1 | //License: GPL. Copyright 2008 by Christoph Brill
2 |
3 | package org.openstreetmap.josm.io;
4 |
5 | import java.io.BufferedReader;
6 | import java.io.File;
7 | import java.io.IOException;
8 | import java.io.InputStream;
9 | import java.io.InputStreamReader;
10 | import java.text.ParsePosition;
11 | import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
12 | import java.util.ArrayList;
13 | import java.util.Collection;
14 | import java.util.Date;
15 |
16 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon;
17 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.gpx.GpxData;
18 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.gpx.GpxTrack;
19 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.gpx.WayPoint;
20 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.DateUtils;
21 |
22 | /**
23 | * Read a nmea file. Based on information from
24 | * http://www.kowoma.de/gps/zusatzerklaerungen/NMEA.htm
25 | *
26 | * @author cbrill
27 | */
28 | public class NmeaReader {
29 |
30 | /** Handler for the different types that NMEA speaks. */
31 | public static enum NMEA_TYPE {
32 |
33 | /** RMC = recommended minimum sentence C. */
34 | GPRMC("$GPRMC"),
35 | /** GPS positions. */
36 | GPGGA("$GPGGA"),
37 | /** SA = satellites active. */
38 | GPGSA("$GPGSA"),
39 | /** Course over ground and ground speed */
40 | GPVTG("$GPVTG");
41 |
42 | private final String type;
43 |
44 | NMEA_TYPE(String type) {
45 | this.type = type;
46 | }
47 |
48 | public String getType() {
49 | return this.type;
50 | }
51 |
52 | public boolean equals(String type) {
53 | return this.type.equals(type);
54 | }
55 | }
56 |
57 | // GPVTG
58 | public static enum GPVTG {
59 | COURSE(1),COURSE_REF(2), // true course
60 | COURSE_M(3), COURSE_M_REF(4), // magnetic course
61 | SPEED_KN(5), SPEED_KN_UNIT(6), // speed in knots
62 | SPEED_KMH(7), SPEED_KMH_UNIT(8), // speed in km/h
63 | REST(9); // version-specific rest
64 |
65 | public final int position;
66 |
67 | GPVTG(int position) {
68 | this.position = position;
69 | }
70 | }
71 |
72 | // The following only applies to GPRMC
73 | public static enum GPRMC {
74 | TIME(1),
75 | /** Warning from the receiver (A = data ok, V = warning) */
77 | WIDTH_NORTH(3), WIDTH_NORTH_NAME(4), // Latitude, NS
78 | LENGTH_EAST(5), LENGTH_EAST_NAME(6), // Longitude, EW
79 | SPEED(7), COURSE(8), DATE(9), // Speed in knots
80 | MAGNETIC_DECLINATION(10), UNKNOWN(11), // magnetic declination
81 | /**
82 | * Mode (A = autonom; D = differential; E = estimated; N = not valid; S
83 | * = simulated)
84 | *
85 | * @since NMEA 2.3
86 | */
87 | MODE(12);
88 |
89 | public final int position;
90 |
91 | GPRMC(int position) {
92 | this.position = position;
93 | }
94 | }
95 |
96 | // The following only applies to GPGGA
97 | public static enum GPGGA {
99 | /**
100 | * Quality (0 = invalid, 1 = GPS, 2 = DGPS, 6 = estimanted (@since NMEA
101 | * 2.3))
102 | */
104 | HDOP(8), // HDOP (horizontal dilution of precision)
105 | HEIGHT(9), HEIGHT_UNTIS(10), // height above NN (above geoid)
106 | HEIGHT_2(11), HEIGHT_2_UNTIS(12), // height geoid - height ellipsoid (WGS84)
107 | GPS_AGE(13),// Age of differential GPS data
108 | REF(14); // REF station
109 |
110 | public final int position;
111 | GPGGA(int position) {
112 | this.position = position;
113 | }
114 | }
115 |
116 | public static enum GPGSA {
117 | AUTOMATIC(1),
118 | FIX_TYPE(2), // 1 = not fixed, 2 = 2D fixed, 3 = 3D fixed)
119 | // PRN numbers for max 12 satellites
120 | PRN_1(3), PRN_2(4), PRN_3(5), PRN_4(6), PRN_5(7), PRN_6(8),
121 | PRN_7(9), PRN_8(10), PRN_9(11), PRN_10(12), PRN_11(13), PRN_12(14),
122 | PDOP(15), // PDOP (precision)
123 | HDOP(16), // HDOP (horizontal precision)
