Custom Query (247 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 247)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#9972 Add Quick Preview of WMS Capabilities URL assigned wiktorn enhancement normal
#11481 JOSM freezes for some time on slow Internet connection assigned wiktorn defect normal
#22373 NPE at TurnLanesEditorDialog.setRoadProperties assigned team defect normal
#17853 relation.nameOrder not working needinfo anonymous defect normal
#21994 barrier=chain icon is absolutely massive needinfo anonymous defect normal
#22409 IOE: Unable to make protected javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax[] sun.print.Win32MediaSize.getEnumValueTable() accessible needinfo anonymous defect normal
#22495 Warning when using a relation restriction:bicycle=give_way needinfo anonymous defect normal
#22669 IAE when replacing polygon geometry needinfo anonymous defect normal
#22752 JosmRuntimeException: Join areas internal error - findBoundaryPolygons needinfo anonymous defect normal
#23192 Do not warn "House number without a street" when there is addr:substreet needinfo anonymous defect normal
#23222 java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: josm-tested.jar needinfo anonymous defect normal
#23301 IAE: EastNorth is invalid in ParallelWays.changeOffset needinfo anonymous defect normal
#23458 Hitting Plus Twice in Turn Lanes Throws an Error needinfo anonymous defect normal
#23479 Error when trying to create new way in parallel way mode needinfo anonymous defect normal
#23488 can't access imagery through preference changed bing[1,22]: needinfo anonymous defect normal
#23504 Connection reset. needinfo anonymous defect normal
#23570 Xubuntu jammy -- Error apt update needinfo anonymous defect normal
#23593 garden:style needinfo anonymous defect normal
#23602 impossible d'exécuter un fichier script needinfo anonymous defect normal
#23614 Scripting Problem needinfo anonymous defect normal
#23639 building, utils and map with ai plugins not installing needinfo anonymous defect normal
#3384 Prevent modified status even if no real modification has been done new team enhancement minor
#3865 Support GarminDataBase format new team enhancement normal
#4819 Increase "out of memory threshold" new team enhancement normal
#5694 (patch needs rework) two more select modes new team enhancement normal
#5746 Implement "if-unused" osmChange API feature for outside BBOX nodes new team enhancement normal
#6095 Rescan conflicts when tags change new team enhancement normal
#6378 Improve sorting order for tag edit dialogs new team enhancement normal
#6384 Uncaught OsmTransferCancelledException new team defect normal
#7282 OsmTransferCanceledException while opening changeset or uploading changes new team defect major
#7772 Statusbar could show number of new/modified/deleted nodes/ways/relations new team enhancement normal
#7815 Trouble with the size of windows when displaying an alert new team defect normal
#7974 Scalable fill icons new team enhancement normal
#7975 Entering position of calibration points new rebsc enhancement normal
#8177 Preset <check> and <combo> to set several keys in one check new team enhancement normal
#8399 Validator could merge two ways with same position if one is an inner without tags new team enhancement normal
#8463 Command stack (undo/redo) should be per object new team enhancement minor
#8802 [PATCH] "Zoom to gap" in relation editor does not work anymore new team defect normal
#8820 Tabular edit of name tags new team enhancement major
#8882 different color for 'from' and 'to' new team enhancement normal
#9070 print in A2 size only prints the top left quarter new team defect normal
#11198 Option "download relation members" do not download relations which this members belongs to new team defect normal
#11377 Change redo shortcut for dialogs new team defect normal
#11402 Tracer2 - always create new nodes when fix buildings [patch] new team defect normal
#11480 Projection PUWG 2000 5 does not zoom to bbox properly new team defect normal
#11483 Unexpected action on list when press right key new team defect normal
#11544 leisure=recreation_ground should display as landuse=recreation_ground new team enhancement normal
#11722 No images after removing active geo-images layer new team defect normal
#11845 (More) nagging/warning for empty changeset comment or source new team enhancement normal
#12024 turnrestrictions plugin should support restriction=no_entry / restriction=no_exit new team enhancement normal
#12361 "social_facility:for=" problem new team enhancement normal
#12750 Ouverture fichiers Neptune new Don-vip defect normal
