Changeset 1195 in josm for trunk/src/org/openstreetmap
- Timestamp:
- 2008-12-31T00:36:58+01:00 (16 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm
- Files:
- 24 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1188 r1195 479 479 final Bounds b = BoundingBoxSelection.osmurl2bounds(s); 480 480 if (b == null) 481 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("Ignoring malformed url: \"{0}\"", s));481 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("Ignoring malformed URL: \"{0}\"", s)); 482 482 else { 483 483 //DownloadTask osmTask =; … … 492 492 File(new URI(s))); 493 493 } catch (URISyntaxException e) { 494 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("Ignoring malformed file url: \"{0}\"", s));494 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("Ignoring malformed file URL: \"{0}\"", s)); 495 495 } 496 496 return; -
r1169 r1195 46 46 */ 47 47 public OpenLocationAction() { 48 super(tr("Open Location..."), "openlocation", tr("Open a URL."), 48 super(tr("Open Location..."), "openlocation", tr("Open an URL."), 49 49 Shortcut.registerShortcut("system:open_location", tr("File: {0}", tr("Open Location...")), KeyEvent.VK_L, Shortcut.GROUP_MENU), true); 50 50 } -
r1169 r1195 41 41 super(tr("Orthogonalize shape"), 42 42 "ortho", 43 tr("Move nodes so all angles are 90 or 270 deg"),43 tr("Move nodes so all angles are 90 or 270 degree"), 44 44 Shortcut.registerShortcut("tools:orthogonalize", tr("Tool: {0}", tr("Orthogonalize")), 45 45 KeyEvent.VK_Q, … … 73 73 Way way = (Way)osm; 74 74 if ((way.nodes.size() < 5) || (!way.nodes.get(0).equals(way.nodes.get(way.nodes.size() - 1)))) { 75 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("Please select closed way (s)of at least four nodes."));75 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("Please select one ore more closed ways of at least four nodes.")); 76 76 return; 77 77 } -
r1169 r1195 86 86 if (tmpNodes.size() < 1) { 87 87 if (selection.size() > 1) { 88 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("None of these nodes isglued to anything else."));88 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("None of these nodes are glued to anything else.")); 89 89 } else { 90 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("None of this way's nodes isglued to anything else."));90 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("None of this way's nodes are glued to anything else.")); 91 91 } 92 92 } else { -
r1169 r1195 75 75 76 76 @Override public String getModeHelpText() { 77 return tr("Zoom by dragging or Ctrl+. or Ctrl+,; move with Ctrl+up, left,down,right; move zoom with right button");77 return tr("Zoom by dragging or Ctrl+. or Ctrl+,; move with Ctrl+up, left, down, right; move zoom with right button"); 78 78 } 79 79 } -
r1169 r1195 55 55 } catch (IOException e) { 56 56 e.printStackTrace(); 57 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("Could not read from url: \"{0}\"",url));57 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("Could not read from URL: \"{0}\"",url)); 58 58 } catch (SAXException e) { 59 59 e.printStackTrace(); 60 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent,tr("Parsing error in url: \"{0}\"",url));60 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent,tr("Parsing error in URL: \"{0}\"",url)); 61 61 } 62 62 } -
r1169 r1195 134 134 135 135 return applyCorrections(tagCorrectionsMap, roleCorrectionMap, 136 tr("When rever ting this way, following changes to properties "136 tr("When reversing this way, the following changes to properties " 137 137 + "of the way and its nodes are suggested in order " 138 138 + "to maintain data consistency.")); -
