping construct like
    1818 * <code>Map&lt;T,T&gt;.put(t,t)</code>, that is, for caches, uniqueness filters or similar.
    1919 *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/visitor/paint/

    r12154 r14273  
    3131     * @param path The path to append the arrow to.
    3232     * @param point The point to paint the tip at
    33      * @param fromDirection The direction the line is comming from.
     33     * @param fromDirection The direction the line is coming from.
    3434     */
    3535    public void paintArrowAt(MapPath2D path, MapViewPoint point, MapViewPoint fromDirection) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/visitor/paint/

    r14202 r14273  
    162162            // Invert the sign bit, so that negative numbers are lower
    163163            value ^= 0x80000000L;
    164             // Now do the shift. Do it before accounting for negative numbers (symetry)
     164            // Now do the shift. Do it before accounting for negative numbers (symmetry)
    165165            if (totalBits < 32) {
    166166                value >>= (32 - totalBits);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/datum/

    r13627 r14273  
    4646 * Loading an InputStream places all the required node information
    4747 * (accuracy data is optional) into heap based Java arrays. This is the
    48  * highest perfomance option, and is useful for large volume transformations.
     48 * highest performance option, and is useful for large volume transformations.
    4949 * Non-file data sources (eg using an SQL Blob) are also supported through
    5050 * InputStream. The RandonAccessFile option has a much smaller memory
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/proj/

    r13598 r14273  
    112112     * Calculates the meridian distance. This is the distance along the central
    113113     * meridian from the equator to {@code phi}. Accurate to &lt; 1e-5 meters
    114      * when used in conjuction with typical major axis values.
     114     * when used in conjunction with typical major axis values.
    115115     *
    116116     * @param phi latitude to calculate meridian distance for.
    133133     * Determines phi to TOL (1e-11) radians, about 1e-6 seconds.
    134134     *
    135      * @param arg meridian distance to calulate latitude for.
     135     * @param arg meridian distance to calculate latitude for.
    136136     * @return the latitude of the meridian distance.
    137137     * @throws RuntimeException if the itteration does not converge.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/proj/

    r13622 r14273  
    3737    @Override
    3838    public String getName() {
    39         return tr("Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Caree)");
     39        return tr("Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Care)");
    4040    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/proj/

    r12445 r14273  
    143143    /**
    144      * The azimuth of the central line passing throught the centre of the projection, in radians.
     144     * The azimuth of the central line passing through the centre of the projection, in radians.
    145145     */
    146146    protected double azimuth;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/proj/

    r13634 r14273  
    1616 * Instead of being tangent to the equator (or to an other standard latitude),
    1717 * it is tangent to a central meridian. Deformation are more important as we
    18  * are going futher from the central meridian. The Transverse Mercator
    19  * projection is appropriate for region wich have a greater extent north-south
     18 * are going further from the central meridian. The Transverse Mercator
     19 * projection is appropriate for region which have a greater extent north-south
    2020 * than east-west.
    2121 * <p>
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/routines/

    r14267 r14273  
    18811881     */
    18821882    public enum ArrayType {
    1883         /** Update (or get a copy of) the GENERIC_TLDS_PLUS table containing additonal generic TLDs */
     1883        /** Update (or get a copy of) the GENERIC_TLDS_PLUS table containing additional generic TLDs */
    18841884        GENERIC_PLUS,
    18851885        /** Update (or get a copy of) the GENERIC_TLDS_MINUS table containing deleted generic TLDs */
    18861886        GENERIC_MINUS,
    1887         /** Update (or get a copy of) the COUNTRY_CODE_TLDS_PLUS table containing additonal country code TLDs */
     1887        /** Update (or get a copy of) the COUNTRY_CODE_TLDS_PLUS table containing additional country code TLDs */
    18881888        COUNTRY_CODE_PLUS,
    18891889        /** Update (or get a copy of) the COUNTRY_CODE_TLDS_MINUS table containing deleted country code TLDs */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/routines/package.html

