1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <project name="opendata" default="dist" basedir="." xmlns:mvn="antlib:org.apache.maven.resolver.ant">
3 | <property name="plugin.main.version" value="18723"/>
4 | <property name="plugin.author" value="Don-vip"/>
5 | <property name="plugin.class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.opendata.OdPlugin"/>
6 | <property name="plugin.description" value="Allows JOSM to read Open Data formats (csv, xls, ods, kml, kmz, shp, mif) into an .osm data layer. Supports zip and 7z compression of these file types."/>
7 | <property name="plugin.icon" value="images/dialogs/o24.png"/>
8 | <property name="plugin.canloadatruntime" value="true"/>
9 | <property name="plugin.link" value="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM/Plugins/OpenData"/>
10 | <property name="plugin.requires" value="apache-commons;jaxb;jts;ejml;geotools;utilsplugin2"/>
11 |
12 | <!-- ** include targets that all plugins have in common ** -->
13 | <import file="../build-common.xml"/>
14 |
15 | <fileset id="plugin.requires.jars" dir="${plugin.dist.dir}">
16 | <include name="apache-commons.jar"/>
17 | <include name="jaxb.jar"/>
18 | <include name="jts.jar"/>
19 | <include name="ejml.jar"/>
20 | <include name="geotools.jar"/>
21 | <include name="opendata.jar"/>
22 | </fileset>
23 |
24 | <property name="apache-commons" location="${plugin.dist.dir}/apache-commons.jar"/>
25 | <property name="jts" location="${plugin.dist.dir}/jts.jar"/>
26 | <property name="ejml" location="${plugin.dist.dir}/ejml.jar"/>
27 | <property name="geotools" location="${plugin.dist.dir}/geotools.jar"/>
28 |
29 | <!--
30 | **********************************************************
31 | ** compile_poi - compiles Apache POI needed classes
32 | **********************************************************
33 | -->
34 | <target name="compile_poi" depends="init">
35 | <echo message="compiling Apache POI ... "/>
36 | <javac srcdir="includes/org/apache/poi" debug="false" destdir="${plugin.build.dir}" includeAntRuntime="false" encoding="ISO-8859-1" release="${java.lang.version}" />
37 | </target>
38 | <!--
39 | **********************************************************
40 | ** compile_jopendoc - compiles JOpenDocument needed classes
41 | **********************************************************
42 | -->
43 | <target name="compile_jopendoc" depends="init, fetch_dependencies">
44 | <echo message="compiling JOpenDocument ... "/>
45 | <javac srcdir="includes/org/jopendocument" debug="false" destdir="${plugin.build.dir}" includeAntRuntime="false" encoding="ISO-8859-1" release="${java.lang.version}">
46 | <classpath>
47 | <!-- JDOM is required in an older version than the one embedded in geotools jar -->
48 | <pathelement location="lib/jdom2-"/>
49 | <pathelement location="${apache-commons}"/>
50 | </classpath>
51 | </javac>
52 | </target>
53 | <!--
54 | **********************************************************
55 | ** compile_j7zip - compiles J7zip classes
56 | **********************************************************
57 | -->
58 | <target name="compile_j7zip" depends="init">
59 | <echo message="compiling J7Zip ... "/>
60 | <javac srcdir="includes/org/j7zip" debug="true" destdir="${plugin.build.dir}" includeAntRuntime="false" encoding="UTF-8" release="${java.lang.version}" />
61 | </target>
62 | <!--
63 | **********************************************************
64 | ** compile_neptune - compiles Neptune classes
65 | **********************************************************
66 | -->
67 | <target name="compile_neptune" depends="init, xjc_neptune">
68 | <echo message="compiling Neptune ... "/>
69 | <javac srcdir="includes/neptune" debug="false" destdir="${plugin.build.dir}" includeAntRuntime="false" encoding="UTF-8" release="${java.lang.version}">
70 | <classpath>
71 | <fileset refid="jaxb.jars"/>
72 | </classpath>
73 | </javac>
74 | </target>
75 | <!--
76 | **********************************************************
77 | ** compile - compiles the source tree
78 | **********************************************************
79 | -->
80 | <target name="pre-compile" depends="init, fetch_dependencies, compile_poi, compile_jopendoc, compile_neptune, compile_j7zip"/>
81 |
82 | <target name="xjc_neptune" depends="init, -jaxb_linux, -jaxb_windows" unless="jaxb.notRequired">
83 | <exec executable="${xjc}" failonerror="true">
84 | <arg value="-d"/>
85 | <arg value="includes"/>
86 | <arg value="-p"/>
87 | <arg value="neptune"/>
88 | <arg value="-encoding"/>
89 | <arg value="UTF-8"/>
90 | <arg value="resources/neptune/neptune.xsd"/>
91 | </exec>
92 | </target>
93 | </project>