Open Core Defects (793 matches)

Active tickets, type defect, on all core components, sorted by priority


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Results (301 - 400 of 793)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Component Version
#18716 Upload dialog shows elements from previous upload new defect normal Core tested
#18771 IAE: Parameter 'data' must not be null - clicking "OK" on the "Edit New Relation" box new defect normal Core tested
#18804 Cannot open .JSON file new defect normal Core geojson latest
#18838 merge layer/selection: too many conflicts created and wrong user for "their" displayed new defect normal Core
#18855 Clicking twice required to delete attribute when using alt to select multipolygon new defect normal Core tested
#18894 Merge (selection): No user information about layer state `upload=*` new defect normal Core
#18898 Add Tag: clicking on key/value combination just added in the action does not fill key text field new defect normal Core latest
#18904 JOSM requires 45s to start via mobile hotspot w/o mobile reception new defect normal Core
#18911 Clicking on layer's opacity slider "toggles" instead of sliding new defect normal Core imagery
#18980 JOSM doesn't allow me to deal with conflicts when local version is higher than server version new defect normal Core
#18988 Split way: no warning about *:direction=forward/backward/both on split node new defect normal Core
#19001 download object reports downloading incomplete data reopened defect normal Core
#19004 Tile cache seems to forget tiles exist, momentarily new defect normal Core imagery
#19008 Differences in results outside downloaded area between no download area at all and small download area somewhere new defect normal Core validator
#19016 IAE: Listener actions.mapmode.DrawAction was not registered before or already removed new defect normal Core
#19019 IllegalStateException in LayerListDialog.createInstance after downloading new defect normal Core
#19043 Sort relation's member: Better protection of incomplete relations. new defect normal Core
#19052 No user information if "disconnect node from way" modifies a relation new defect normal Core
#19062 Listener was not registered before: LayerChangeAdapter new defect normal Core
#19067 Cannot display high resolution geotagged images new defect normal Core
#19082 Error while moving a polygon (building) new defect normal Core
#19083 DataIntegrityProblemException: Nodes in way must be in the same dataset new defect normal Core latest
#19100 JOSM does not display properly Khmer characters in Tag window new defect normal Core tested
#19119 Annotation/Address Preset is filled with previous Entry values when summoned on an entry that has zero values at instantiation new defect normal Core
#19133 IndexOutOfBoundsException in new defect normal Core
#19134 Delete in add mode breaks filters new defect normal Core
#19148 Problems with multipolygon consisting of several separate areas with same primary tag but different secondary tags. new defect normal Core
#19151 Wrong query generated by overpass query wizard new defect normal Core
#19217 Split way: Wrong position of new member under special conditions of route relation new defect normal Core latest
#19245 Adding Bing Aerial Imagery freezes JOSM new defect normal Core imagery
#19276 WARNING: MalformedURLException in CachedFile.cleanup for local files new defect normal Core
#19308 Download as new layer not respected if new_layer=false is present new defect normal Core remotecontrol latest
#19314 Zoom is blocked and JOSM freezes new defect normal Core imagery
#19331 AssertionError after download, purge, download, undo new defect normal Core latest
#19333 Download (incomplete) members: No message about incomplete download after connection broke while downloading new defect normal Core latest
#19378 Assigning a letter key to a shortcut sometimes puts the letter in the next dialog needinfo defect normal Core
#19412 Empty error message shown new defect normal Core tested
#19453 Unexpected exception: Listener Conflict (instance of org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.ConflictDialog) was already registered new defect normal Core tested
#19468 Delete Tag button tool tip block click event new defect normal Core
#19470 History browser: retain selection after (re)loading of history new defect normal Core
#19519 property value for multiselect always produce false positive with multiple values new defect normal Core validator
#19528 Download Dialog: Bounding Box: Context menu partly hidden new defect normal Core latest
#19594 [Patch] converting to multipolygon too aggressive assigned defect normal Core latest
#19602 OsmTransferException while downloading GPX new defect normal Core
#19651 Imagery Adjust: grabbed hand cursor modifier disappears after first move of imagery new defect normal Core
#19690 unable to find valid certification path to requested target new defect normal Core
#19695 Tags/Memberships panel not updated when adding multiple tags new defect normal Core tested
#19703 HiDPI issues (Windows) new defect normal Core
#19722 Turn restriction validator warning inconsistency new defect normal Core validator tested