r1193 r1195 38 38 protected boolean zoomLevelDisplay; 39 39 protected boolean fillAreas; 40 protected boolean drawMultipolygon; 40 41 protected int fillAlpha; 41 42 protected Color untaggedColor; … … 48 49 protected double circum; 49 50 protected String regionalNameOrder[]; 50 protected Collection<Way> alreadyDrawnWays = new LinkedList<Way>(); 51 protected Collection<Way> alreadyDrawnAreas = new LinkedList<Way>(); 51 protected Boolean selectedCall; 52 protected Collection<OsmPrimitive> alreadyDrawn; 53 protected Collection<Way> alreadyDrawnAreas; 52 54 53 55 protected boolean isZoomOk(ElemStyle e) { … … 73 75 */ 74 76 public void visit(Node n) { 75 IconElemStyle nodeStyle = styles.get(n); 77 IconElemStyle nodeStyle = (IconElemStyle)styles.get(n); 76 78 if (nodeStyle != null && isZoomOk(nodeStyle)) 77 drawNode(n, nodeStyle.icon, nodeStyle.annotate); 79 drawNode(n, nodeStyle.icon, nodeStyle.annotate, n.selected); 78 80 else if (n.selected) 79 81 drawNode(n, selectedColor, selectedNodeSize, selectedNodeRadius, fillSelectedNode); … … 114 116 } 115 117 116 drawWay(w, l, areacolor); 117 } 118 119 public void drawWay(Way w, LineElemStyle l, Color color) { 118 drawWay(w, l, areacolor, w.selected); 119 } 120 121 public void drawWay(Way w, LineElemStyle l, Color color, Boolean selected) { 120 122 // show direction arrows, if draw.segment.relevant_directions_only is not set, 121 123 // the way is tagged with a direction key … … 134 136 dashed = l.dashed; 135 137 } 138 if(selected) 139 color = selectedColor; 136 140 if (realWidth > 0 && useRealWidth && !showDirection) 137 141 { … … 294 298 } 295 299 300 public void drawSelected(OsmPrimitive osm, ElemStyle style, Boolean area, 301 Boolean areaselected) 302 { 303 if(osm instanceof Way) 304 { 305 if(style instanceof AreaElemStyle) 306 { 307 drawWay((Way)osm, ((AreaElemStyle)style).line, selectedColor, true); 308 if(area) 309 drawWayAsArea((Way)osm, areaselected ? selectedColor 310 : ((AreaElemStyle)style).color); 311 } 312 else 313 { 314 drawWay((Way)osm, (LineElemStyle)style, selectedColor, true); 315 } 316 } 317 else if(osm instanceof Node) 318 { 319 if(style != null && isZoomOk(style)) 320 drawNode((Node)osm, ((IconElemStyle)style).icon, 321 ((IconElemStyle)style).annotate, true); 322 else 323 drawNode((Node)osm, selectedColor, selectedNodeSize, selectedNodeRadius, fillSelectedNode); 324 } 325 } 326 296 327 public void visit(Relation r) { 297 328 // draw multipolygon relations including their ways 298 // other relations are not (yet?) drawn. 299 if (r.incomplete) return; 300 301 if(!Main.pref.getBoolean("mappaint.multipolygon",false)) return; 302 303 if(!"multipolygon".equals(r.keys.get("type"))) return; 329 // other relations are only drawn when selected 330 if(r.selected) 331 { 332 if(selectedCall) 333 { 334 for (RelationMember m : r.members) 335 { 336 /* second call - draw nodes */ 337 if (!m.member.incomplete && !m.member.deleted 338 && m.member instanceof Node) 339 { 340 drawSelected(m.member, styles.get(m.member), true, true); 341 alreadyDrawn.add(m.member); 342 } 343 } 344 return; 345 } 346 } 347 Boolean isMultipolygon = "multipolygon".equals(r.keys.get("type")); 348 if (!drawMultipolygon || !isMultipolygon) 349 { 350 if(r.selected && !isMultipolygon) 351 { 352 for (RelationMember m : r.members) 353 { 354 if (!m.member.incomplete && !m.member.deleted 355 && !(m.member instanceof Relation)) 356 { 357 /* nodes drawn on second call */ 358 if(!