Changes between Version 136 and Version 137 of Help/Styles/MapCSSImplementation

2017-04-02T00:03:11+02:00 (7 years ago)

Add how to specify images on areas.


  • Help/Styles/MapCSSImplementation

    v136 v137  
    888888|| `icon-offset-y` || Shift the icon in vertical direction (positive values downwards) (since r8085) || ''Number'' ||  0  ||
    889889|| `icon-rotation` || Rotate the icon clockwise or anti clockwise (negative value)(since r8260) || `[rad]`, `[rad]rad`, `[deg]°`, `[deg]deg`, `[grad]grad`, `[turn]turn` ([ definition]) or a cardinal direction (e.g. `northeast` or `sw`); See also the functions `degree_to_radians`, `cardinal_to_radians`. ||  -  ||
     890|| `icon-position` || Define the position of the icon for areas. Same as `text-position` (since r11730). || {{{center}}}, {{{inside}}}, {{{line}}} || {{{center}}} ||
    890891|| {{{symbol-shape}}}                               || Display a symbol at the position of the node || {{{square}}}, {{{circle}}}, {{{triangle}}}, {{{pentagon}}}, {{{hexagon}}}, {{{heptagon}}}, {{{octagon}}}, {{{nonagon}}}, {{{decagon}}} ||  -  ||
    891892|| {{{symbol-size}}} || Size of the symbol || ''Number'', can be relative ("+4") ||  10  ||
    942943|| {{{fill-extent}}} || Set this property, to draw only the outline of the area. The number specifies, how far to fill from the border of the area towards the center. (If unset, the area will be filled completely) ''[since 9008]'' || ''Number'' ||  -  ||
    943944|| {{{fill-opacity}}} || How transparent the fill is; applies to both color and image || ''Opacity'' || 0.2 ''[since 11700, 1.0 before that]'' (can be changed with the {{{mappaint.fillalpha}}} and {{{mappaint.fill-image-alpha}}} preferences)  ||
    944 || {{{text-position}}} || set to {{{center}}}, if text should be drawn in the center of the area || {{{line}}}, {{{center}}} ||  -  ||
     945|| {{{text-position}}} || set to {{{center}}}, if text should be drawn in the center of the area. Set to {{{inside}}} to place the text completely inside the area (since r11722). || {{{line}}}, {{{center}}}, {{{inside}}} ||  -  ||
    945946|| {{{text-...}}}, {{{font-...}}} ||||||  general text & font properties  ||
    946947Required properties to create an Area style: {{{fill-color}}} or {{{fill-image}}}