#12858 Layout of "Get access token" window new team defect normal
#13065 Conflation: the conflict-resolution dialog shouldn't be modal new team defect normal
#13155 Better handling of Layer.checkLayerMemoryDoesNotExceedMaximum new michael2402 defect normal
#13444 A Validator Warning should be produced when Parking Access Tag Keys not correct new team enhancement minor
#13448 NPE at RasterFiltersPlugin.activeOrEditLayerChanged while closing josm new Nipel-Crumple defect normal
#13656 IAE in turnlanes plugin ModelContainer.getJunction new benshu defect normal
#13900 Presets: Add a combobox for name new team enhancement normal
#14045 OperationNotFoundException: Bursa wolf parameters required - North America Lambert Conformal Conical new team defect normal
#14061 NPE at RasterFiltersPreferences.ok new Nipel-Crumple defect normal
#14480 New automatic tag correction (or warning): placement new team enhancement normal
#14600 Add warning if othogonalize more than a reasonable number of ways, e.g. 20 new team enhancement normal
#14855 IAE: Node is already deleted (MergeNodesAction) new team defect normal
#14958 JosmRuntimeException: "Reindexing way failed to remove" at QuadBucketPrimitiveStore.reindexWay new team defect normal
#15112 After JOSM starts and loads an osm layer, when I open the Search window, click on the drop down list of last search strings and select the first one (the newest) it doesn't appear in the search box. new team defect normal
#15160 cannot add certain bus stops to a route new roland.olbricht defect normal
#15512 cycleway=lane not showing one side when,....... new team defect normal
#15702 Empty field when selecting the first item in the drop down for specifying the data source for the first time new team defect normal
#15882 NegativeArraySizeException at AbstractTileSourceLayer$DeepTileSet.<init> new team defect normal
#16012 IAE: Node is already deleted when joining two ways (JoinAreasAction) new team defect normal
#16075 AIOOBE at BuildingGeneralizationAction.findSegment new team defect normal
#16100 Strava Global Heatmap in JOSM new allier-osm enhancement normal
#16169 DataIntegrityProblemException: "Relation member must be part of the same dataset as relation" during road cut when editing a relation new team defect major
#16206 IAE: Way is already deleted new team defect normal
#16209 RFE: In draw nodes mode allow snap to segment centre new team enhancement normal
#16348 DividedScale$RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange new team defect normal
#16363 After Using "Gebiet erstellen" (X) with modifier ALT, you have to click twice to modify it new team defect normal
#16530 Dual head monitor setup: menus and dialogs are on the wrong screen new team defect normal
#16654 add shop=religion & shop=general new team enhancement normal
#16697 reversing a way improperly changes turn:lanes:both_ways new team defect normal
#16745 Poor performance when Command Stack pane is visible new team defect normal
#16960 IllegalStateException: The layer has already been destroyed: ConflationLayer new Tyndare defect normal
#16990 Paint opposite cycleway tags new team enhancement normal
#17013 Add dots when full wikidata tag can't be displayed new floscher enhancement minor
#17175 ConcurrentModificationException at GpxData$LinesIterator.getNext new team defect normal
#17294 Printing function does not work. IAE: 0 or negative value argument new team defect normal
#17324 Adding bridge preset to highways not working new team defect normal
#17326 Cached capabilities somehow cause socket timeout / Handling of missing(?) entries in existing preferences new team defect normal
#17408 IOOBE at tracer2.ConnectWays.isNodeInsideWay new team defect normal
#17472 Warn about redundant cycleway tags new team enhancement normal
#17660 AIOOBE at PrintDialog.unmarshallPrintSetting new team defect normal
#17677 Large upload with multiple changesets fails silently. Failed to automatically close a full changeset. new team defect critical
#18076 AIOOBE at DrawableSegment.paint new team defect normal
#18377 Merge (selection) into a new layer new team enhancement normal
#18398 NPE in WikipediaToggleDialog with language code yue new floscher defect normal
#18490 JsonParsingException in SophoxDownloadReader new floscher defect normal
#18574 Distinguish icons of boundaries new team enhancement minor
#18604 Validator doesn't give warning when a natural=scrub and natural=wood areas overlap new team defect normal
#18696 IAE: graph must contain the end vertex (routing plugin) new franpd defect normal
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.