124 | VDOP(17), ; // VDOP (vertical precision)
125 |
126 | public final int position;
127 | GPGSA(int position) {
128 | this.position = position;
129 | }
130 | }
131 |
132 | public GpxData data;
133 |
134 | // private final static SimpleDateFormat GGATIMEFMT =
135 | // new SimpleDateFormat("HHmmss.SSS");
136 | private final static SimpleDateFormat RMCTIMEFMT =
137 | new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMyyHHmmss.SSS");
138 | private final static SimpleDateFormat RMCTIMEFMTSTD =
139 | new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMyyHHmmss");
140 |
141 | private Date readTime(String p)
142 | {
143 | Date d = RMCTIMEFMT.parse(p, new ParsePosition(0));
144 | if (d == null)
145 | d = RMCTIMEFMTSTD.parse(p, new ParsePosition(0));
146 | if (d == null) throw(null); // malformed
147 | return d;
148 | }
149 |
150 | // functons for reading the error stats
151 | public NMEAParserState ps;
152 |
153 | public int getParserUnknown() {
154 | return ps.unknown;
155 | }
156 | public int getParserZeroCoordinates() {
157 | return ps.zero_coord;
158 | }
159 | public int getParserChecksumErrors() {
160 | return ps.checksum_errors+ps.no_checksum;
161 | }
162 | public int getParserMalformed() {
163 | return ps.malformed;
164 | }
165 | public int getNumberOfCoordinates() {
166 | return ps.success;
167 | }
168 |
169 | public NmeaReader(InputStream source, File relativeMarkerPath) {
170 |
171 | // create the data tree
172 | data = new GpxData();
173 | GpxTrack currentTrack = new GpxTrack();
174 | data.tracks.add(currentTrack);
175 |
176 | try {
177 | BufferedReader rd =
178 | new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(source));
179 |
180 | StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(1024);
181 | int loopstart_char = rd.read();
182 | ps = new NMEAParserState();
183 | if(loopstart_char == -1) {// zero size file
184 | //TODO tell user about the problem?
185 | return;
186 | }
187 | sb.append((char)loopstart_char);
188 | ps.p_Date="010100"; // TODO date problem
189 | while(true) {
190 | // don't load unparsable files completely to memory
191 | if(sb.length()>=1020) sb.delete(0, sb.length()-1);
192 | int c = rd.read();
193 | if(c=='$') {
194 | ParseNMEASentence(sb.toString(), ps);
195 | sb.delete(0, sb.length());
196 | sb.append('$');
197 | } else if(c == -1) {
198 | // EOF: add last WayPoint if it works out
199 | ParseNMEASentence(sb.toString(),ps);
200 | break;
201 | } else sb.append((char)c);
202 | }
203 | rd.close();
204 | currentTrack.trackSegs.add(ps.waypoints);
205 | data.recalculateBounds();
206 |
207 | } catch (final IOException e) {
208 | // TODO tell user about the problem?
209 | }
210 | }
211 | private class NMEAParserState {
212 | protected Collection<WayPoint> waypoints = new ArrayList<WayPoint>();
213 | protected String p_Time;
214 | protected String p_Date;
215 | protected WayPoint p_Wp;
216 |
217 | protected int success = 0; // number of successfully parsend sentences
218 | protected int malformed = 0;
219 | protected int checksum_errors = 0;
220 | protected int no_checksum = 0;
221 | protected int unknown = 0;
222 | protected int zero_coord = 0;
223 | }
224 |
225 | // Parses split up sentences into WayPoints which are stored
226 | // in the collection in the NMEAParserState object.
227 | // Returns true if the input made sence, false otherwise.
228 | private boolean ParseNMEASentence(String s, NMEAParserState ps) {
229 | try {
230 | if(s.equals("")) throw(null);
231 |
232 | // checksum check:
233 | // the bytes between the $ and the * are xored;
234 | // if there is no * or other meanities it will throw
235 | // and result in a malformed packet.