(m.member instanceof Node)) 359 drawSelected(m.member, styles.get(m.member), true, true); 360 alreadyDrawn.add(m.member); 361 } 362 } 363 } 364 return; 365 } 304 366 305 367 Collection<Way> inner = new LinkedList<Way>(); … … 328 390 if(m.role == null || m.role.length() == 0) 329 391 outer.add(w); 392 else if(r.selected) 393 drawSelected(m.member, styles.get(m.member), true, true); 330 394 } 331 395 } 332 396 else 333 397 { 398 /* nodes drawn on second call */ 334 399 System.out.println("ERROR: Non-Way in multipolygon " + m.member); 335 400 } … … 385 450 for (Way w : outerclosed) 386 451 { 387 Color color = w.selected ? selectedColor 452 Color color = (w.selected || r.selected) ? selectedColor 388 453 : ((AreaElemStyle)wayStyle).color; 389 454 Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); … … 423 488 { 424 489 if(zoomok) 490 { 425 491 drawWay(wInner, ((AreaElemStyle)wayStyle).line, 426 ((AreaElemStyle)wayStyle).color); 427 alreadyDrawnWays.add(wInner); 428 } 429 else if(wayStyle.equals(innerStyle)) 430 { 492 ((AreaElemStyle)wayStyle).color, wInner.selected 493 || r.selected); 494 } 495 alreadyDrawn.add(wInner); 496 } 497 else 498 { 499 if(r.selected) 500 { 501 drawSelected(wInner, innerStyle, 502 !wayStyle.equals(innerStyle), wInner.selected); 503 alreadyDrawn.add(wInner); 504 } 505 if(wayStyle.equals(innerStyle)) 506 { 431 507 System.out.println("WARNING: Inner waystyle equals multipolygon for way " + wInner); 432 alreadyDrawnAreas.add(wInner); 508 if(!r.selected) 509 alreadyDrawnAreas.add(wInner); 510 } 433 511 } 434 512 } … … 439 517 { 440 518 if(zoomok) 519 { 441 520 drawWay(wOuter, ((AreaElemStyle)wayStyle).line, 442 ((AreaElemStyle)wayStyle).color); 443 alreadyDrawnWays.add(wOuter); 521 ((AreaElemStyle)wayStyle).color, wOuter.selected 522 || r.selected); 523 } 524 alreadyDrawn.add(wOuter); 444 525 } 445 526 else 446 527 { 447 if(!wayStyle.equals(outerStyle)) 528 if(outerStyle instanceof AreaElemStyle 529 && !wayStyle.equals(outerStyle)) 530 { 448 531 System.out.println("ERROR: Outer waystyle does not match multipolygon for way " + wOuter); 449 alreadyDrawnAreas.add(wOuter); 532 } 533 if(r.selected) 534 { 535 drawSelected(wOuter, outerStyle, false, false); 536 alreadyDrawn.add(wOuter); 537 } 538 // else if(outerStyle instanceof AreaElemStyle) 539 alreadyDrawnAreas.add(wOuter); 450 540 } 451 541 } … … 470 560 } 471 561 472 // NEW 473 protected void drawNode(Node n, ImageIcon icon, boolean annotate) { 562 protected void drawNode(Node n, ImageIcon icon, boolean annotate, Boolean selected) { 474 563 Point p = nc.getPoint(n.eastNorth); 475 564 if ((p.x < 0) || (p.y < 0) || (p.x > nc.getWidth()) || (p.y > nc.getHeight())) return; … … 485 574 g.setFont(defaultFont); 486 575 } 487 if ( n.selected)576 if (selected) 488 577 { 489 578 g.setColor ( selectedColor ); … … 582 671 circum =*100*Main.proj.scaleFactor()*40041455; // circumference of the earth in meter 583 672 styles = MapPaintStyles.getStyles(); 673 drawMultipolygon = Main.pref.getBoolean("mappaint.multipolygon",false); 584 674 orderFont = new Font(Main.pref.get("mappaint.font","Helvetica"), Font.PLAIN, Main.pref.getInteger("mappaint.fontsize", 8)); 585 675 String currentLocale = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(); 586 676 regionalNameOrder = Main.pref.get("mappaint.nameOrder", "name:"+currentLocale+";name;int_name").split(";"); 587 677 678 alreadyDrawn = new LinkedList<OsmPrimitive>(); 679 alreadyDrawnAreas = new LinkedList<Way>(); 680 selectedCall = false; 681 588 682 if (fillAreas && styles.hasAreas()) { 589 683 Collection<Way> noAreaWays = new LinkedList<Way>(); … … 591 685 for (final Relation osm : data.relations) 592 686 { 593 if (!osm.deleted && !osm.selected) 594 { 687 if(!osm.deleted && !osm.incomplete) 595 688 osm.visit(this); 596 }597 689 } 598 690 599 691 for (final Way osm : data.ways) 600 692 { 601 if (!osm.incomplete && !osm.deleted && !alreadyDrawn Ways.contains(osm))693 if (!osm.incomplete && !osm.deleted && !alreadyDrawn.contains(osm)) 602 694 { 603 695 if(styles.isArea((Way)osm) && !alreadyDrawnAreas.contains(osm)) … … 607 699 } 608 700 } 609 // free that stuff610 alreadyDrawnWays = null;611 701 alreadyDrawnAreas = null; 612 702 … … 618 708 { 619 709 for (final OsmPrimitive osm : data.ways) 620 if (!osm.incomplete && !osm.deleted) 710 if (!osm.incomplete && !osm.deleted && !osm.selected) 621 711 osm.visit(this); 622 712 } 623 713 624 for (final OsmPrimitive osm : data.getSelected()) 625 if (!osm.incomplete && !osm.deleted){ 714 selectedCall = true; 715 for (final OsmPrimitive osm : data.getSelected()) { 716 if (!osm.incomplete && !osm.deleted 717 && !