Custom Query (65 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (65 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#10079 possible problems in English strings (part 2) team defect trivial Core latest
#10143 Untranslatable "Crossing buildings" string in validator team defect trivial Core validator latest
#10052 Wrong server URL in the error message team defect minor Core
#10077 Typo in translatable string team defect minor Core
#10117 ask for leaf_type with leaf_cycle and for leaf_cycle with leaf_type team enhancement minor Core validator
#10118 "power without voltage=", should be in "Other", not "Warnings" team defect minor Core validator latest
#10126 Stop listing brand key in "Presets do not contain property value" team defect minor Core validator
#10140 Add new validation rule- consider building:levels on nodes as invalid team enhancement minor Core validator latest
#10150 Stop listing network key in "Presets do not contain property value" team enhancement minor Core validator
#10191 Wrong number displayed for "preset does not include property key/value" team defect minor Core validator latest
#7991 [patch] extruder: smallering non-rectified object can lead to unwanted, self-intersecting objects. team defect normal Core latest
#9518 Automatically reload local config files when changed team enhancement normal Core
#9852 Rendering of bridge=movable team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#9914 automatic update for imagery entries team enhancement normal Core imagery
#10025 Double-clicking .osm file on Mac OS X doesn't open JOSM team defect normal Core
#10040 Broken compilation for newer JDKs team defect normal Core latest
#10043 Improvements to the main map style after switching to MapCSS team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#10044 Bridges and tunnels are rendered in exactly the same way [patch] team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#10057 Better support for cycleway team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#10078 no style reload with r7185 bastiK defect normal Core
#10085 give warning for fixme=yes team enhancement normal Core validator
#10086 delete empty layer, save, and… team defect normal Core tested
#10088 Can't use custom TMS layer anymore team defect normal Core imagery
#10093 Default style for highway=road team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#10096 "IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant" with MapCSS team defect normal Core validator latest
#10099 JOSM tries to use Java 6 when installed bastiK defect normal Ubuntu package tested
#10104 Use single AWTEventListener for key press/release and alt/shift/ctrl detection team enhancement normal Core latest
#10107 preset - add new leaf_type key and leaf_cycle team enhancement normal Internal preset
#10108 validator - convert to new leaf_type key and leaf_cycle team enhancement normal Core validator
#10113 invalid "sport without physical feature" with "landuse=farm" team defect normal Core validator
#10114 NPE in WMSImagery.imageFormatHasTransparency team defect normal Core imagery latest
#10115 Coordinates near zero meridian are saved in scientific notation team defect normal Core
#10120 landuse=railway is treated as water by validator team defect normal Core validator
#10125 allow source:geometry on a node team defect normal Core validator
#10127 render type of tree (leaf_type=broadleaved/needleleaved) team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#10129 add automatic fix for "natural water used for swimming pool" team enhancement normal Core validator
#10130 Exclude option/operator for MapCSS team enhancement normal Core validator
#10131 highway=track, area=yes is not rendered as an area team defect normal Internal mappaint style
#10135 Display total number of validator problems team enhancement normal Core validator
#10138 Strange "power=minor_line inside power=minor_line" warning team defect normal Core validator latest
#10141 Validate unclosed boundaries team enhancement normal Core validator
#10142 Regression: MapCSS changes did break lane attribute style bastiK defect normal Core mappaint latest
#10144 [PATCH] Add highway=elevator for preset and mappaint style team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#10145 [PATCH] improve icon of turning_circle team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#10159 toll=yes, barrier=* is a valid combination team defect normal Core validator
#10160 sport without physical feature reported for highway=raceway + sport=karting team defect normal Core validator
#10166 Rendering of tunnel=building_passage team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#10168 Double default value of createcircle.nodecount team enhancement normal Core
#10172 Cannot open GPX from URL team defect normal Core latest
#10173 Modification of styles without any data layer causes an exception team defect normal Core
#10180 "Property values start or end with white space" should be warning level, not information team enhancement normal Core validator
#10181 tunnels and bridges are not displayed for railway=tram team defect normal Internal mappaint style
#10183 "sport without physical feature" with leisure=recreation_ground team defect normal Core validator
#10192 Exclude incline from "Presets do not contain property value" team enhancement normal Core validator latest
#10193 Validator warning when birds nest on street lamp. team defect normal Core validator latest
#10194 [PATCH] Adjust display of bridge, tunnel, motorroad, tiger, cycleway track lane team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#10197 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on check before upload team defect normal Core validator latest
#10209 ref(erence) check not on *_link team enhancement normal Core validator
#10210 Bug combining multiple media queries team defect normal Core mappaint
#10212 ImproveWayAccuracy: key listeners forgot to remove themselves team defect normal Core latest
#10221 amenity=shelter, lit=yes results in "lit on suspicious object" team defect normal Core validator
#10222 segregated in connection with railway=crossing misreported team defect normal Core validator latest
#10092 Preset filtering does not work for closed ways team defect major Core latest
#10204 validator bug "wrong roundabout" on cycleway roundabouts team defect critical Core validator
#10219 NPE in CachedFile.getInputStream during start team defect blocker Core latest
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.