    r13494 r14273  
    2121<body bgcolor="white">
    22     <p>This package contains <i>independant</i> validation routines adapted from Apache Commons Validator 1.5.0.</p>
     22    <p>This package contains <i>independent</i> validation routines adapted from Apache Commons Validator 1.5.0.</p>
    2323<h1>Table of Contents</h1>
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/tests/

    r13974 r14273  
    263263        checkForDuplicate(r);
    264264        if (r.hasTag("type", ASSOCIATED_STREET)) {
    265             // Used to count occurences of each house number in order to find duplicates
     265            // Used to count occurrences of each house number in order to find duplicates
    266266            Map<String, List<OsmPrimitive>> map = new HashMap<>();
    267267            // Used to detect different street names
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/tests/

    r14214 r14273  
    248248        /** Checks successfully parsed */
    249249        public final List<TagCheck> parseChecks;
    250         /** Errors that occured during parsing */
     250        /** Errors that occurred during parsing */
    251251        public final Collection<Throwable> parseErrors;
    254254         * Constructs a new {@code ParseResult}.
    255255         * @param parseChecks Checks successfully parsed
    256          * @param parseErrors Errors that occured during parsing
     256         * @param parseErrors Errors that occurred during parsing
    257257         */
    258258        public ParseResult(List<TagCheck> parseChecks, Collection<Throwable> parseErrors) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/tests/

    r14214 r14273  
    266266     * @param n relation to validate
    267267     * @param allroles contains presets for specified relation
    268      * @param map contains statistics of occurances of specified role types in relation
     268     * @param map contains statistics of occurrences of specified role types in relation
    269269     */
    270270    private void checkRoles(Relation n, Map<Role, String> allroles, Map<String, RoleInfo> map) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r14119 r14273  
    115115            // 1. Not yet written - but so isn't the interval variable, so it gets updated anyway
    116116            // 2. Cannot be written (e.g. while developing). Obviously we don't want to update
    117             // everytime because of something we can't read.
     117            // every time because of something we can't read.
    118118            return (Config.getPref().getInt("cache.motd.html.version", -999) == myVersion)
    119119            && Config.getPref().get("").equals(myJava)
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r14253 r14273  
    978978                && !"true".equals(Utils.updateSystemProperty("", "true"))) {
    979979            // never set this to false, only true!
    980   "Try enabling IPv6 network, prefering IPv6 over IPv4 (only works on early startup)."));
     980  "Try enabling IPv6 network, preferring IPv6 over IPv4 (only works on early startup)."));
    981981        }
    982982        Utils.updateSystemProperty("http.agent", Version.getInstance().getAgentString());
    11931193                                Utils.updateSystemProperty("", "true");
    11941194                                if (!wasv6) {
    1195                           "Detected useable IPv6 network, prefering IPv6 over IPv4 after next restart."));
     1195                          "Detected useable IPv6 network, preferring IPv6 over IPv4 after next restart."));
    11961196                                } else {
    1197                           "Detected useable IPv6 network, prefering IPv6 over IPv4."));
     1197                          "Detected useable IPv6 network, preferring IPv6 over IPv4."));
    11981198                                }
    11991199                                hasv6 = true;
    12071207                }
    12081208                if (wasv6 && !hasv6) {
    1209           "Detected no useable IPv6 network, prefering IPv4 over IPv6 after next restart."));
     1209          "Detected no useable IPv6 network, preferring IPv4 over IPv6 after next restart."));
    12101210                    Config.getPref().putBoolean("validated.ipv6", hasv6); // be sure it is stored before the restart!
    12111211                    try {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r13658 r14273  
    6262    /**
    6363     * Create a new main window. The parameter will be removed in the future.
    64      * @param geometry The inital geometry to use.
     64     * @param geometry The initial geometry to use.
    6565     * @since 12127
    6666     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r14120 r14273  
    362362     * <p>
    363363     * The view is moved so that the center is the same as the old center.
    364      * @param positon The new location to use.
     364     * @param position The new location to use.
    365365     * @return The new state.
    366366     * @since 10375
    367367     */
    368     public MapViewState usingLocation(JComponent positon) {
     368    public MapViewState usingLocation(JComponent position) {
    369369        EastNorth center = this.getCenter().getEastNorth();
    370         return new MapViewState(positon, this).usingCenter(center);
     370        return new MapViewState(position, this).usingCenter(center);
    371371    }
    541541        /**
    542542         * Gets the direction in which this point is outside of the given view rectangle.
    543          * @param rect The rectangle to check agains.
     543         * @param rect The rectangle to check against.
    544544         * @return The direction in which it is outside of the view, as OUTSIDE_... flags.
    545545         * @since 10827
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/bbox/

