Custom Query (872 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 872)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#21358 Update substance values new template_report substance team enhancement normal
#21362 better navigation of change history new template_report history browser team defect normal
#21368 NPE at new template_report team defect normal
#21378 Use an own, temporally flag to block layer on upload. new template_report upload flag layer state locked team defect normal
#21379 public_transport plugin : remove or update to PTv2 scheme new template_report roland.olbricht defect normal
#21381 Some German translations are shown even if language is set to English new template_report team defect normal
#21382 IllegalStateException: Dialog not created yet. Invoke createInstance() first new template_report jBeata defect normal
#21384 sort/propose prefills on upload box for last used, not alphabetical new template_report upload auto-completion regression team defect normal
#21390 Odd word wrap in tooltip new template_report upload tooltip wrap team defect normal
#21392 IAE: Width and height cannot be <= 0 at ImageWarp.warp new template_report warp team defect normal
#21442 Do not remove recent file entries when they are not found new template_report team enhancement normal
#21444 Computer suspend while uploading freezes JOSM new template_report upload team defect normal
#21458 Use System Proxies does not work new template_report team defect normal
#21461 Complain about water=river (or waterway=riverbank) with names new template_report water name riverbank team enhancement normal
#21475 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on gps filter sorting new template_report team defect normal
#21487 Save Session: Using a dot in file name does not add file extension new template_report save session file extension team defect normal
#21523 Setting the direction of a panned 360 photo causes a counterintuitive result new template_report holgermappt defect normal
#21526 Loosing values pasting "Copy all/selected Keys/Values" with key with multiple values new template_report paste tag conflict team defect normal
#21542 Problem with Ignore list and new objects new template_report ignore list id:0 new object team enhancement normal
#21563 Opening history of relation with high version number leads to exceeding OSM bandwidth limit new template_report history error 509 bandwidth limit download team defect normal
#21570 Open changesets don't show up in the upload dialog new template_report open changeset team defect normal
#21580 Opening GPX file changes colours of ways new template_report team defect normal
#21584 Delete key only works every second time in the ToDo plugin new template_report taylor.smock defect normal
#21597 Zero-width space when copy/pasting URL from Notes new template_report team defect normal
#21599 Fatal Error when opening a surveyed GPX file new template_report, gpx team defect normal
#21621 Open dialog traverse folders verify finicky on macOS 12 arm64 with Bluetooth mouse new template_report, open dialog team defect normal
#21632 Wrong syntax in hazmat:conditional key new template_report conditional hazmat team defect normal
#21633 Add scroll bar to dialog "Automatic tag correction" new template_report scroll bar dialog height team defect normal
#21640 NPE: Cannot invoke "" because "this.parent" is null new template_report maripogoda defect normal
#21643 MismatchedDimensionException: Argument "ETRS89 / UTM zone 33 + NN2000 height" has 3 dimensions, while 2 was expected. new template_report 3D projection utm team defect normal
#21651 ACE: access denied ("java.util.PropertyPermission" "" "read") new template_report webstart team defect normal
#21654 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset: {Node) while editing restaurant with preset needinfo template_report tagging preset validate async andre-sa defect normal
#21668 Closing already closed note from JOSM generates an error new template_report, notes, close team defect normal
#21674 IllegalStateException: Already registered a conflict for primitive (merging) new template_report merge conflict team defect normal
#21686 AIOOBE: mapmode.SelectAction$VirtualManager.createMiddleNodeFromVirtual new template_report team defect normal
#21691 Group inside group not properly allocated within the menu new template_report external tagging preset team enhancement normal
#21700 Grammarly app can cause problem with JOSM shortcuts new template_report grammarly macos team defect normal
#21711 Allow tourism=attraction inside tourism=attraction new template_report team defect normal
#21712 Report overlap between building=* and highway=pedestrian areas new template_report overlap building highway area team enhancement normal
#21722 [patch] Warn about turning_circle with barrier new template_report turning_circle barrier team enhancement normal
#21739 Barrier=gate not possible to be tag on way needinfo template_report gate object type way pl71 enhancement normal
#21740 IAE: Attempted to add listener that was already in list: external preset with group name RoadSigns new template_report listener regression team defect normal
#21741 Unicode 'Modifier Letter Colon' (U+A789) gives spurious warning new template_report unicode team defect normal
#21743 Add preset for music school new template_report amenity music school team enhancement normal
#21753 Windows Installer never respects personalized settings new template_report team enhancement normal
#21777 [patch] Tag combination: foot=no + sidewalk=left/right/both new template_report sidewalk foot team enhancement normal
#21779 Wikidata name is not shown consistently when Wikidata item is used in different tags new template_report floscher defect normal
#21781 NPE: Cannot invoke "org.wikipedia.WikipediaApp.getSiteUrl()" because "app" is null new template_report floscher defect normal
