[[TranslatedPages(outdated=This page might need some clean up and more internal links.)]] = Tags/Membership panel = [[PageOutline(2-10,Table of Contents)]] [[JOSMImage(dialogs/propertiesdialog,48,link=,middle,margin-right=20)]] ''Keyboard shortcut'': **`Alt+Shift+P`** — one of the [wikitr:/Help/ToggleDialogs#Toactivateawindow JOSM panels] == Usage ==#Usage This panel shows the existing tags for the selected objects in [wikitr:/Help/MapView Map view], and allows you to add, edit, or delete tags. The keys and values in use in OpenStreetMap can be found using [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Tags multiple ways]. Note: You can also add tags to selected object using presets, it is covered in [wikitr:/Introduction#Presets presets introduction]. == Try it yourself == Open this [attachment:TagsMembershipDemo.2.osm sample file] by using the menu item [wikitr:/Help/Menu/File "File > Open Location ..."] (`Ctrl+L`). == Overview of this panel == #Structure The three parts, Preset Links, Filter and Tags Table, are only shown if selection includes at least one object with tag. === Counts === In the header, the counts for currently selected objects in [wikitr:/Help/MapView Map view] are shown - objects, tags and memberships, if selection includes at least one objects with tag or membership. === Presets Links === [[Image(josm_TagsMembership_ToggleDialog.png,right,link=,margin-left=10,margin-bottom=10)]] Icons and the names of [wikitr:/Presets presets], namely: * All matching presets for single object, if only one object was selected * Common presets of selected objects (set intersection and result set may be empty because there no common preset(s) for all objects) * Annotations presets (notes or address) will be displayed if at least one object has such tag **Possible activation**: Left mouse click on the preset will open the preset, as is shown in [wikitr:/Introduction#Leftmouseclickonrespectivepresetheadingwillopencompletepresetview "Introduction"]. === Filter Tags ===#FilterTags Tag filter with same syntax as [wikitr:/Help/Action/Search Search]: * Simple string (such as `Rome` will searched both in values and in keys (i.e. if you add tag "Rome"=yes it will be matched against "Rome" search) * `"addr:city":ome` or `"addr:city":Rome` will match `addr:city=Rome` tag All tags not matching the filter are omitted from Tags Table below. === Tags Table === The table shows the tags as key/value pairs and, additionally, some empty space below. Depending on Filter Tags above some or all tags may be omitted. * key/value pairs for single [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/SelectionList#Selection selected] object * annotated summary for multiple selected objects where the values are: * **`value`**, if all objects have the tag * ''``'', if a number of objects have the tag and the other number of object do not have the tag * ''``'', if all objects have the tag but with the number of different values * ''``'', if some objects have the tag but with the number of different values and the other number of object do not have the tag **Possible activation**: * double click on a tag will open [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/EditValue Change value dialog]. * double click on empty space will open [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/AddValue Add tag dialog]. * [=#rightclicktag right click on item from tag table] will show [wikitr:/Help/Menu/TagsMembershipMenu#Rightclickonatagintagspart respective context menu] ("Add" to [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/AddValue Add tag dialog]; "Edit" to [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/EditValue Change value dialog]) === Membership Table === The table shows information about memberships of selected objects in [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Relations relations]. The table is only shown if any object in selection is member of a relation. Member of:: shows the type of relation, its name (value of `name=*` tag), the total number of members and its state - ''incomplete'' if the relation is not downloaded completely. Role:: shows the roles as: * **''empty''** or **`role`**, if all object have no role or all have the same role * ``, if objects have different roles or some objects have a role and some have not. **Note**: Objects without parent relations in local [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/LayerList#Layertypes data layer] can have parent relations on the server **Possible activation**: * [=#doubleclickmembership double click on item] or `Alt+S` will open [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/RelationEditor relation editor] (and selection will be preserved) * [=#rightclickmembership right click on item from parent relations] will show [wikitr:/Help/Menu/TagsMembershipMenu#Rightclickonaparentrelationinmembershipspart respective context menu] ("Edit" item will open [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/RelationEditor relation editor]) * [=#DoubleclickMembershipRole double click on the field of the role column] opens the following dialog to edit the roles of selected members of the item (and selection will be preserved) [[Image(role_input_dialog.jpg,link=)]] === Panel Buttons ===#Buttons Basic usage is covered in [wikitr:/Introduction#AddingTags adding tags introduction]. \\ Panel buttons are visible by default, see ([[wikitr:/Help/JOSM interface customization|JOSM interface customization]]) [[JOSMImage(dialogs/add,bottom,margin-right=10,inline,link=)]] **Add** (''`Alt+A`'') [=#Add] * Adds key/value pairs to selected objects using the [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/AddValue Add tag dialog]. Alternative activation steps covered in overview section above. [[JOSMImage(dialogs/edit,link=,bottom,margin-right=10,inline)]] **Edit** (''`Alt+S`'') [=#Edit] * Change selected key/value pair using the [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/EditValue Change value dialog] - if tag was selected. * Open relation editor - if relationship was selected. Alternative activation steps covered in overview section above. [[JOSMImage(dialogs/delete,24,link=,bottom,margin-right=10,inline)]] Delete (''`Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D`'' or ''`Del`'') [=#Delete] * Delete selected key/value pairs. If you select one or several key/value pair in the tags table, and then click the **Delete** button they will be immediately deleted. == Examples ==#Examples Single object without parent relations (note: [wikitr:/Introduction#Leftmouseclickonrespectivepresetheadingwillopencompletepresetview you can click on headings to open complete presets]): [[Image(tagsmemberships-single-object.png,link=)]] Single object used in 3 [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Relations relations] at once: [[Image(tagsmemberships-single-object-multiple-parent-relations.png​,link=)]] When localized name tags are used, the language the abbreviation stands for is displayed behind the key: [[Image(name-xx.png,link=)]] == Context Menu == See [wikitr:/Help/Menu/TagsMembershipMenu TagsMembership Context Menu] == Advanced Preferences ==#AdvancedPreferences ||= **Property** =||= **Default** =||= **Explanation** =|| || **`properties.presets.visible`** || `true` || If set to `true`, displays the list of presets matching the current tags. || **`properties.presets.top`** || `true` || If set to `true`, displays the list of presets matching the current tags above the list of tags, else below. || **`url.openstreetmap-wiki`** || `https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/` || The address of the OSM wiki used to see the documentation of a tag. ---- Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Windows Windows menu] \\ Back to [wikitr:/Help/ToggleDialogs Sidebar] \\ Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu Main Menu] \\ Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]