    r8512 r14273  
    2727    /**
    2828     * Replies the currently selected bounding box in this BBoxChooser.
    29      * Replies null, if currently there isn't a bbox choosen in this
     29     * Replies null, if currently there isn't a bbox chosen in this
    3030     * BBoxChooser.
    3131     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/bbox/

    r14153 r14273  
    371371    /**
    372372     * Sets the current bounding box in this bbox chooser without
    373      * emiting a property change event.
     373     * emitting a property change event.
    374374     *
    375375     * @param bbox the bounding box. null to reset the bounding box
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/bugreport/

    r12770 r14273  
    3636    /**
    37      * Creates a new text area with an inital text to display
     37     * Creates a new text area with an initial text to display
    3838     * @param textToDisplay The text to display.
    3939     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/bugreport/

    r14138 r14273  
    7676     */
    7777    private void displayError() {
    78         testedVersionField.setText(tr("An error occured while checking if your JOSM instance is up to date."));
     78        testedVersionField.setText(tr("An error occurred while checking if your JOSM instance is up to date."));
    7979        showUpdateButton();
    8080    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/datatransfer/data/

    r10801 r14273  
    4242    /**
    43      * Gets the layer to be transfered.
     43     * Gets the layer to be transferred.
    4444     * @return The layer
    4545     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/datatransfer/data/

    r12725 r14273  
    24  * A list of primitives that are transfered. The list allows you to implicitly add primitives.
     24 * A list of primitives that are transferred. The list allows you to implicitly add primitives.
    2525 * It distinguishes between primitives that were directly added and implicitly added ones.
    2626 * @author Michael Zangl
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/

    r14250 r14273  
    559559         * Replies the collection of OSM primitives currently selected in the view of this model
    560560         *
    561          * @return choosen elements in the view
     561         * @return chosen elements in the view
    562562         */
    563563        public synchronized Collection<OsmPrimitive> getSelected() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/download/

    r14153 r14273  
    269269                if (!canceled) {
    270270                    // Nominatim sometimes returns garbage, see #5934, #10643
    271                     Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_WARN, tr("Error occured with query ''{0}'': ''{1}''", urlString, e.getMessage()), e);
     271                    Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_WARN, tr("Error occurred with query ''{0}'': ''{1}''", urlString, e.getMessage()), e);
    272272                    GuiHelper.runInEDTAndWait(() -> HelpAwareOptionPane.showOptionDialog(
    273273                            MainApplication.getMainFrame(),
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/history/

    r14214 r14273  
    212212    /**
    213      * Should be called everytime either reference of current changes to update the diff.
     213     * Should be called every time either reference of current changes to update the diff.
    214214     * TODO: Maybe rename to reflect this? eg. updateNodeListTableModels
    215215     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/history/

    r13924 r14273  
    236236    /**
    237      * Returns the last exception that occured during loading, if any.
    238      * @return the last exception that occured during loading, or {@code null}
     237     * Returns the last exception that occurred during loading, if any.
     238     * @return the last exception that occurred during loading, or {@code null}
    239239     */
    240240    public Exception getLastException() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/history/

