= Main menu > Edit = == Undo == Undoes the last edit. == Redo == Redoes the last undo. == Reverse Segments == If segments have been selected, then when you click on "Reverse Segments" it reverses the direction of those segments. This is useful for getting all segments in a way aligned in the same direction. == Split Way == This tool allows you to split one existing way into two ways. First select the node where you want to split the way, then click the split way tool. If there is no existing node at the point where you want to split the way, then you can first add node using the [wiki:Help/Action/AddNode node insert] tool. == Align Nodes in a Circle == If a number of nodes have been selected, then when you click "Align Nodes in a Circle", those nodes will be realigned so they are in a perfect circle. == Align Nodes in Line == If a number of nodes have been selected, then when you click "Align Nodes in Line", those nodes will be realigned so they are all in a straight line. == Reorder Segments == If a way is selected , and "Reorder Segments" is clicked, the segments in that way will be reordered so they are in the correct sequence. == Preferences == Gets to the [wiki:Help/Preferences/Preferences preferences menu]. Back to [wiki:Help Main Help]