1 | name: Java CI
2 | env:
3 | junit_platform_version: '1.7.0'
4 | # ANT_HOME is also our ant version
5 | ANT_HOME: 'apache-ant-1.10.9'
6 | on:
7 | push:
8 | branches: [master]
9 | pull_request:
10 | branches: [master]
11 |
12 | defaults:
13 | run:
14 | shell: bash
15 |
16 | jobs:
17 | createrelease:
18 | name: Create Release
19 | runs-on: ubuntu-latest
20 | env:
21 | LANG: en_US.UTF-8
22 | outputs:
23 | upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }}
24 | josm_revision: ${{ steps.create_revision.outputs.josm_revision }}
25 | josm_prerelease: ${{ steps.create_revision.outputs.josm_prerelease }}
26 | josm_release_tag: ${{ steps.create_revision.outputs.josm_release_tag }}
27 | steps:
28 | - name: Checkout
29 | uses: actions/checkout@v2
30 | with:
31 | fetch-depth: 256
32 | - name: Set revision env variable
33 | id: create_revision
34 | # grab josm revision from last git-svn-id
35 | run: |
36 | josm_revision="$(git log -1 --grep 'git-svn-id: https://josm.openstreetmap.de/svn/trunk@' --pretty=format:%B | tail -1 | sed -n 's%git-svn-id: https://josm.openstreetmap.de/svn/trunk@\([0-9]*\) [-0-9a-f]*%\1%p')"
37 | if [[ "$josm_revision" == "$(curl --silent https://josm.openstreetmap.de/tested)" ]]; then
38 | echo "josm_prerelease=false" >> $GITHUB_ENV
39 | echo "::set-output name=josm_prerelease::false"
40 | josm_release_tag=$josm_revision-tested
41 | else
42 | echo "josm_prerelease=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV
43 | echo "::set-output name=josm_prerelease::true"
44 | josm_release_tag=$josm_revision
45 | fi
46 | echo "josm_revision=$josm_revision" >> $GITHUB_ENV
47 | echo "::set-output name=josm_revision::$josm_revision"
48 | echo "josm_release_tag=$josm_release_tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV
49 | echo "::set-output name=josm_release_tag::$josm_release_tag"
50 | - name: Create release
51 | id: create_release
52 | uses: actions/create-release@v1
53 | env:
54 | GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # This token is provided by Actions, you do not need to create your own token
55 | with:
56 | tag_name: ${{ env.josm_release_tag }}
57 | release_name: JOSM.app release ${{ env.josm_release_tag }}
58 | body: |
59 | JOSM.app release ${{ env.josm_release_tag }}
60 | draft: false
61 | prerelease: ${{ env.josm_prerelease }}
62 | build:
63 | needs: createrelease
64 | runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
65 | env:
66 | LANG: en_US.UTF-8
67 | strategy:
68 | fail-fast: false
69 | matrix:
70 | # test against latest update of each major Java version, as well as specific updates of LTS versions:
71 | java: [8, 11, 15, 16-ea]
72 | os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
73 | headless: ["true", "false"]
74 | exclude:
75 | - java: 8
76 | os: macos-latest
77 | - java: 11
78 | os: macos-latest
79 | - headless: "false"
80 | os: macos-latest
81 | - headless: "false"
82 | os: windows-latest
83 | name: Java ${{ matrix.java }} on ${{ matrix.os }} with headless=${{ matrix.headless }}
84 | steps:
85 | - name: Checkout
86 | uses: actions/checkout@v2
87 | with:
88 | fetch-depth: 256
89 | - name: Cache
90 | uses: actions/cache@v2.0.0
91 | with:
92 | path: |
93 | ~/.ivy2/cache/
94 | ~/work/josm/josm/tools/
95 | build-tools-cache/
96 | key: ${{ runner.os }}-ivy2-${{ hashFiles('ivy.xml') }}
97 | - name: Setup java
98 | uses: actions/setup-java@v1.4.3
99 | with:
100 | java-version: ${{ matrix.java }}
101 | - name: Install ant ${{ env.ANT_HOME }} and junit ${{ env.junit_platform_version }}
102 | run: |
103 | mkdir -p build-tools-cache/
104 | cd build-tools-cache/
105 | if [ ! -f ${{ env.ANT_HOME }}-bin.tar.gz ]; then
106 | curl -o ${{ env.ANT_HOME }}-bin.tar.gz https://downloads.apache.org/ant/binaries/${{ env.ANT_HOME }}-bin.tar.gz
107 | fi
108 | if [ ! -f junit-platform-console-standalone-${{ env.junit_platform_version }}.jar ]; then
109 | curl -o junit-platform-console-standalone-${{ env.junit_platform_version }}.jar https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/junit/platform/junit-platform-console-standalone/${{ env.junit_platform_version }}/junit-platform-console-standalone-${{ env.junit_platform_version }}.jar
110 | fi
111 | cd ..