    r14119 r14273  
    230230     * Updates the content of this panel based on the changeset information given by {@code primitive}.
    231231     * @param primitive the primitive to extract the changeset information from
    232      * @param isLatest whether this relates to a not yet commited changeset
     232     * @param isLatest whether this relates to a not yet committed changeset
    233233     */
    234234    public void update(final OsmPrimitive primitive, final boolean isLatest) {
    239239     * Updates the content of this panel based on the changeset information given by {@code cs}.
    240240     * @param cs the changeset information
    241      * @param isLatest whether this relates to a not yet commited changeset
     241     * @param isLatest whether this relates to a not yet committed changeset
    242242     * @param timestamp the timestamp
    243243     * @param version the version of the primitive
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r14153 r14273  
    107107            // a username/password-pair.
    108108            //
    109             // Downgrade your knowlege about its identity if we've assumed that he was fully
     109            // Downgrade your knowledge about its identity if we've assumed that he was fully
    110110            // identified. Otherwise, if he is anonymous or partially identified, keep our level
    111             // of knowlege.
     111            // of knowledge.
    112112            //
    113113            if (im.isFullyIdentified()) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r14153 r14273  
    655655            if (numProblems == 0)
    656656                return;
    657             Logging.warn(numProblems + " problems occured during upload/save");
     657            Logging.warn(numProblems + " problems occurred during upload/save");
    658658            String msg = trn(
    659659                    "<html>An upload and/or save operation of one layer with modifications<br>"
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/

    r14269 r14273  
    840840     * Zoom out from map.
    841841     *
    842      * @return    true, if zoom increasing was successfull, false othervise
     842     * @return    true, if zoom increasing was successful, false othervise
    843843     */
    844844    public boolean decreaseZoomLevel() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/gpx/

    r14153 r14273  
    111111    /**
    112      * Gets the "download near" choosen value
    113      * @return the "download near" choosen value (0: track only, 1: waypoints only, 2: both)
     112     * Gets the "download near" chosen value
     113     * @return the "download near" chosen value (0: track only, 1: waypoints only, 2: both)
    114114     */
    115115    public final int getNear() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/imagery/

    r14120 r14273  
    113113     * Gets the position of the tile inside the map view.
    114114     * @param tile The tile
    115      * @return The positon as a rectangle in screen coordinates
     115     * @return The position as a rectangle in screen coordinates
    116116     */
    117117    public Rectangle2D getRectangleForTile(Tile tile) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/

    r13845 r14273  
    142142    /**
    143      * Log an error that occured with this style.
     143     * Log an error that occurred with this style.
    144144     * @param e error
    145145     */
    150150    /**
    151      * Log a warning that occured with this style.
     151     * Log a warning that occurred with this style.
    152152     * @param w warnings
    153153     */
    158158    /**
    159      * Replies the collection of errors that occured with this style.
     159     * Replies the collection of errors that occurred with this style.
    160160     * @return collection of errors
    161161     */
    166166    /**
    167      * Replies the collection of warnings that occured with this style.
     167     * Replies the collection of warnings that occurred with this style.
    168168     * @return collection of warnings
    169169     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/mapcss/

    r11562 r14273  
    77public class MapCSSException extends RuntimeException {
    9     /** line number at which the parse error occured */
     9    /** line number at which the parse error occurred */
    1010    protected Integer line;
    11     /** column number at which the parse error occured */
     11    /** column number at which the parse error occurred */
    1212    protected Integer column;
    3131    /**
    32      * Sets the column number at which the parse error occured.
    33      * @param column the column number at which the parse error occured
     32     * Sets the column number at which the parse error occurred.
     33     * @param column the column number at which the parse error occurred
    3434     */
    3535    public void setColumn(int column) {
    3939    /**
    40      * Sets the line number at which the parse error occured.
    41      * @param line the line number at which the parse error occured
     40     * Sets the line number at which the parse error occurred.
     41     * @param line the line number at which the parse error occurred
    4242     */
    4343    public void setLine(int line) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/styleelement/placement/

