Custom Query (179 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 179)

1 2

Resolution: fixed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#4003 Upload dialog makes it too easy to overwrite the correct edit summary of open changesets on the server with whatever is in the summary checkbox team defect major Core latest
#5546 relation editor: copying mixes up sorting team defect normal Core latest
#6103 Do not close changeset after "cancelled upload" team defect normal Core tested
#7004 Wrong changeset comment when switching between multiple open changesets team defect normal Core latest
#7090 Upload dialog allow select another user open changeset team defect normal Core latest
#7943 Default OAuth settings not in line with used API server team defect normal Core
#8041 role reversed during combine remains reversed upon canceling/undoing team defect major Core
#8149 Changeset tags handling coming from a .osm file team defect normal Core
#8749 "add to relation" in relation toggle dialog context menu leads to many empty roles. team defect normal Core latest
#8824 Cancel download on broken connection does not work team defect minor Core latest
#10290 inconsistency rendering direction arrows for waterways team defect normal Internal mappaint style latest
#10306 Changeset manager does not know username of current uploaded and open changeset team defect normal Core
#10773 [Patch] Map status tooltip: ise "Easting" and "Northing" for projected coordinate systems team defect normal Core latest
#10820 Restaurant preset does not allow free form entry for cuisine=* team defect normal Internal preset
#11305 After canceling upload a new instead of the existing still open changeset is used on next upload team defect normal Core latest
#12050 Bing Imagery loading errors in josm version 8964 team defect normal Core imagery latest
#12083 [Patch] Error message: Error in filter "unexpected token. Expected <right parent>, found <key>" simon04 defect normal Core latest
#12131 warn when closing relation editor window with x top right team defect normal Core
#12160 Combobox List Entries with Empty Value – display_value and short_description not shown team defect normal Core tested
#12304 Warn about relations when unglueing team defect normal Core
#12311 Replace type=audio/video by studio=audio/video in amenity=studio preset team defect normal Internal preset
#12312 Error when loading GPX file with single point and track dynamic track coloring team defect normal Core
#12314 Validator fix fails on deleting relation team defect normal Core validator
#12320 Building "Man Made/Man Made/Building..." preset removed when using civic values team defect normal Internal preset
#12321 JOSM SVN compiled with openjdk 7 fails to start team defect normal Core
#12328 Wrong "incomplete usage of destination" warning in roundabouts team defect normal Core validator
#12329 Losing valid values when autofixing in some tests team defect normal Core validator
#12330 misaligned imagery warning should support line break team defect normal Core imagery
#12335 ExtrudeAction causes NullPointerException if dual alignment setting is toggled without active layer, improve other enabled states team defect normal Core tested
#12340 support traffic_sign=countrycode:signcode in addition to traffic_sign=maxspeed in maxspeed on node validator test team defect normal Core validator
#12343 Needs vertical scrollbar when deleting a lot of data team defect normal Core
#12345 Change title from "Recording studio" to "Studio" in "amenity=studio" preset team defect normal Internal preset
#12347 Split way breaks destination_sign relations team defect normal Core latest
#12376 Multipolygon test hangs team defect major Core validator latest
#12377 validator does not detect intersecting rings in multipolygon team defect normal Core validator latest
#12378 java.lang.NullPointerException when converting data layer to gpx team defect normal Core tested
#12380 [patch] fixed confirmation of overwriting existing file team defect normal Core
#12381 AssertionError on "Resolve to their versions" team defect normal Core latest
#12382 NPE when querying for history of deleted node team defect major Core
#12390 [patch] rename layer does not check existing file team defect normal Core
#12391 [patch] saving renamed layer replaces name team defect normal Core
#12393 [patch] Fix parsing note hiding events Don-vip defect normal Core notes tested
#12394 [patch] native file chooser was empty when setSelectedFile existed team defect normal Core
#12395 [patch] fix displaying shortcut key of help action in properties dialog team defect normal Core
#12396 [Patch] JMapViewer task queue is single-threaded and can be dominated by stale tasks team defect normal JMapViewer
#12402 Wrong autofix with motor_vehicle=yes and access=no team defect normal Core validator