236 | String[] chkstrings = s.split("\\*");
237 | if(chkstrings.length > 1)
238 | {
239 | byte[] chb = chkstrings[0].getBytes();
240 | int chk=0;
241 | for(int i = 1; i < chb.length; i++) chk ^= chb[i];
242 | if(Integer.parseInt(chkstrings[1].substring(0,2),16) != chk) {
243 | //System.out.println("Checksum error");
244 | ps.checksum_errors++;
245 | ps.p_Wp=null;
246 | return false;
247 | }
248 | }
249 | else
250 | ps.no_checksum++;
251 | // now for the content
252 | String[] e = chkstrings[0].split(",");
253 | String accu;
254 |
255 | WayPoint currentwp = ps.p_Wp;
256 | String currentDate = ps.p_Date;
257 |
258 | // handle the packet content
259 | if(e[0].equals("$GPGGA")) {
260 | // Position
261 | LatLon latLon = parseLatLon(
262 | e[GPGGA.LATITUDE_NAME.position],
263 | e[GPGGA.LONGITUDE_NAME.position],
264 | e[GPGGA.LATITUDE.position],
265 | e[GPGGA.LONGITUDE.position]
266 | );
267 | if(latLon==null) throw(null); // malformed
268 |
269 | if((latLon.lat()==0.0) && (latLon.lon()==0.0)) {
270 | ps.zero_coord++;
271 | return false;
272 | }
273 |
274 | // time
275 | accu = e[GPGGA.TIME.position];
276 | Date d = readTime(currentDate+accu);
277 |
278 | if((ps.p_Time==null) || (currentwp==null) || !ps.p_Time.equals(accu)) {
279 | // this node is newer than the previous, create a new waypoint.
280 | // no matter if previous WayPoint was null, we got something
281 | // better now.
282 | ps.p_Time=accu;
283 | currentwp = new WayPoint(latLon);
284 | }
285 | if(!currentwp.attr.containsKey("time")) {
286 | // As this sentence has no complete time only use it
287 | // if there is no time so far
288 | currentwp.attr.put("time", DateUtils.fromDate(d));
289 | }
290 | // elevation
291 | accu=e[GPGGA.HEIGHT_UNTIS.position];
292 | if(accu.equals("M")) {
293 | // Ignore heights that are not in meters for now
294 | accu=e[GPGGA.HEIGHT.position];
295 | if(!accu.equals("")) {
296 | Double.parseDouble(accu);
297 | // if it throws it's malformed; this should only happen if the
298 | // device sends nonstandard data.
299 | if(!accu.equals("")) currentwp.attr.put("ele", accu);
300 | }
301 | }
302 | // number of sattelites
303 | accu=e[GPGGA.SATELLITE_COUNT.position];
304 | int sat = 0;
305 | if(!accu.equals("")) {
306 | sat = Integer.parseInt(accu);
307 | currentwp.attr.put("sat", accu);
308 | }
309 | // h-dilution
310 | accu=e[GPGGA.HDOP.position];
311 | if(!accu.equals(""))
312 | currentwp.attr.put("hdop", Float.parseFloat(accu));
313 | // fix
314 | accu=e[GPGGA.QUALITY.position];
315 | if(!accu.equals("")) {
316 | int fixtype = Integer.parseInt(accu);
317 | switch(fixtype) {
318 | case 0:
319 | currentwp.attr.put("fix", "none");
320 | break;
321 | case 1:
322 | if(sat < 4) currentwp.attr.put("fix", "2d");
323 | else currentwp.attr.put("fix", "3d");
324 | break;
325 | case 2:
326 | currentwp.attr.put("fix", "dgps");
327 | break;
328 | default:
329 | break;
330 | }
331 | }
332 | } else if(e[0].equals("$GPVTG")) {
333 | // COURSE
334 | accu = e[GPVTG.COURSE_REF.position];
335 | if(accu.equals("T")) {
336 | // other values than (T)rue are ignored
337 | accu = e[GPVTG.COURSE.position];
338 | if(!accu.equals("")) {
339 | Double.parseDouble(accu);
340 | currentwp.attr.put("course", accu);
341 | }
342 | }
343 | // SPEED
344 | accu = e[GPVTG.SPEED_KMH_UNIT.position];
345 | if(accu.startsWith("K")) {
346 | accu = e[GPVTG.SPEED_KMH.position];
347 | if(!accu.equals("")) {
348 | double speed = Double.parseDouble(accu);
349 | speed /= 3.6; // speed in m/s
350 | currentwp.attr.put("speed", Double.toString(speed));
351 | }
352 | }
353 | } else if(e[0].equals("$GPGSA")) {
354 | // vdop
355 | accu=e[GPGSA.VDOP.position];
356 | if(!accu.equals(""))
357 | currentwp.attr.put("vdop", Float.parseFloat(accu));
358 | // hdop
359 | accu=e[GPGSA.HDOP.position];
360 | if(!accu.equals(""))
361 | currentwp.attr.put("hdop", Float.parseFloat(accu));
362 | // pdop
363 | accu=e[GPGSA.PDOP.position];
364 | if(!accu.equals(""))
365 | currentwp.attr.put("pdop", Float.parseFloat(accu));
366 | }
367 | else if(e[0].equals("$GPRMC")) {
368 | // coordinates
369 | LatLon latLon = parseLatLon(
370 | e[GPRMC.WIDTH_NORTH_NAME.position],
371 | e[GPRMC.LENGTH_EAST_NAME.position],
372 | e[GPRMC.WIDTH_NORTH.position],
373 | e[GPRMC.LENGTH_EAST.position]
374 | );
375 | if(latLon==null) throw(null);
376 | if((latLon.lat()==0.0) && (latLon.lon()==0.0)) {
377 | ps.zero_coord++;
378 | return false;
379 | }
380 | // time
381 | currentDate = e[GPRMC.DATE.position];
382 | String time = e[GPRMC.TIME.position];
383 |
384 | Date d = readTime(currentDate+time);
385 |
386 | if((ps.p_Time==null) || (currentwp==null) || !ps.p_Time.equals(time)) {
387 | // this node is newer than the previous, create a new waypoint.