(osm instanceof Node) && !alreadyDrawn.contains(osm)) 626 718 osm.visit(this); 627 719 } 628 720 629 721 displaySegments(); 630 722 631 723 for (final OsmPrimitive osm : data.nodes) 632 if (!osm.incomplete && !osm.deleted) 724 if (!osm.incomplete && !osm.deleted && !alreadyDrawn.contains(osm)) 633 725 osm.visit(this); 726 727 alreadyDrawn = null; 634 728 635 729 if (virtualNodeSize != 0) … … 637 731 currentColor = nodeColor; 638 732 for (final OsmPrimitive osm : data.ways) 639 if (!osm.deleted) 733 if (!osm.incomplete && !osm.deleted) 640 734 visitVirtual((Way)osm); 641 735 displaySegments(null); -
r1179 r1195 55 55 {"password", tr("string"), tr("OSM Password.")}, 56 56 {"geometry", tr("string"), tr("Resize the applet to the given geometry (format: WIDTHxHEIGHT)")}, 57 {"download", tr("string;string;..."), tr("Download each. Can be x1,y1,x2,y2 an urlcontaining lat=y&lon=x&zoom=z or a filename")},58 {"downloadgps", tr("string;string;..."), tr("Download each as raw gps. Can be x1,y1,x2,y2 an urlcontaining lat=y&lon=x&zoom=z or a filename")},59 {"selection", tr("string;string;..."), tr("Add each to the initial selection. Can be a google-like search string or an urlwhich returns osm-xml")},57 {"download", tr("string;string;..."), tr("Download each. Can be x1,y1,x2,y2 an URL containing lat=y&lon=x&zoom=z or a filename")}, 58 {"downloadgps", tr("string;string;..."), tr("Download each as raw gps. Can be x1,y1,x2,y2 an URL containing lat=y&lon=x&zoom=z or a filename")}, 59 {"selection", tr("string;string;..."), tr("Add each to the initial selection. Can be a google-like search string or an URL which returns osm-xml")}, 60 60 {"reset-preferences", tr("any"),tr("If specified, reset the configuration instead of reading it.")} 61 61 }; -
r1169 r1195 20 20 /** 21 21 * Instanced of this thread will display a "Please Wait" message in middle of JOSM 22 * to indicate a progress be eing executed.22 * to indicate a progress being executed. 23 23 * 24 24 * @author Imi -
r1169 r1195 14 14 import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; 15 15 import; 16 import java.lang.reflect.Array;17 16 import java.text.Collator; 18 17 import java.util.ArrayList; … … 304 303 upDownPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(upDownPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); 305 304 306 307 308 upDownPanel.add(createButton(null, "moveup", tr("Move the currently selected member(s) up"), 305 upDownPanel.add(createButton(null, "moveup", tr("Move the currently selected members up"), 309 306 KeyEvent.VK_U, new ActionListener() { 310 307 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { … … 312 309 } 313 310 })); 314 upDownPanel.add(createButton(null, "movedown", tr("Move the currently selected member (s)down"),311 upDownPanel.add(createButton(null, "movedown", tr("Move the currently selected members down"), 315 312 KeyEvent.VK_N, new ActionListener() { 316 313 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { -
r1084 r1195 4 4 import static; 5 5 import static; 6 import static; 6 7 7 8 import java.awt.BorderLayout; … … 37 38 import; 38 39 import; 40 import; 39 41 import; 40 42 import; … … 286 288 int ways = 0; 287 289 int nodes = 0; 290 int relations = 0; 288 291 for (OsmPrimitive o : sel) { 289 292 if (o instanceof Way) … … 291 294 else if (o instanceof Node) 292 295 nodes++; 293 } 294 setText(String.format(tr("Selection: %d way(s) and %d node(s)"), new Object[] { ways, nodes })); 296 else if (o instanceof Relation) 297 relations++; 298 } 299 String text = ""; 300 if(ways != 0) 301 text += (text.length() > 0 ? ", " : "") 302 + trn("{0} way", "{0} ways", ways, ways); 303 if(nodes != 0) 304 text += (text.length() > 0 ? ", " : "") 305 + trn("{0} node", "{0} nodes", nodes, nodes); 306 if(relations != 0) 307 text += (text.length() > 0 ? ", " : "") 308 + trn("{0} relation", "{0} relations", relations, relations); 309 setText(tr("Selection: {0}", text)); 295 310 addActionListener(this); 296 311 } -