112 | tar zxf build-tools-cache/${{ env.ANT_HOME }}-bin.tar.gz
113 | cp build-tools-cache/junit-platform-console-standalone-${{ env.junit_platform_version }}.jar ${{ env.ANT_HOME }}/lib/junit-platform-console-standalone-${{ env.junit_platform_version }}.jar
114 | - name: Print ant version, expecting ${{ env.ANT_HOME }}
115 | run: ${{ env.ANT_HOME }}/bin/ant -version
116 | - name: Optimise images
117 | if: ${{ runner.os == 'macos' && always() }}
118 | run: |
119 | brew install --cask imageoptim
120 | defaults write net.pornel.ImageOptim SvgoEnabled 1
121 | defaults write net.pornel.ImageOptim PngCrush2Enabled 1
122 | defaults write net.pornel.ImageOptim PngOutEnabled 1
123 | /Applications/ImageOptim.app/Contents/MacOS/ImageOptim resources/images
124 | - name: Set Is-Local-Build
125 | if: ${{ ! needs.createrelease.outputs.josm_prerelease }}
126 | run: |
127 | ant create-revision
128 | sed -i.bak '/Is-Local-Build/d' resources/REVISION
129 | - name: Build with Ant
130 | # Disables errorprone for Java 16
131 | # See https://github.com/google/error-prone/issues/1872
132 | run: |
133 | if [[ "x${{ matrix.java }}x" =~ x1[6-9](-ea)?x ]]; then
134 | ${{ env.ANT_HOME }}/bin/ant -DnoErrorProne dist
135 | else
136 | ${{ env.ANT_HOME }}/bin/ant dist
137 | fi
138 | - name: Upload jar
139 | # Only run on matrix.headless to avoid double jars. They should be the same jars.
140 | # uses `gh release upload` to avoid https://github.com/actions/upload-release-asset/issues/69
141 | if: ${{ always() && matrix.headless == 'true' }}
142 | id: upload-jar
143 | env:
144 | GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
145 | uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
146 | with:
147 | upload_url: ${{ needs.createrelease.outputs.upload_url }} # This pulls from the CREATE RELEASE job above, referencing its ID to get its outputs object, which include a `upload_url`.
148 | asset_path: dist/josm-custom.jar
149 | asset_name: JOSM-${{ runner.os}}-java${{ matrix.java }}-${{ needs.createrelease.outputs.josm_revision }}.jar
150 | asset_content_type: application/java-archive
151 | # run: |
152 | # cp dist/josm-custom.jar JOSM-${{ runner.os}}-java${{ matrix.java }}-${{ needs.createrelease.outputs.josm_revision }}.jar
153 | # gh release upload ${{ needs.createrelease.outputs.josm_release_tag }} JOSM-${{ runner.os}}-java${{ matrix.java }}-${{ needs.createrelease.outputs.josm_revision }}.jar
154 | - name: Test with Ant, headless ${{ matrix.headless }}
155 | if: ${{ needs.createrelease.outputs.josm_prerelease }}
156 | run: |
157 | ANT="${{ env.ANT_HOME }}/bin/ant -DnoJavaFX=true test-unit-hardfail"
158 | if [ "${{ matrix.headless }}" == "true" ]; then
159 | $ANT -Dtest.headless=true
160 | else
161 | xvfb-run $ANT -Dtest.headless=false
162 | fi
163 | - name: Dump errors if failed
164 | if: ${{ failure() }}
165 | run: "grep -L ', Failures: 0, Skipped: ' test/report/*.txt | xargs cat"
166 | - name: Upload Ant reports
167 | if: ${{ always() }}
168 | uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
169 | with:
170 | name: Ant reports for JOSM ${{ needs.createrelease.outputs.josm_revision }} on java ${{ matrix.java }} on ${{ matrix.os }} with headless=${{ matrix.headless }}
171 | path: test/report/*.txt
172 | - name: Publish Test Report with junit-report-annotations-action
173 | uses: ashley-taylor/junit-report-annotations-action@1.3
174 | if: always()
175 | with:
176 | access-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
177 | path: 'test/report/TEST*.xml'
178 | - name: Publish Test Report with action-junit-report
179 | if: always()
180 | uses: mikepenz/action-junit-report@v1
181 | with:
182 | report_paths: 'test/report/TEST*.xml'
183 | github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
184 | - name: Build and package for macOS
185 | if: ${{ runner.os == 'macos' && always() }}
186 | env:
187 | CERT_MACOS_P12: ${{ secrets.CERT_MACOS_P12 }}
188 | CERT_MACOS_PW: ${{ secrets.CERT_MACOS_PW }}
189 | APPLE_ID_PW: ${{ secrets.APPLE_ID_PW }}
190 | run: |
191 | ./native/macosx/macos-jpackage.sh ${{ needs.createrelease.outputs.josm_revision }}
192 | - name: Upload app
193 | if: ${{ runner.os == 'macos' && always() }}
194 | id: upload-app
195 | uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
196 | env:
197 | GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
198 | with:
199 | upload_url: ${{ needs.createrelease.outputs.upload_url }} # This pulls from the CREATE RELEASE job above, referencing its ID to get its outputs object, which include a `upload_url`.
200 | asset_path: app/JOSM.zip
201 | asset_name: JOSM-${{ runner.os}}-java${{ matrix.java }}.zip
202 | asset_content_type: application/zip