1 | <?php
2 | require("config.php");
3 | $lat=$_REQUEST['lat'];
4 | $lon=$_REQUEST['lon'];
5 | if ( !is_numeric($lat) or !is_numeric($lon) ) die;
6 |
7 |
8 | // From: http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?656315-Adding-Distance-To-GPS-Coordinates-To-Get-Bounding-Box&p=4519646&viewfull=1#post4519646
9 | function new_coords($lat, $lon, $bearing, $distance)
10 | {
11 | // Radius of Earth in meters
12 | $radius = 6371000;
13 |
14 | // New latitude in degrees.
15 | $new_lat = rad2deg(asin(sin(deg2rad($lat)) * cos($distance / $radius) + cos(deg2rad($lat)) * sin($distance / $radius) * cos(deg2rad($bearing))));
16 |
17 | // New longitude in degrees.
18 | $new_lon = rad2deg(deg2rad($lon) + atan2(sin(deg2rad($bearing)) * sin($distance / $radius) * cos(deg2rad($lat)), cos($distance / $radius) - sin(deg2rad($lat)) * sin(deg2rad($new_lat))));
19 |
20 | // Assign new latitude and longitude to an array to be returned to the caller.
21 | $coord['lat'] = $new_lat;
22 | $coord['lon'] = $new_lon;
23 |
24 | return $coord;
25 | }
26 |
27 | // Boundary box 20x20 meters around the point
28 | $x1_coor = new_coords($lat, $lon, 315, 10); // Left upper point
29 | $x2_coor = new_coords($lat, $lon, 135, 10); // Right down point
30 |
31 | $x1_lon = $x1_coor['lon'];
32 | $x2_lon = $x2_coor['lon'];
33 | $x1_lat = $x1_coor['lat'];
34 | $x2_lat = $x2_coor['lat'];;
35 |
36 | $boundary_polygon=($x1_lon) . " " . ($x1_lat) . ", " . ($x1_lon) . " " . ($x2_lat) . ", " . ($x2_lon) . " " . ($x2_lat) . ", " . ($x2_lon) . " " . ($x1_lat) . ", " . ($x1_lon) . " " . ($x1_lat);
37 |
38 | header('Content-Type: application/json');
39 |
40 | $data = array();
41 |
42 | $data["coordinates"] = array( "lat" => "$lat", "lon" => "$lon");
43 | $data["source"] = "cuzk:ruian";
44 |
45 |
46 | // building
47 | $query="
48 | select s.kod,
49 | s.pocet_podlazi, a.nazev zpusob_vyuziti, s.plati_od, s.pocet_bytu, s.dokonceni,
50 | s.zpusob_vyuziti_kod, a.osmtag_k, a.osmtag_v
51 | from rn_stavebni_objekt s
52 | left outer join osmtables.zpusob_vyuziti_objektu a on s.zpusob_vyuziti_kod = a.kod
53 | where st_contains(s.hranice,st_transform(st_geomfromtext('POINT(".$lon." ".$lat.")',4326),900913))
54 | and not s.deleted
55 | limit 1;
56 | ";
57 | $result=pg_query($CONNECT,$query);
58 |
59 | if (pg_num_rows($result) > 0)
60 | {
61 | $row = pg_fetch_array($result, 0);
62 |
63 |
64 | $data["stavebni_objekt"] =
65 | array( "ruian_id" => $row["kod"],
66 | "pocet_podlazi" => $row["pocet_podlazi"],
67 | "zpusob_vyuziti" => $row["zpusob_vyuziti"],
68 | "zpusob_vyuziti_kod" => $row["zpusob_vyuziti_kod"],
69 | "zpusob_vyuziti_key" => $row["osmtag_k"],
70 | "zpusob_vyuziti_val" => $row["osmtag_v"],
71 | "pocet_bytu" => $row["pocet_bytu"],
72 | "dokonceni" => $row["dokonceni"],
73 | "plati_od" => $row["plati_od"]
74 | );
75 | } else
76 | $data["stavebni_objekt"] = array();
77 |
78 | // Ghosts: Buildings without geometry in close neighbourhood
79 | $query="
80 | select * from (
81 | select s.kod,
82 | s.pocet_podlazi, a.nazev zpusob_vyuziti, s.plati_od, s.pocet_bytu, s.dokonceni,