    r12506 r14273  
    134134        });
    136         // find the segment with the best quality. If there are several with best quality, the one close to the center is prefered.
     136        // find the segment with the best quality. If there are several with best quality, the one close to the center is preferred.
    137137        return
    138138                Comparator.comparingDouble(segment -> segment.quality - 1e-5 * Math.abs(segment.offset - length / 2)));
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/oauth/

    r12646 r14273  
    16  * Combo box that lets the user choose one of the avaliable {@link AuthorizationProcedure}s.
     16 * Combo box that lets the user choose one of the available {@link AuthorizationProcedure}s.
    1717 */
    1818public class AuthorizationProcedureComboBox extends JosmComboBox<AuthorizationProcedure> {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/

    r14153 r14273  
    420420            if (task != null) {
    421421                // if we have to launch a plugin download task we do it asynchronously, followed
    422                 // by the remaining "save preferences" activites run on the Swing EDT.
     422                // by the remaining "save preferences" activities run on the Swing EDT.
    423423                MainApplication.worker.submit(task);
    424424                MainApplication.worker.submit(() -> GuiHelper.runInEDT(continuation));
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/tagging/

    r12762 r14273  
    713713    /**
    714      * A listener that is called whenever the cells may be updated from outside the editor and the editor should thus be commited.
     714     * A listener that is called whenever the cells may be updated from outside the editor and the editor should thus be committed.
    715715     * @since 10604
    716716     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/tagging/presets/

    r13849 r14273  
    4949    /**
    50      * Finds and returns the first occurence of preset with template name matching the given primitive
     50     * Finds and returns the first occurrence of preset with template name matching the given primitive
    5151     * @param primitive The primitive to match
    52      * @return the first occurence of preset with template name matching the primitive
     52     * @return the first occurrence of preset with template name matching the primitive
    5353     */
    5454    public TaggingPreset findPresetTemplate(IPrimitive primitive) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/util/

    r14153 r14273  
    367367    /**
    368      * Determines if the bug affecting getMaximumWindowBounds() occured.
     368     * Determines if the bug affecting getMaximumWindowBounds() occurred.
    369369     *
    370370     * @param maxbounds result of getMaximumWindowBounds()
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/widgets/

    r12630 r14273  
    130130                        pasteAction.actionPerformed(e);
    131131                    } catch (NullPointerException npe) { // NOPMD
    132                         Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, "NullPointerException occured because of JDK bug 6322854. "
     132                        Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, "NullPointerException occurred because of JDK bug 6322854. "
    133133                                +"Copy/Paste operation has not been performed. Please complain to Oracle: "+
    134134                                "", npe);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/widgets/

