1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | # Creates an josm-setup-xy.exe File
4 | #
5 | # for working on a debian-unix system install the nsis package with
6 | # apt-get install nsis
7 | # replace the /usr/share/nsis/Plugins/System.dll with the Version from the nsis .zip File
8 | # The one coming with the debian package is missing the Call:: Function
9 | # See also /usr/share/doc/nsis/README.Debian
10 | #
11 | # Then download launch4j from http://launch4j.sourceforge.net/
12 | # wget http://softlayer-ams.dl.sourceforge.net/project/launch4j/launch4j-3/3.5/launch4j-3.5-linux.tgz
13 | # and unpack it to /usr/share/launch4j
14 |
15 | ## settings ##
16 |
17 | # trying to find launch4j
18 | if [ -s "/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Launch4j/launch4jc.exe" ]; then
19 | # Windows under cygwin or MobaXterm
20 | LAUNCH4J="/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Launch4j/launch4jc.exe"
21 | elif [ -s /usr/share/launch4j/launch4j.jar ]; then
22 | # as described above
23 | LAUNCH4J="java -jar /usr/share/launch4j/launch4j.jar"
24 | elif [ -s ../launch4j/launch4j.jar ]; then
25 | LAUNCH4J="java -jar ../launch4j/launch4j.jar"
26 | elif [ -s $HOME/launch4j/launch4j.jar ]; then
27 | LAUNCH4J="java -jar $HOME/launch4j/launch4j.jar"
28 | else
29 | # launch4j installed locally under this nsis folder
30 | LAUNCH4J="java -jar ./launch4j/launch4j.jar"
31 | fi
32 | echo Using launch4j: $LAUNCH4J
33 |
34 | # trying to find makensis
35 | if [ -s "/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/NSIS/makensis.exe" ]; then
36 | # Windows under cygwin or MobaXterm
37 | MAKENSIS="/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/NSIS/makensis.exe"
38 | else
39 | # UNIX like
40 | MAKENSIS=/usr/bin/makensis
41 | fi
42 | echo Using NSIS: $MAKENSIS
43 |
44 | if [ -n "$2" ]; then
45 | # 2 arguments: for Ant build.xml and Jenkins CI
46 | export VERSION=$1
47 | export JOSM_BUILD="no"
48 | export WEBKIT_DOWNLAD="yes"
49 | export JOSM_FILE=$2
50 | elif [ -n "$1" ]; then
51 | # 1 argument: for official JOSM server
52 | export VERSION=$1
53 | export JOSM_BUILD="no"
54 | export WEBKIT_DOWNLAD="no"
55 | export JOSM_FILE="/home/josm/www/download/josm-tested.jar"
56 | else
57 | # no argument: for everyone else
58 | svncorerevision=`svnversion -n ..`
59 | #svnpluginsrevision=`svnversion -n ../../plugins`
60 | #svnrevision="$svncorerevision-$svnpluginsrevision"
61 |
62 | #export VERSION=custom-${svnrevision}
63 | export VERSION=`echo ${svncorerevision} | sed -e 's/M//g' -e 's/S//g' -e 's/P//g'`
64 | export JOSM_BUILD="yes"
65 | export WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD="yes"
66 | export JOSM_FILE="..\dist\josm-custom.jar"
67 | fi
68 |
69 | echo "Creating Windows Installer for josm-$VERSION"
70 |
71 | echo
72 | echo "##################################################################"
73 | echo "### Download and unzip the webkit stuff"
74 | if [ "x$WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD" == "xyes" ]; then
75 | wget --continue --timestamping http://josm.openstreetmap.de/download/windows/webkit-image.zip
76 | else
77 | if ! [ -f webkit-image.zip ]; then
78 | ln -s /home/josm/www/download/windows/webkit-image.zip .
79 | fi
80 | fi
81 | #mkdir -p webkit-image
82 | #cd webkit-image
83 | unzip -o webkit-image.zip
84 | #cd ..
85 |
86 | echo
87 | echo "##################################################################"
88 | echo "### Build the Complete josm + Plugin Stuff"
89 | if [ "x$JOSM_BUILD" == "xyes" ]; then
90 | (
91 | echo "Build the Complete josm Stuff"
92 |
93 | echo "Compile Josm"
94 | cd ../core
95 | ant -q clean
96 | ant -q compile || exit -1
97 | cd ..
98 |
99 | echo "Compile Josm Plugins"
100 | cd plugins
101 | ant -q clean
102 | ant -q dist || exit -1
103 | ) || exit -1
104 | fi
105 |
106 | /bin/cp $JOSM_FILE josm-tested.jar
107 |
108 | function build_exe {
109 |
110 | export TARGET=$1 # josm / josm64. Used in file name of launcher and installer
111 |
112 | /bin/rm -f "launch4j_${TARGET}.xml"
113 | /bin/sed -e "s/%TARGET%/$1/" -e "s/%RTBITS%/$2/" -e "s/%INIHEAP%/$3/" -e "s/%MAXHEAP%/$4/" -e "s/%VERSION%/$VERSION/" "launch4j.xml" > "launch4j_${TARGET}.xml"
114 |
115 | echo
116 | echo "##################################################################"
117 | echo "### convert jar to ${TARGET}.exe with launch4j"
118 | # (an exe file makes attaching to file extensions a lot easier)
119 | # launch4j - http://launch4j.sourceforge.net/
120 | # delete old exe file first
121 | /bin/rm -f ${TARGET}.exe
122 | $LAUNCH4J "launch4j_${TARGET}.xml"
123 | # comment previous line and uncomment next one on Windows
124 | #"$LAUNCH4J" "launch4j_${TARGET}.xml"
125 |
126 | if ! [ -s ${TARGET}.exe ]; then
127 | echo "NO ${TARGET}.exe File Created"
128 | exit -1
129 | fi
130 |
131 | /bin/rm -f "launch4j_${TARGET}.xml"
132 |
133 | echo
134 | echo "##################################################################"
135 | echo "### create the ${TARGET}-installer-${VERSION}.exe with makensis"
136 | # NSIS - http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_Page
137 | # apt-get install nsis
139 |
140 | # keep the intermediate file, for debugging
141 | /bin/rm -f ${TARGET}-intermediate.exe 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
142 | /bin/mv ${TARGET}.exe ${TARGET}-intermediate.exe 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
143 | }
144 |
145 | build_exe "josm" "64\/32" 128 1024
146 | # 64-bit binary generation commented until possible with launch4j / nsis
147 | # build_exe "josm64" "64" 256 2048
148 |
149 | /bin/rm -f josm-tested.jar 2>/dev/null >/dev/null