#19748 Risky autofix: Incorrect roundabout (highway: primary instead of {trunk/motorway}) new defect normal Core validator latest
#19777 Trying to switch to angle mode for draw tool fails new defect normal Core
#19780 Close Open Changeset picks up wrong changeset new defect normal Core latest
#19823 Advanced Preferences could not export selected items if they have default values new defect normal Core
#19824 Advanced Preferences could not export modified values new defect normal Core
#19852 IAE: Node is already deleted new defect normal Core
#19875 Inactive Map Paint styles cause bad performance new defect normal Core
#19908 HelpBrowser: Illegal reflective access … o field javax.swing.text.html.ImageView.image new defect normal Core
#19933 Cannot typing Chinese and Korean character normally in MacOS new defect normal Core latest
#19938 relation editor tabs for parents and children are not updated new defect normal Core latest
#19956 [WIP Patch] Double check if error still exists before executing autofix reopened defect normal Core validator
#19963 OsmTransferCanceledException: Operation canceled in retry new defect normal Core
#20003 JOSM frozen when upload data new defect normal Core latest
#20008 Unsharp preset icons new defect normal Core
#20014 Tiles constantly reloading reopened defect normal Core imagery latest
#20024 No warning when multipolygon preset is applied to multipolygon new defect normal Core
#20029 missing tag - turn:lanes:forward without lanes - although lanes:forward and lanes:backward are correct new defect normal Core validator
#20044 Relation editor: Exceptions with preset links in presets new defect normal Core
#20081 Does not find unconnected, new waterways outside downloaded area new defect normal Core validator latest
#20084 Road on a bridge tagged with "layer = 1" is rendered as if it were running under the crossing road while it should be on top new defect normal Core mappaint tested
#20100 UI problems with route layers new defect normal Core
#20127 Fonts size too small for dialog boxes and the map new defect normal Core latest
#20140 JOSM inconsistently respects remapped macOS modifier keys assigned defect normal Core shortcuts
#20159 Split way: Change "Which way segment should reuse the history" to modal? new defect normal Core
#20190 Orthogonalize Shape: Creates command which changes nothing new defect normal Core latest
#20215 Kalmar WMS reprojection problem new defect normal Core imagery
#20225 Method Preferences.getAllPossiblePreferenceDirs() is rather useless new defect normal Core
#20227 [Patch] Presets not displayed when creating new relation new defect normal Core
#20272 Confusing handling of native scale layer and "zoom to download" new defect normal Core
#20285 Icon for turn restriction with via way may hide other restriction icon new defect normal Internal mappaint style latest
#20302 Typing into the Overpass query textbox affects the slippy map on certain characters new defect normal Core latest
#20306 "Water area inside water area" triggered for reedbeed in a lake new defect normal Core validator
#20316 Opening_hours: Does not like `PH +1 day PH` new defect normal Core validator latest
#20333 Erratic geotagged image zooming on Mac new defect normal Core image mapping tested
#20356 Join areas action may create "Ways with same position" new defect normal Core
#20416 Download (incomplete) members: Cancel does not work and timeouts while download relation with members works new defect normal Core
#20430 The OSM server '' reported a bad request. Error message(untranslated): Placeholder node not found for reference -102307 in way -106846 needinfo defect normal Core
#20453 VPN Connection doesn't time out with MultiFetchServerObjectReader new defect normal Core
#20473 Multipolygon repeating the tag of an outer way is not flagged new defect normal Core validator
#20477 Devanagari input - issue in typing consonantal conjuncts new defect normal Core
#20478 Naming of imagery layers / considering attribution aspects in changesets new defect normal Core imagery
#20479 Querying history from custom api server causes crash new defect normal Core
#20485 Inconsistent handling of fixme tags new defect normal Core validator
#20492 Conflict with elements that have an OSM ID but are not yet in OSM's server, new defect normal Core
#20516 SOCKS proxy without authentification demands "credentials for host" new defect normal Core
#20572 Overflowing text labels in the corner of the display new defect normal Core mappaint
#20604 Error when selecting most recent changeset comment from dropdown menu new defect normal Core latest
#20605 Relation editor: Connectivity: Problem with dual-carriage, open end on top with only one way for one direction new defect normal Core latest
#20644 Relation editor: Sorting of route relation never stops under certain conditions (gaps). new defect normal Core
#20648 Unable to edit keybind for "Delete tags" new defect normal Core shortcuts latest
#20663 [patch] Area style on outer way not flagged when different river area taggings are combined assigned defect normal Core validator latest
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.