Custom Query (361 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 361)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#10106 mapcss: grouping doesn't work correctly new team defect normal
#17189 mapcss should be able to use previous fields in the selector in additional fields new team defect normal
#23120 mapcss Way child of relation child of relation new team enhancement normal
#20006 Merge layer: specific order of layers needed to find conflicts new team defect major
#19575 Missing translation test needs tweaks new team defect minor
#6319 More information and options on error 410 pop up (deleted object) new team enhancement normal
#17978 More user-friendly message about deleted objects after downloading a changeset new team enhancement normal
#5381 mouse cursor not always what it should be reopened dieterdreist defect normal
#11099 'Move node into way' can sometimes result in multiple duplicate nodes new team defect normal
#22043 MultiMonitor Setup - doesn't store the settings of the windows needinfo mrgenie defect normal
#10234 Multipolygon - added inner closed way should have inner role set new team enhancement normal
#8612 Next version of remote control API new team enhancement normal
#20909 "No area style for multipolygon" produces lots of duplicates new team defect normal
#10032 No changes recognized if uploading with an open relation editor and closing it later new team defect normal
#17816 No conflict resolution after detection of conflicts at uploading when using overpass as data source new team defect normal
#7148 Nodes that are not selectable are posible select via selection history new team defect normal
#6980 no horizonzal scrollbars in conflict resolution new team defect normal
#11722 No images after removing active geo-images layer new team defect normal
#22605 No indication of and no option to delete automatically added CS-tag "hashtag" new team defect normal
#6102 Non-Connected way checks in validator needs to be projection independent new defect major
#20774 No recovery when internet connection fails on updating nodes new team defect normal
#21640 NPE: Cannot invoke "" because "this.parent" is null new maripogoda defect normal
#23050 NPE in WikipediaToggleDialog.processDatasetEvent new floscher defect normal
#18398 NPE in WikipediaToggleDialog with language code yue new floscher defect normal
#21621 Open dialog traverse folders verify finicky on macOS 12 arm64 with Bluetooth mouse new team defect normal
#20316 Opening_hours: Does not like `PH +1 day PH` new team defect normal
#6656 OpeningHoursEditor corrections + enhancements new boman enhancement normal
#21870 Opening hours: Possibly false positive "can be prettified" with complex value new team defect normal
#17673 OpenStreetCam: ClassNotFoundException: java.sql.Time new jBeata defect normal
#11198 Option "download relation members" do not download relations which this members belongs to new team defect normal
#18637 Option of keyboard shortcut for "switch (background-)imagery view to next available (background-)imagery in list" reopened team enhancement normal
#15981 Option to add multiple wms_endpoint layers as separate layers assigned wiktorn enhancement normal
#20190 Orthogonalize Shape: Creates command which changes nothing new team defect normal
#5404 OSM-API-close and HTTP-Request-Pipelining don't work over some proxies - JOSM must be restarted for further edits reopened Fabi2 defect normal
#5641 Painting error layer is very slow new team defect normal
#16990 Paint opposite cycleway tags new team enhancement normal
#4626 parallelize validator checks new team enhancement normal
#13626 Paste as source position should be the default setting. new team enhancement normal
#7506 [Patch] Adding shortcut for relation editor and tag editor new team enhancement normal
#23311 [patch] Add natural=hill preset new team enhancement normal
#20663 [patch] Area style on outer way not flagged when different river area taggings are combined assigned GerdP defect normal
#19594 [Patch] converting to multipolygon too aggressive assigned GerdP defect normal
#15574 [patch] [experimental] make large jpeg loading work through the use of JNI bridge to turbojpeg system library new team enhancement normal
#11910 [Patch in discussion] Adding imagery_used to changeset tags new team enhancement normal
#13765 [patch needs rework] adding a button to test the proxy settings new team enhancement trivial
#5706 [Patch needs rework] Role Verification Warnings reopened team defect normal
#22328 [Patch] Nodes should be exclude from "construction:highway without highway and construction" new team defect normal
#10744 [patch proof-of-concept] Ease Multipolygon-Creation and Handling if selection overlaps ways that already take part in another MP new team enhancement normal
#4145 [PATCH][RFC] Show upload progress when uploading osmChange new team enhancement normal
