Custom Query (33 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#8887 Render addr:housenumber in favour of operator/brand new team enhancement normal
#9270 Show icons on map also for areas and lines, not only for nodes reopened team enhancement normal
#11544 leisure=recreation_ground should display as landuse=recreation_ground new team enhancement normal
#12124 area icons new team enhancement normal
#12302 Visually differentiate deprecated tags new team enhancement major
#12866 Display disused:railway=* and abandoned:railway=* like railway=disused/abandoned whenever relevant new team enhancement normal
#14669 default map paint style does not recognize highway areas other than pedestrian new team defect normal
#15225 Update road colours to match style new team enhancement normal
#15349 Different style when object is a building new team enhancement normal
#15512 cycleway=lane not showing one side when,....... new team defect normal
#15590 The default style should differ name and ref new team enhancement normal
#15629 Rendering for some boundary=* values new team enhancement normal
#15639 JOSM not respecting layers in display new team defect normal
#16971 support cycleway:left/cycleway:right in map style or discourage it in validator new team defect normal
#16990 Paint opposite cycleway tags new team enhancement normal
#17102 difference in area styling between forest tagged as natural=wood and landuse=forest is much greater than between landuse=forest and landuse=farmland new team enhancement normal
#18234 [Possible PATCH] render sides of barrier=guard_rail new team enhancement normal
#18270 Special rendering for highway=construction construction=footway/path/cycleway/steps new team enhancement minor
#18479 Consider making highway=track color-adaptive based on aerials or add halo new team defect minor
#18672 icon for amenity=social_facility new team enhancement normal
#19228 Closed way with junction=interchange is not interpretated as area new team enhancement normal
#20020 Support vehicle and motor_vehicle access tags on highways new team enhancement normal
#20285 Icon for turn restriction with via way may hide other restriction icon new team defect normal
#21518 Paint expressway=yes (similar to motorroad=yes) new team enhancement normal
#21585 Render bicycle access tags on highway=pedestrian new team enhancement minor
#21587 Street lighting icon for power=pole + highway=street_lamp new team enhancement minor
#21994 barrier=chain icon is absolutely massive needinfo anonymous defect normal
#22044 Render embankment=dyke the same as embankment=yes new team enhancement normal
#22349 layout for boundary=aboriginal_lands new team enhancement normal
#22790 [PATCH] Minimal support for aeroway=taxilane new team enhancement normal
#22791 [PATCH] Minimal support for man_made=quay new team enhancement normal
#22793 [PATCH] Render boundary=place new team enhancement normal
#23453 addr:housename is not rendered new team enhancement normal
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