83 | s.zpusob_vyuziti_kod, a.osmtag_k, a.osmtag_v,
84 | s.definicni_bod,
85 | st_distance( (st_transform(s.definicni_bod,4326))::geography, (st_setsrid(st_makepoint(".$lon.",".$lat."),4326))::geography ) dist
86 | from rn_stavebni_objekt s
87 | left outer join osmtables.zpusob_vyuziti_objektu a on s.zpusob_vyuziti_kod = a.kod
88 | where st_intersects(s.definicni_bod, st_transform(st_geometryfromtext(
89 | 'POLYGON (( $boundary_polygon ))' ,4326),900913))
90 | and not s.deleted
91 | and s.hranice is null
92 | order by definicni_bod <->
93 | st_transform(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(".$lon.",".$lat."),4326),900913)
94 | limit 5) as x
95 | order by dist;
96 | ";
97 | $result=pg_query($CONNECT,$query);
98 |
99 | if (pg_num_rows($result) > 0)
100 | {
101 | $so = array();
102 | for ($i = 0; $i < pg_num_rows($result); $i++)
103 | {
104 | $row = pg_fetch_array($result, $i);
105 | array_push($so,
106 | array( "ruian_id" => $row["kod"],
107 | "pocet_podlazi" => $row["pocet_podlazi"],
108 | "zpusob_vyuziti" => $row["zpusob_vyuziti"],
109 | "zpusob_vyuziti_kod" => $row["zpusob_vyuziti_kod"],
110 | "zpusob_vyuziti_key" => $row["osmtag_k"],
111 | "zpusob_vyuziti_val" => $row["osmtag_v"],
112 | "pocet_bytu" => $row["pocet_bytu"],
113 | "dokonceni" => $row["dokonceni"],
114 | "plati_od" => $row["plati_od"],
115 | "vzdalenost" => $row["dist"]
116 | ));
117 | }
118 | $data["so_bez_geometrie"] = $so;
119 | } else
120 | $data["so_bez_geometrie"] = array();
121 |
122 | // Addresses
123 | if ($data["stavebni_objekt"]["ruian_id"] > 0)
124 | {
125 | $query="
126 | select am.kod as adresni_misto_kod,
127 | am.stavobj_kod,
128 | st_asgeojson(st_transform(am.definicni_bod, 4326)) as pozice,
129 | CASE
130 | WHEN s.typ_kod = 1 THEN 'Číslo popisné'
131 | WHEN s.typ_kod = 2 THEN 'Číslo evidenční'
132 | WHEN s.typ_kod = 3 THEN 'bez č.p./č.e.'
133 | ELSE ''
134 | END cislo_typ,
135 | am.cislo_domovni,
136 | am.cislo_orientacni_hodnota || coalesce(am.cislo_orientacni_pismeno, '') cislo_orientacni,
137 | am.adrp_psc psc,
138 | ul.kod ulice_kod, ul.nazev ulice,
139 | c.kod cast_obce_kod, c.nazev cast_obce,
140 | momc.kod mestska_cast_kod, momc.nazev mestska_cast,
141 | ob.kod obec_kod, ob.nazev obec,
142 | ok.kod okres_kod, ok.nazev okres,
143 | vu.kod kraj_kod, vu.nazev kraj
144 | from ruian.rn_adresni_misto am
145 | left outer join rn_stavebni_objekt s on am.stavobj_kod = s.kod and not s.deleted
146 | left outer join osmtables.zpusob_vyuziti_objektu a on s.zpusob_vyuziti_kod = a.kod
147 | left outer join rn_ulice ul on am.ulice_kod = ul.kod and not ul.deleted
148 | left outer join rn_cast_obce c on c.kod = s.cobce_kod and not c.deleted
149 | left outer join rn_momc momc on momc.kod = s.momc_kod and not momc.deleted
150 | left outer join rn_obec ob on coalesce(ul.obec_kod, c.obec_kod) = ob.kod and not ob.deleted
151 | left outer join rn_okres ok on ob.okres_kod = ok.kod and not ok.deleted
152 | left outer join rn_vusc vu on ok.vusc_kod = vu.kod and not vu.deleted
153 | where am.stavobj_kod = ".$data["stavebni_objekt"]["ruian_id"]."
