Ticket #22057: 22057.patch

File 22057.patch, 658 bytes (added by GerdP, 3 years ago)

OK, I understand now why this special case happens and I have a possible simply fix, but I've no idea about possible side effects.

  • src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/PluginInformation.java

    203203        this.icon = other.icon;
    204204        this.iconPath = other.iconPath;
    205205        this.canloadatruntime = other.canloadatruntime;
    206         this.libraries = other.libraries;
    207206        this.attr = new Attributes(other.attr);
    208207        this.invalidManifestEntries.clear();
    209208        this.invalidManifestEntries.addAll(other.invalidManifestEntries);