#21783 JOSM data validator check failure - "Unconnected highways" new template_report team defect normal
#21798 No empty combobox item in preset names for deleting values new template_report combobox name regression team defect normal
#21802 Exclude georgian wiki pages "wikipedia=ka:xxx" from "wikipedia page title should have first letter capitalized" new template_report georgian wikipedia team defect normal
#21808 OSM Inspector / JOSM layer new template_report OSM Inspector team defect normal
#21829 [Possible PATCH] F3 produces " Primitive must be part of the dataset" new template_report tagging preset validate async team defect normal
#21831 Add confirmation message to flush the tile cache new template_report context menu flush tile cache team enhancement normal
#21832 Complain about disused:shop with opening_hours new template_report team enhancement normal
#21835 Custom preset plugin: Newly created preset cause crash new template_report maripogoda defect normal
#21837 "Zoom to conflict" only works for 1st conflict new template_report team defect normal
#21842 Cannot connect to WMS service : layer not defined into the query new template_report team defect normal
#21864 ReplaceBuilding: NPE at java.base/java.util.Hashtable.put new template_report ReplaceBuilding Rub21 defect normal
#21868 PT Assistant plugin layer problem reopened template_report layer Biswesh defect normal
#21870 Opening hours: Possibly false positive "can be prettified" with complex value new template_report opening_hours prettify team defect normal
#21879 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive cannot be included in more than one Dataset needinfo template_report protoxenus@… defect normal
#21884 Saved session does not remember pictures are 360° new template_report team defect normal
#21887 amenity inside amenity should always consider layer tag new template_report node inside area amenity parking layer team defect normal
#21891 Support for stops.txt from GTFS data new template_report public_transport GTFS stops.txt Don-vip enhancement normal
#21897 JOSM occasionally doesn't understand errors from Overpass new template_report team defect normal
#21901 [patch] JOSM lagging with over 500ms delay new template_report team defect normal
#21908 False positive "street name contains ss/ß" with route relations new template_report street name team defect normal
#21909 cant upload new objects new template_report team defect normal
#21917 'except' tag in the turnrestrictions plugin new template_report except tag undocumented team defect normal
#21930 [PATCH] Support new conditional parking lane tagging in validator new template_report conditional parking team defect normal
#21943 Standardize the windows of « convert gpx to osm » new template_report team enhancement normal
#21961 IllegalStateException: Component must have a valid peer when JOSM is maximized (F11) needinfo template_report Jese-MX defect normal
#21970 Only activate data layer loading a session new template_report session active layer imagery team enhancement normal
#21971 Command stack for relation editor new template_report relation editor undo command stack team enhancement normal
#21972 Improve Way Accuracy: incorrect node removal new template_report team defect normal
#21981 Error when pasting a node, copied to an .csv.osm file new template_report team defect normal
#21984 .zip file in session file isn't reopened new template_report session shp zip Don-vip defect normal
#21985 Allow remote control to start/stop as JOSM gains or loses window focus new template_report team enhancement normal
#21994 barrier=chain icon is absolutely massive needinfo template_report barrier chain icon size anonymous defect normal
#21999 Automatically trunken pasted url (from buffer) new template_report paste url buffer Upliner enhancement normal
#22000 Use core functions for recognizing objects ids and types plus automatically include buffer content new template_report paste url buffer team enhancement normal
#22002 Presets: XmlParsingException using reference plus list_entry in chunk new template_report preset xml exception chunk reference list_entry team defect normal
#22003 ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format/conversion and registered toolbar action overwritten: new template_report kendzi3d-dev team defect normal
#22011 JosmRuntimeException: orthogonalize error new template_report orthogonalize team defect normal
#22028 Relation with external id 'XXX' refers to a missing primitive with external id 'YYY' needinfo template_report sano defect normal
#22036 HiDPI screen with JAVA-17 is broken again new template_report team defect normal
#22053 Windows installer shows no success message new template_report team defect normal
#22054 Exception raised while writting commit message new template_report team defect normal
#22058 Cannot type in text boxes new template_report team defect normal
#22061 error when saving matsim layer new template_report double-m defect normal
#22090 Tried shift_V, and gotan error. new template_report team defect normal
#22101 Windows-ROOT not found new template_report windows ssl team defect normal
#22108 The work hours editor cannot edit some some values new template_report boman defect normal
#22118 Conflict Dialog Panel should close after Resolving all new template_report team enhancement normal
#22124 Problem with PDF import new template_report team defect normal
#22128 Windows keyboard input language switches automatically from german to english if opening "add key" dialoge window new template_report team defect normal
#22147 For waterway start node avoid "Way end node near other way" warning new template_report team enhancement normal
#22164 No reaction to any key press new template_report team defect normal
#22174 Enhancement request about the continuity line for superroutes in the relation editor new template_report team enhancement normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.