154 | and not am.deleted
155 | order by st_distance( (st_transform(am.definicni_bod,4326))::geography,
156 | (st_setsrid(st_makepoint(".$lon.",".$lat."),4326))::geography)
157 | ;
158 | ";
159 |
160 | $result=pg_query($CONNECT,$query);
161 | $error= pg_last_error($CONNECT);
162 | if (pg_num_rows($result) > 0)
163 | {
164 | $am = array();
165 | for ($i = 0; $i < pg_num_rows($result); $i++)
166 | {
167 | $row = pg_fetch_array($result, $i);
168 | $geometry=json_decode($row["pozice"], true);
169 | array_push($am,
170 | array("ruian_id" => $row["adresni_misto_kod"],
171 | "pozice" => $geometry['coordinates'],
172 | "budova_kod" => $row["stavobj_kod"],
173 | "cislo_typ" => $row["cislo_typ"],
174 | "cislo_domovni" => $row["cislo_domovni"],
175 | "cislo_orientacni" => $row["cislo_orientacni"],
176 | "ulice_kod" => $row["ulice_kod"],
177 | "ulice" => $row["ulice"],
178 | "cast_obce_kod" => $row["cast_obce_kod"],
179 | "cast_obce" => $row["cast_obce"],
180 | "mestska_cast_kod" => $row["mestska_cast_kod"],
181 | "mestska_cast" => $row["mestska_cast"],
182 | "obec_kod" => $row["obec_kod"],
183 | "obec" => $row["obec"],
184 | "okres_kod" => $row["okres_kod"],
185 | "okres" => $row["okres"],
186 | "kraj_kod" => $row["kraj_kod"],
187 | "kraj" => $row["kraj"],
188 | "psc" => $row["psc"]
189 | ));
190 | }
191 | $data["adresni_mista"] = $am;
192 | } else
193 | {
194 | // echo "error: $error\n";
195 | $data["adresni_mista"] = array();
196 | }
197 | }
198 | else
199 | {
200 | $query="
201 | select am.kod as adresni_misto_kod,
202 | am.stavobj_kod,
203 | st_asgeojson(st_transform(am.definicni_bod, 4326)) as pozice,
204 | CASE
205 | WHEN s.typ_kod = 1 THEN 'Číslo popisné'
206 | WHEN s.typ_kod = 2 THEN 'Číslo evidenční'
207 | WHEN s.typ_kod = 3 THEN 'bez č.p./č.e.'
208 | ELSE ''
209 | END cislo_typ,
210 | am.cislo_domovni,
211 | am.cislo_orientacni_hodnota || coalesce(am.cislo_orientacni_pismeno, '') cislo_orientacni,
212 | am.adrp_psc psc, ul.nazev ulice, c.nazev cast_obce,
213 | momc.nazev mestska_cast,
214 | ob.nazev obec, ok.nazev okres, vu.nazev kraj,
215 | st_distance( (st_transform(am.definicni_bod,4326))::geography, (st_setsrid(st_makepoint(".$lon.", ".$lat."),4326))::geography ) dist
216 | from ( select kod, stavobj_kod,
217 | cislo_domovni, cislo_orientacni_hodnota, cislo_orientacni_pismeno,
218 | ulice_kod, adrp_psc,
219 | definicni_bod
220 | from ruian.rn_adresni_misto
221 | where not deleted
222 | order by definicni_bod <->
223 | st_transform(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(".$lon.", ".$lat."),4326),900913)
224 | limit 100) as am
225 | left outer join rn_stavebni_objekt s on am.stavobj_kod = s.kod and not s.deleted
226 | left outer join osmtables.zpusob_vyuziti_objektu a on s.zpusob_vyuziti_kod = a.kod
227 | left outer join rn_ulice ul on am.ulice_kod = ul.kod and not ul.deleted
228 | left outer join rn_cast_obce c on c.kod = s.cobce_kod and not c.deleted
229 | left outer join rn_momc momc on momc.kod = s.momc_kod and not momc.deleted
230 | left outer join rn_obec ob on coalesce(ul.obec_kod, c.obec_kod) = ob.kod and not ob.deleted
231 | left outer join rn_okres ok on ob.okres_kod = ok.kod and not ok.deleted
232 | left outer join rn_vusc vu on ok.vusc_kod = vu.kod and not vu.deleted
233 | where st_distance( (st_transform(am.definicni_bod,4326))::geography, (st_setsrid(st_makepoint(".$lon.", ".$lat."),4326))::geography ) < 100
234 | order by dist
235 | limit 5
236 | ;
237 | ";
238 |
239 | $result=pg_query($CONNECT,$query);
240 | $error= pg_last_error($CONNECT);
241 | if (pg_num_rows($result) > 0)
242 | {
243 | $am = array();
244 | for ($i = 0; $i < pg_num_rows($result); $i++)
245 | {
246 | $row = pg_fetch_array($result, $i);
247 | $geometry=json_decode($row["pozice"], true);
248 | array_push($am,
249 | array("ruian_id" => $row["adresni_misto_kod"],