r1169 r1195 226 226 }); 227 227 228 JMenuItem moveaudio = new JMenuItem(tr("Make Audio Marker At Play Head"), ImageProvider.get("addmarkers"));228 JMenuItem moveaudio = new JMenuItem(tr("Make Audio Marker at Play Head"), ImageProvider.get("addmarkers")); 229 229 moveaudio.putClientProperty("help", "Action/MakeAudioMarkerAtPlayHead"); 230 230 moveaudio.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ -
r1169 r1195 201 201 if (ca == null) { 202 202 /* Not close enough to track, or no audio marker found for some other reason */ 203 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("You need to Drag the play head near to the GPX track whose associated sound track you were playing."));203 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("You need to drag the play head near to the GPX track whose associated sound track you were playing.")); 204 204 endDrag(true); 205 205 } else { … … 249 249 WayPoint cw = recent.parentLayer.fromLayer.nearestPointOnTrack(en, enPlus25px.east() - en.east()); 250 250 if (cw == null) { 251 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("You need to SHIFT- Drag the play head onto an audio marker or onto the track point where you want to synchronize."));251 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("You need to SHIFT-drag the play head onto an audio marker or onto the track point where you want to synchronize.")); 252 252 endDrag(true); 253 253 return; … … 259 259 if(ca == null) 260 260 { 261 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent,tr("Unable to create new Audio marker."));261 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent,tr("Unable to create new audio marker.")); 262 262 endDrag(true); 263 263 } -
r1192 r1195 88 88 } 89 89 90 public IconElemStyle get(Node n) 91 { 92 StyleSet ss = getStyleSet(null, false); 90 private ElemStyle getNode(Map<String, String> keys, StyleSet ss) 91 { 93 92 IconElemStyle ret = null; 94 if(ss != null && n.keys != null) 95 { 96 Iterator<String> iterator = n.keys.keySet().iterator(); 97 while(iterator.hasNext()) 98 { 99 String key =; 100 String val = n.keys.get(key); 101 IconElemStyle style; 102 if((style = ss.icons.get("n" + key + "=" + val)) != null) 103 { 104 if(ret == null || style.priority > ret.priority) 105 ret = style; 106 } 107 if((style = ss.icons.get("b" + key + "=" + OsmUtils.getNamedOsmBoolean(val))) != null) 108 { 109 if(ret == null || style.priority > ret.priority) 110 ret = style; 111 } 112 if((style = ss.icons.get("x" + key)) != null) 113 { 114 if(ret == null || style.priority > ret.priority) 115 ret = style; 116 } 93 Iterator<String> iterator = keys.keySet().iterator(); 94 while(iterator.hasNext()) 95 { 96 String key =; 97 String val = keys.get(key); 98 IconElemStyle style; 99 if((style = ss.icons.get("n" + key + "=" + val)) != null) 100 { 101 if(ret == null || style.priority > ret.priority) 102 ret = style; 103 } 104 if((style = ss.icons.get("b" + key + "=" + OsmUtils.getNamedOsmBoolean(val))) != null) 105 { 106 if(ret == null || style.priority > ret.priority) 107 ret = style; 108 } 109 if((style = ss.icons.get("x" + key)) != null) 110 { 111 if(ret == null || style.priority > ret.priority) 112 ret = style; 117 113 } 118 114 } … … 181 177 } 182 178 183 public ElemStyle get( Way w)179 public ElemStyle get(OsmPrimitive osm) 184 180 { 185 181 StyleSet ss = getStyleSet(null, false); 186 return (ss == null || w.keys == null) ? null : get(w.keys, ss); 187 } 188 189 public ElemStyle get(Relation r) 190 { 191 StyleSet ss = getStyleSet(null, false); 192 return (ss == null || r.keys == null) ? null : get(r.keys, ss); 182 return (ss == null || osm.keys == null) ? null : 183 ((osm instanceof Node) ? getNode(osm.keys, ss) : get(osm.keys, ss)); 193 184 } 194 185 -