388 | ps.p_Time=time;
389 | currentwp = new WayPoint(latLon);
390 | }
391 | // time: this sentence has complete time so always use it.
392 | currentwp.attr.put("time", DateUtils.fromDate(d));
393 | // speed
394 | accu = e[GPRMC.SPEED.position];
395 | if(!accu.equals("") && !currentwp.attr.containsKey("speed")) {
396 | double speed = Double.parseDouble(accu);
397 | speed *= 0.514444444; // to m/s
398 | currentwp.attr.put("speed", Double.toString(speed));
399 | }
400 | // course
401 | accu = e[GPRMC.COURSE.position];
402 | if(!accu.equals("") && !currentwp.attr.containsKey("course")) {
403 | Double.parseDouble(accu);
404 | currentwp.attr.put("course", accu);
405 | }
406 |
407 | // TODO fix?
408 | // * Mode (A = autonom; D = differential; E = estimated; N = not valid; S
409 | // * = simulated)
410 | // *
411 | // * @since NMEA 2.3
412 | //
413 | //MODE(12);
414 | } else {
415 | ps.unknown++;
416 | return false;
417 | }
418 | ps.p_Date = currentDate;
419 | if(ps.p_Wp != currentwp) {
420 | if(ps.p_Wp!=null) {
421 | ps.p_Wp.setTime();
422 | }
423 | ps.p_Wp = currentwp;
424 | ps.waypoints.add(currentwp);
425 | ps.success++;
426 | return true;
427 | }
428 | return true;
429 |
430 | } catch(Exception x) {
431 | // out of bounds and such
432 | // x.printStackTrace();
433 | // System.out.println("Malformed line: "+s.toString().trim());
434 | ps.malformed++;
435 | ps.p_Wp=null;
436 | return false;
437 | }
438 | }
439 |
440 | private LatLon parseLatLon(String ns, String ew, String dlat, String dlon)
441 | throws NumberFormatException {
442 | String widthNorth = dlat.trim();
443 | String lengthEast = dlon.trim();
444 |
445 | // return a zero latlon instead of null so it is logged as zero coordinate
446 | // instead of malformed sentence
447 | if(widthNorth.equals("")&&lengthEast.equals("")) return new LatLon(0.0,0.0);
448 |
449 | // The format is xxDDLL.LLLL
450 | // xx optional whitespace
451 | // DD (int) degres
452 | // LL.LLLL (double) latidude
453 | int latdegsep = widthNorth.indexOf('.') - 2;
454 | if (latdegsep < 0) return null;
455 |
456 | int latdeg = Integer.parseInt(widthNorth.substring(0, latdegsep));
457 | double latmin = Double.parseDouble(widthNorth.substring(latdegsep));
458 | if(latdeg < 0) // strange data with '-' sign
459 | latmin *= -1.0;
460 | double lat = latdeg + latmin / 60;
461 | if ("S".equals(ns)) {
462 | lat = -lat;
463 | }
464 |
465 | int londegsep = lengthEast.indexOf('.') - 2;
466 | if (londegsep < 0) return null;
467 |
468 | int londeg = Integer.parseInt(lengthEast.substring(0, londegsep));
469 | double lonmin = Double.parseDouble(lengthEast.substring(londegsep));
470 | if(londeg < 0) // strange data with '-' sign
471 | lonmin *= -1.0;
472 | double lon = londeg + lonmin / 60;
473 | if ("W".equals(ew)) {
474 | lon = -lon;
475 | }
476 | return new LatLon(lat, lon);
477 | }
478 | }