250 | "pozice" => $geometry['coordinates'],
251 | "budova_kod" => $row["stavobj_kod"],
252 | "cislo_typ" => $row["cislo_typ"],
253 | "cislo_domovni" => $row["cislo_domovni"],
254 | "cislo_orientacni" => $row["cislo_orientacni"],
255 | "ulice" => $row["ulice"],
256 | "cast_obce" => $row["cast_obce"],
257 | "mestska_cast" => $row["mestska_cast"],
258 | "obec" => $row["obec"],
259 | "okres" => $row["okres"],
260 | "kraj" => $row["kraj"],
261 | "psc" => $row["psc"],
262 | "vzdalenost" => $row["dist"]
263 | ));
264 | }
265 | $data["adresni_mista"] = $am;
266 | } else
267 | {
268 | // echo "error: $error\n";
269 | $data["adresni_mista"] = array();
270 | }
271 |
272 | }
273 |
274 | // land
275 | $query="
276 | select s.id, a.nazev as druh_pozemku, b.nazev as zpusob_vyuziti, s.plati_od
277 | from rn_parcela s
278 | left outer join osmtables.druh_pozemku a on s.druh_pozemku_kod = a.kod
279 | left outer join osmtables.zpusob_vyuziti_pozemku b on s.zpusob_vyu_poz_kod = b.kod
280 | where st_contains(s.hranice,st_transform(st_geomfromtext('POINT(".$lon." ".$lat.")',4326),900913))
281 | and not s.deleted
282 | limit 1;
283 | ";
284 |
285 | $result=pg_query($CONNECT,$query);
286 | $error= pg_last_error($CONNECT);
287 | if (pg_num_rows($result) > 0)
288 | {
289 | $row = pg_fetch_array($result, 0);
290 |
291 | $data["parcela"] =
292 | array( "ruian_id" => $row["id"],
293 | "druh_pozemku" => $row["druh_pozemku"],
294 | "zpusob_vyuziti" => $row["zpusob_vyuziti"],
295 | "plati_od" => $row["plati_od"]
296 | );
297 | } else
298 | {
299 | // echo "error: $error\n";
300 | $data["parcela"] = array();
301 | }
302 |
303 | // ulice
304 | $query="
305 | select u.kod, u.nazev as jmeno
306 | from ( select kod, nazev, definicni_cara
307 | from ruian.rn_ulice
308 | where not deleted
309 | order by definicni_cara <->
310 | st_transform(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(".$lon.",".$lat."),4326),900913)
311 | limit 500) as u
312 | where st_distance( (st_transform(u.definicni_cara,4326))::geography, (st_setsrid(st_makepoint(".$lon.",".$lat."),4326))::geography ) < 10
313 | order by st_distance( (st_transform(u.definicni_cara,4326))::geography,
314 | (st_setsrid(st_makepoint(".$lon.",".$lat."),4326))::geography)
315 | limit 1
316 | ;
317 | ";
318 |
319 | $result=pg_query($CONNECT,$query);
320 | $error= pg_last_error($CONNECT);
321 | if (pg_num_rows($result) > 0)
322 | {
323 | $row = pg_fetch_array($result, 0);
324 |
325 | $data["ulice"] =
326 | array( "ruian_id" => $row["kod"],
327 | "jmeno" => $row["jmeno"]);
328 | } else
329 | {
330 | // echo "error: $error\n";
331 | $data["ulice"] = array();
332 | }
333 |
334 | // cadastral area
335 | $query="
336 | select ku.kod, ku.nazev,
337 | ob.kod obec_kod, ob.nazev obec,
338 | ok.kod okres_kod, ok.nazev okres,
339 | vu.kod kraj_kod, vu.nazev kraj
340 | from rn_katastralni_uzemi ku
341 | left outer join rn_obec ob on ku.obec_kod = ob.kod and not ob.deleted
342 | left outer join rn_okres ok on ob.okres_kod = ok.kod and not ok.deleted
343 | left outer join rn_vusc vu on ok.vusc_kod = vu.kod and not vu.deleted
344 | where st_contains(ku.hranice,st_transform(st_geomfromtext('POINT(".$lon." ".$lat.")',4326),900913))
345 | and not ku.deleted
346 | limit 1;
347 | ";
348 |
349 | $result=pg_query($CONNECT,$query);
350 | $error= pg_last_error($CONNECT);
351 | if (pg_num_rows($result) > 0)
352 | {
353 | $row = pg_fetch_array($result, 0);
354 |
355 | $data["katastr"] =
356 | array( "ruian_id" => $row["kod"],
357 | "nazev" => $row["nazev"],
358 | "obec_kod" => $row["obec_kod"],
359 | "obec" => $row["obec"],
360 | "okres_kod" => $row["okres_kod"],
361 | "okres" => $row["okres"],
362 | "kraj_kod" => $row["kraj_kod"],
363 | "kraj" => $row["kraj"],
364 | );
365 | } else
366 | {
367 | $data["katastr"] = array();
368 | }
369 |
370 | echo json_encode($data);
371 |
372 | ?>