Ticket #20716: 20716-refs-mixed2.osm

File 20716-refs-mixed2.osm, 1.3 KB (added by GerdP, 3 years ago)

This data marks the wrong node as Mixed reference numbering. I think it should mark the 2nd node in the way. Or it should mark the 3rd with "duplicate ref" or something similar.

1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2<osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'>
3 <node id='-101751' action='modify' visible='true' lat='60.22077520568' lon='19.99816852667'>
4 <tag k='power' v='tower' />
5 <tag k='ref' v='4' />
6 </node>
7 <node id='-101753' action='modify' visible='true' lat='60.22086861959' lon='19.99859803367'>
8 <tag k='power' v='tower' />
9 <tag k='ref' v='4' />
10 </node>
11 <node id='-101754' action='modify' visible='true' lat='60.22099131208' lon='19.99937563784'>
12 <tag k='power' v='tower' />
13 <tag k='ref' v='5' />
14 </node>
15 <node id='-101755' action='modify' visible='true' lat='60.22105265815' lon='20.00000726577'>
16 <tag k='power' v='tower' />
17 <tag k='ref' v='6' />
18 </node>
19 <node id='-101756' action='modify' visible='true' lat='60.22100525438' lon='20.00064450818'>
20 <tag k='power' v='tower' />
21 </node>
22 <node id='-101802' action='modify' visible='true' lat='60.22061207926' lon='19.99723371733'>
23 <tag k='power' v='tower' />
24 </node>
25 <way id='-101782' action='modify' visible='true'>
26 <nd ref='-101802' />
27 <nd ref='-101751' />
28 <nd ref='-101753' />
29 <nd ref='-101754' />
30 <nd ref='-101755' />
31 <nd ref='-101756' />
32 <tag k='power' v='line' />
33 </way>