r1180 r1195 45 45 JLabel warning = new JLabel(tr("<html>" + 46 46 "WARNING: The password is stored in plain text in the preferences file.<br>" + 47 "The password is transfered in plain text to the server, encoded in the url.<br>" +47 "The password is transfered in plain text to the server, encoded in the URL.<br>" + 48 48 "<b>Do not use a valuable Password.</b></html>")); 49 49 warning.setFont(warning.getFont().deriveFont(Font.ITALIC)); -
r1180 r1195 84 84 taggingPresetSources.setVisibleRowCount(3); 85 85 86 taggingPresetSources.setToolTipText(tr("The sources ( urlor filename) of tagging preset definition files. See for help."));86 taggingPresetSources.setToolTipText(tr("The sources (URL or filename) of tagging preset definition files. See for help.")); 87 87 addAnno.setToolTipText(tr("Add a new tagging preset source to the list.")); 88 88 deleteAnno.setToolTipText(tr("Delete the selected source from the list.")); -
r1169 r1195 70 70 } catch (NullPointerException x) { 71 71 x.printStackTrace(); // SAXException does not chain correctly 72 throw new SAXException(tr("NullPointerException, Possibly some missing tags."), x);72 throw new SAXException(tr("NullPointerException, possibly some missing tags."), x); 73 73 } 74 74 } -
r1169 r1195 201 201 Collection<RelationMemberData> list = relations.get(current); 202 202 if (list == null) 203 throw new SAXException(tr("Found <member> tag on non-relation."));203 throw new SAXException(tr("Found <member> element in non-relation.")); 204 204 RelationMemberData emd = new RelationMemberData(); 205 205 emd.relationMember = new RelationMember(); … … 223 223 } catch (NullPointerException x) { 224 224 x.printStackTrace(); // SAXException does not chain correctly 225 throw new SAXException(tr("NullPointerException, Possibly some missing tags."), x);225 throw new SAXException(tr("NullPointerException, possibly some missing tags."), x); 226 226 } 227 227 } … … 460 460 } catch (NumberFormatException e) { 461 461 e.printStackTrace(); 462 throw new SAXException(tr("Ill formed Node id"));462 throw new SAXException(tr("Ill-formed node id")); 463 463 } 464 464 -
r1189 r1195 114 114 while (useChangesets && comment == null) { 115 115 comment = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Main.parent, 116 tr("Provide a brief comment as tothe changestoyou are uploading:"),116 tr("Provide a brief comment for the changes you are uploading:"), 117 117 tr("Commit comment"), JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); 118 118 if (comment == null) -
r1189 r1195 114 114 p.add(new JLabel("<html>" + tr("Please report a ticket at {0}","") + 115 115 "<br>" + tr("Include your steps to get to the error (as detailed as possible)!") + 116 "<br>" + tr("Try updating to the newest version of JOSM and all plugin before reporting a bug.") + 116 "<br>" + tr("Try updating to the newest version of JOSM and all plugins before reporting a bug.") + 117 117 "<br>" + tr("Be sure to include the following information:") + "</html>"), GBC.eol()); 118 118 try { -
r1169 r1195 2 2 package; 3 3 4 import static;5 4 import; 6 5 -
r1169 r1195 2 2 package; 3 3 4 import static;5 4 import; 6 5 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; -
r1169 r1195 2 2 package; 3 3 4 import static;5 4 import; 6 5 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main;
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.