#20160 [patch] [rfe] British National Grid projection EPSG:27700 new team enhancement normal
#21856 [PATCH] Split way: Wrong position of new member in PTv2 relation splitting a loop reopened team defect major 24.04
#6955 (patch (unfinished)) Introducing JMapView SceneGraph new jhuntley enhancement normal
#14813 Points are still visible after selection for deletion in EditGpx plugin new team defect normal
#14284 Portable setup - relative directories possible? new team enhancement minor
#19944 Preference Dialog: Add small delay before downloading additional data new team enhancement normal
#21512 Preferences: Missing warning about restart when changing icon size new team defect minor
#13900 Presets: Add a combobox for name new team enhancement normal
#3384 Prevent modified status even if no real modification has been done new team enhancement minor
#14335 Printing function does not work. AIOOBE: 0 new team defect normal
#15374 problem deleting multilevel relations reopened team defect normal 17.10
#22978 Problem with route layer from gpx containing route and markers new team defect normal
#5038 Proposal for editing object attributes in spreadsheet mode new team enhancement major
#11176 Propose to upload notes in upload dialog reopened ToeBee enhancement normal
#15415 PT_assistant: remove warning about gap if route contains only one way new darya defect normal
#22441 Reconsider fee=<interval> syntax in internal presets new team task normal
#10954 Red "edit line" not visible after upgrading linux to Slackware 14.1 new team defect normal
#20731 Relation checker doesn't accept role "main" and demands "<empty>" for route=hiking new team defect minor
#4112 Relation editor: Allow selecting objects in the relation editor selection list to apply operations to new team enhancement normal
#20605 Relation editor: Connectivity: Problem with dual-carriage, open end on top with only one way for one direction new team defect normal
#4798 relation editor: highlight "doubled" members with different roles differently than "doubled" members with the same role new team enhancement major
#19267 Relation editor: No need to ask for confirmation canceling the creation of a cloned relation without any changes made new team enhancement normal
#17899 relation editor: oneway direction with route=bicycle and oneway:bicycle new team defect normal
#11599 Relation Editor should update after splitting a member reopened team defect normal
#19938 relation editor tabs for parents and children are not updated new team defect normal
#5124 relation merge new team enhancement minor
#8887 Render addr:housenumber in favour of operator/brand new team enhancement normal
#20752 Reorder imagery layers: Three shortcuts in preferences but non is working new team defect normal
#14569 Replace geometry: remember tag conflict resolution for next items new team enhancement normal
#7096 resizing objects consecutively behaves unexpectedly new team defect normal
#20788 RespondsCode from overpass completely wrong formatted new team defect normal
#23618 "Restart JOSM" does not actually restart. new team defect normal
#23102 [RFC PATCH] Poor map navigation on macbooks new team enhancement normal
#19748 Risky autofix: Incorrect roundabout (highway: primary instead of {trunk/motorway}) new team defect normal
#1981 rotate map view new team enhancement normal
#20515 route_master relation not properly populated from the preset dialog new team defect minor
#3638 routes criteria new vidalfree@… enhancement normal
#6247 Same functionality of different buttons new team enhancement normal
#18797 Same layer name used multiple times new team defect trivial
#6184 "Save/Upload" question is sometimes asked when not necessary and sometimes not asked when necessary new team defect normal
#17980 search dialog: better user interaction with "deleted" and "incomplete" new team enhancement normal
#21303 Searching for empty role with hasRole does not work new team defect normal
#6518 select and edit actions performed in inactive layer. new team defect major
#21639 selection highlight does not highlight the label new team defect normal
#22827 Settings in Mac Menu Bar is displayed only in English needinfo matheusgomesms enhancement minor
#21523 Setting the direction of a panned 360 photo causes a counterintuitive result new holgermappt defect normal
#4132 'Shift+g' to switch from all GPS traces to just mine new team enhancement minor
#11854 Shortcuts with Cmd key stops working unexpectedly (OSX) new team defect normal
#12613 Show preview image in the geotagging Plugin new team enhancement normal
#2173 Show the Progress of preparing Data after downloading an Area reopened team enhancement trivial
#14573 slippy map in download window jumps unexpectedly when doing a consecutive download in one session new team defect trivial
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