#12405 Glue function doesn't work for nodes and ways Don-vip defect critical Core latest
#12416 first combo value hidden team defect minor Core
#12417 [patch] mapmodes did not listen to preferences change team defect normal Core
#12418 No warning with sportshops team defect minor Core validator tested
#12419 the "add tag window" on 9563 does not work kolesar defect major Core
#12421 [patch] fixed dialog to set number of recently added tags team defect normal Core
#12425 Please fix this Mapbox satellite bug team defect normal Core imagery
#12426 Too large popup dialog when an imagery layer does not support current projection team defect minor Core imagery
#12430 man_made=crane on a way causes validator warning team defect normal Core validator tested
#12434 TaginfoTestIT/checkPopularTags fails Don-vip defect minor Core
#12436 Must not remove empty nodes outside the downloaded area team defect normal Core validator
#12437 support multiple etag values in `no-tile-header` team defect normal Core imagery
#12442 [patch] save session as caused NPE when there were no layers team defect normal Core
#12443 [patch] adding member to a new relation causes NPE Don-vip defect major Core
#12448 [patch] session reader failed when linked local file was compressed team defect normal Core tested
#12450 NPE when illegal WMTS URL is added wiktorn defect normal Core imagery latest
#12452 icons in relation list display low priority icons team defect normal Core
#12454 [patch] set default values of preferences on construct team defect normal Core
#12456 unused osm server address box shows red border team defect minor Core
#12461 [patch] repaint map after opening file team defect normal Core tested
#12464 Regression: Validator did not longer warn about nodes without tags team defect normal Core validator latest
#12465 Exception when entering timestamp search expression team defect normal Core latest
#12467 regression: relation presets no longer fit correct Don-vip defect normal Core latest
#12474 java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.List team defect normal Core imagery
#12477 Selection/relation list: fall back to fast icons when displaying many items simon04 defect normal Core
#12485 Wrong GPX Correlation team defect normal Core
#12487 Validator: tag "incline=xxx" could be used on "aeroway=runway" team defect minor Core validator
#12488 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while copying tags from previous selection of multi-polygon building to another chetanha91@… defect normal Core latest
#12490 disable validator warning for `maxheight=default|none` Klumbumbus defect normal Core validator
#12492 [regression] JOSM trunk won't build since rev 9689 team defect blocker Core latest
#12504 java.lang.StackOverflowError at SearchCompiler on when Searching Key/Value in tag window team defect normal Core latest
#12506 IndexOutOfBoundsException when searching presets team defect normal Core
#12507 slow scrolling in "Map Paint Styles" window team defect minor Core latest
#12508 Exception in `MoveCommandTest` and others team defect normal Unit tests
#12514 Fix unit tests team defect normal Unit tests
#12521 On Overpass API error OSM API gets blamed team defect minor Core latest
#12524 [patch] heading calculation reversed longitudes team defect normal Core tested
#12525 No preset power=plant for type=site relation (wind farms) team defect normal Internal preset latest
#12529 regression: boundary preset cannot be applied to a multipolygon relation. team defect normal Internal preset
#12531 Import osm-notes fail Don-vip defect normal Core notes
#12535 Spliting ways give wrong message in the Command Stack team defect normal Core latest
#12541 Warnings if using Style "Adress Tags Validator" team defect normal Core validator
#12547 Overpass API "Build query" does not work team defect normal Core
#12549 Regex fails with accented letters team defect normal Core validator
#12550 in relation editor, node features are shown without name (only icon) team defect normal Core
#12557 wrong validator message: URL contains an invalid authority Don-vip defect normal Core validator tested
#12559 The “Skip Download” popup displays incorrectly team defect normal Core tested
#12560 NoSuchElementException while downloading relation members team defect normal Core
#12568 Cadastre FR Imagery Error team defect normal Core imagery
#12571 JMapViewer.getLatOffset bug team defect major JMapViewer
#12580 Upload failure with Oauth - HTTP 401 Unauthorized achimbeckerstgt@… defect normal Core latest
#13518 Inner outer ring check is not promted as frequently as it should team defect normal Core validator
#4996 Can't download data elements in changeset dialog team enhancement normal Core
#6171 Improve OAuth message in wizard simon04 enhancement normal Core tested
(more results for this group on next page)
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.