[[TranslatedPages]] = Edit > Duplicate = [[JOSMImage(duplicate,48,link=,middle,margin-right=20)]] ''Keyboard Shortcut'': **{{{Ctrl+D}}}** **Duplicate creates a copy of all currently selected [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object objects],** \\ and places them * at the position of the mouse cursor or * at the center of the [wikitr:/Help/MapView map] if the mouse cursor is outside == See also == * [[JOSMImage(copy,24,link=,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Copy Copy] * [[JOSMImage(paste,24,link=,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Paste Paste] * [[JOSMImage(paste,24,link=,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/PasteAtSourcePosition Paste At Source Position] * [[JOSMImage(pastetags)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/PasteTags Paste Tags] ---- Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Edit Menu Edit] \\ Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]