    r13265 r14273  
    592592     *
    593593     * If the Dividers are "floating" then set the bounds of each
    594      * node to accomodate the preferred size of all of the
     594     * node to accommodate the preferred size of all of the
    595595     * Leaf's java.awt.Components.  Otherwise, just set the bounds
    596596     * of each Leaf/Split node so that it's to the left of (for
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r14214 r14273  
    206206    /**
    207      * Determines if proxy errors have occured.
    208      * @return {@code true} if errors have occured, {@code false} otherwise.
     207     * Determines if proxy errors have occurred.
     208     * @return {@code true} if errors have occurred, {@code false} otherwise.
    209209     * @since 6523
    210210     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r14121 r14273  
    6060    /**
    61      * Returns the network errors that occured until now.
    62      * @return the network errors that occured until now, indexed by URL
     61     * Returns the network errors that occurred until now.
     62     * @return the network errors that occurred until now, indexed by URL
    6363     */
    6464    public static Map<String, Throwable> getNetworkErrors() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r13499 r14273  
    2424     * @param errorHeader The error header, as transmitted in the {@code Error} field of the HTTP response header
    2525     * @param errorBody The error body, as transmitted in the HTTP response body
    26      * @param accessedUrl The complete URL accessed when this error occured
     26     * @param accessedUrl The complete URL accessed when this error occurred
    2727     * @param login the login used to connect to OSM API (can be null)
    2828     * @param contentType the response content-type
    4444     * @param errorHeader The error header, as transmitted in the {@code Error} field of the HTTP response header
    4545     * @param errorBody The error body, as transmitted in the HTTP response body
    46      * @param accessedUrl The complete URL accessed when this error occured
     46     * @param accessedUrl The complete URL accessed when this error occurred
    4747     * @param login the login used to connect to OSM API (can be null)
    4848     * @since 12992
    5858     * @param errorHeader The error header, as transmitted in the {@code Error} field of the HTTP response header
    5959     * @param errorBody The error body, as transmitted in the HTTP response body
    60      * @param accessedUrl The complete URL accessed when this error occured
     60     * @param accessedUrl The complete URL accessed when this error occurred
    6161     * @since 5584
    6262     */
    217217    /**
    218      * Sets the complete URL accessed when this error occured.
     218     * Sets the complete URL accessed when this error occurred.
    219219     * This is distinct from the one set with {@link #setUrl}, which is generally only the base URL of the server.
    220      * @param url the complete URL accessed when this error occured.
     220     * @param url the complete URL accessed when this error occurred.
    221221     */
    222222    public void setAccessedUrl(String url) {
    226226    /**
    227      * Replies the complete URL accessed when this error occured.
     227     * Replies the complete URL accessed when this error occurred.
    228228     * This is distinct from the one returned by {@link #getUrl}, which is generally only the base URL of the server.
    229      * @return the complete URL accessed when this error occured.
     229     * @return the complete URL accessed when this error occurred.
    230230     */
    231231    public String getAccessedUrl() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r13493 r14273  
    5  * Exception thrown when a communication error occured with the OSM server during API initialization.
     5 * Exception thrown when a communication error occurred with the OSM server during API initialization.
    66 * @see OsmApi#initialize
    77 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/remotecontrol/handler/

    r14221 r14273  
    4848    /**
    49      * The place to remeber already added nodes (they are reused if needed @since 5845
     49     * The place to remember already added nodes (they are reused if needed @since 5845
    5050     */
    5151    private Map<LatLon, Node> addedNodes;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/

    r14149 r14273  
    214214    /**
    215      * Replies the last exception that occured during download, or {@code null}.
    216      * @return the last exception that occured during download, or {@code null}
     215     * Replies the last exception that occurred during download, or {@code null}.
     216     * @return the last exception that occurred during download, or {@code null}
    217217     * @since 9621
    218218     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/

    r14237 r14273  
    272272    /**
    273      * All exceptions that occured during plugin loading
     273     * All exceptions that occurred during plugin loading
    274274     */
    275275    static final Map<String, Throwable> pluginLoadingExceptions = new HashMap<>();
    14191419            Throwable cause = current.getCause();
    14201420            if (cause != null && seen.contains(cause)) {
    1421                 break; // circular refernce
     1421                break; // circular reference
    14221422            }
    14231423            current = cause;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r14144 r14273  
    366366        //
    367367        // However, large numbers lead to rounding errors (see #10286).
    368         // To avoid this, p1 is first substracted from each of the points:
     368        // To avoid this, p1 is first subtracted from each of the points:
    369369        //  p1' = 0
    370370        //  p2' = p2 - p1
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r14074 r14273  
    462462    /**
    463      * Provides direct access to the logger used. Use of methods like {@link #warn(String)} is prefered.
     463     * Provides direct access to the logger used. Use of methods like {@link #warn(String)} is preferred.
    464464     * @return The logger
    465465     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r12624 r14273  
    116116         * Gets the content of this memory area.
    117117         * <p>
    118          * This method should be the prefered access to the memory since it will do error checking when {@link #free()} was called.
     118         * This method should be the preferred access to the memory since it will do error checking when {@link #free()} was called.
    119119         * @return The memory area content.
    120120         */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r14144 r14273  
    6161    /**
    62       * The preStartupHook will be called extremly early. It is
     62      * The preStartupHook will be called extremely early. It is
    6363      * guaranteed to be called before the GUI setup has started.
    6464      *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r14161 r14273  
    430430        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
    431431            // catch error of JDK-8172244 as bug seems to not be fixed anytime soon
    432             Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, "JDK-8172244 occured. Abort HTTPS setup", e);
     432            Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, "JDK-8172244 occurred. Abort HTTPS setup", e);
    433433            return false;
    434434        }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r8846 r14273  
    4242    /**
    43      * Sets the location (line/column) where the exception occured.
    44      * @param locator object giving the location (line/column) where the exception occured
     43     * Sets the location (line/column) where the exception occurred.
     44     * @param locator object giving the location (line/column) where the exception occurred
    4545     * @return {@code this}
    4646     */
    6666    /**
    67      * Returns the column number where the exception occured.
    68      * @return the column number where the exception occured
     67     * Returns the column number where the exception occurred.
     68     * @return the column number where the exception occurred
    6969     */
    7070    public int getColumnNumber() {
    7474    /**
    75      * Returns the line number where the exception occured.
    76      * @return the line number where the exception occured
     75     * Returns the line number where the exception occurred.
     76     * @return the line number where the exception occurred
    7777     */
    7878    public int getLineNumber() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/bugreport/

    r14119 r14273  
    162162    /**
    163      * Returns the error message that could have occured during bug sending.
     163     * Returns the error message that could have occurred during bug sending.
    164164     * @return the error message, or {@code null} if successful
    165165     */
  • trunk/test/unit/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/

    r14138 r14273  
    117117        Collection<RefEntry> result = new ArrayList<>();
    118118        if (!new File(REFERENCE_DATA_FILE).exists()) {
    119             System.err.println("Warning: refrence file does not exist.");
     119            System.err.println("Warning: reference file does not exist.");
    120120            return result;
    121121        }
  • trunk/test/unit/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/tests/

    r13489 r14273  
    4343    /**
    44      * Check for mispelled key.
     44     * Check for misspelled key.
    4545     * @throws IOException if any I/O error occurs
    4646     */
    5656    /**
    57      * Check for mispelled key.
     57     * Check for misspelled key.
    5858     * @throws IOException if any I/O error occurs
    5959     */
    6969    /**
    70      * Check for mispelled key where the suggested alternative is in use. The error should not be fixable.
     70     * Check for misspelled key where the suggested alternative is in use. The error should not be fixable.
    7171     * @throws IOException if any I/O error occurs
    7272     */
    9595    /**
    96      * Check for mispelled value.
     96     * Check for misspelled value.
    9797     * @throws IOException if any I/O error occurs
    9898     */
  • trunk/test/unit/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/

    r13434 r14273  
    140140    /**
    141      * Test if {@link MainLayerManager#addActiveLayerChangeListener(ActiveLayerChangeListener)} prevents listener from beeing added twice.
     141     * Test if {@link MainLayerManager#addActiveLayerChangeListener(ActiveLayerChangeListener)} prevents listener from being added twice.
    142142     */
    143143    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  • trunk/test/unit/org/openstreetmap/josm/testutils/

    r14207 r14273  
    411411    /**
    412412     * Set up before running a test
    413      * @throws InitializationError If an error occured while creating the required environment.
     413     * @throws InitializationError If an error occurred while creating the required environment.
    414414     * @throws ReflectiveOperationException if a reflective access error occurs
    415415     */
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.