Custom Query (874 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 874)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#17074 detect railway=level_crossing nodes that are not on crossing of railway=* and highway=* ways new template_report railway level crossing team enhancement normal
#17096 Update plugins dialog should only appear when update changes something new template_report team enhancement normal
#17098 Special Characters on Mac OS freezes keyboard new template_report macos team defect normal
#17102 difference in area styling between forest tagged as natural=wood and landuse=forest is much greater than between landuse=forest and landuse=farmland new template_report forest wood team enhancement normal
#17103 Add unsigned_ref to presets new template_report team enhancement normal
#17104 IAE: Listener TracerAction was not registered before or already removed new template_report team defect major
#17134 platform roles membership should be moved to newly created multipolygon (in route=tram/subway/light_rail/train/trolleybus/bus relations) new template_report team enhancement normal
#17175 ConcurrentModificationException at GpxData$LinesIterator.getNext new template_report gpx team defect normal
#17200 Don't scroll right when a tag value is selected new template_report team defect normal
#17294 Printing function does not work. IAE: 0 or negative value argument new template_report team defect normal
#17295 [WIP Patch] All categories are folded by default new template_report team enhancement normal
#17326 Cached capabilities somehow cause socket timeout / Handling of missing(?) entries in existing preferences new template_report team defect normal
#17390 provide autofix for removal of unneded boundary=administrative tags new template_report team enhancement normal
#17395 download described as upload in an error message what is a bit confusing new template_report team defect trivial
#17403 Complain about crossing administrative boundary with road and stop offering to join administrative boundary and road due to duplicated nodes new template_report team enhancement normal
#17406 Complain about nodes shared by man_made=pipeline and highway=*, do not offer to merge nodes of man_made=pipeline and highway=* new template_report highway pipeline team enhancement normal
#17408 IOOBE at tracer2.ConnectWays.isNodeInsideWay new template_report team defect normal
#17422 Improve zoom to problem with crossing ways new template_report team enhancement normal
#17442 [Patch] Avoid to show conflict dialog with Replace Geometry new template_report replace geometry conflict parent relation team enhancement normal
#17488 complain about cycleway=opposite_lane, cycleway=opposite without oneway=yes new template_report cycleway team enhancement normal
#17617 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced new template_report team defect normal
#17660 AIOOBE at PrintDialog.unmarshallPrintSetting new template_report team defect normal
#17751 error with custom mapcss using regex reopened template_report team enhancement normal
#17778 Add zoom parameter for load_object remote command new template_report team enhancement normal
#17811 Session is discarded when updating shortcut new template_report session restart team defect normal
#17846 Complain about an unreasonably small buildings for types indicating bigger buildings new template_report building area team enhancement normal
#17867 Download object changed in changeset in background new template_report download background team enhancement normal
#17874 Propose to change landuse=reservoir to natural=water+water=reservoir new template_report landuse reservoir natural water team enhancement normal
#17878 Cannot download full old version of an OSM object new template_report download api team defect normal
#17899 relation editor: oneway direction with route=bicycle and oneway:bicycle new template_report relation editor oneway bicycle connectivity team defect normal
#17954 highlighting of virtual nodes is not working correctly new template_report team defect normal
#17978 More user-friendly message about deleted objects after downloading a changeset new template_report changset download deleted message team enhancement normal
#17980 search dialog: better user interaction with "deleted" and "incomplete" new template_report search deleted incomplete team enhancement normal
#17992 Combine Way ... Could not combine ways... highlight ends new template_report combine team enhancement normal
#18018 split way: wrong position of new member in route relation in loops new template_report split route relation connectivity loop team defect normal
#18031 Complain about natural=rock used for large areas and suggest natural=bare_rock instead new template_report natural bare rock team enhancement normal
#18033 integrate OpeningHoursEditor plugin into JOSM new template_report team enhancement normal
#18042 complain where wikipedia tag is used instead of correct brand:wikipedia (or wikidata instead of brand:wikidata) new template_report brand wikipedia wikidata team enhancement normal
#18076 AIOOBE at DrawableSegment.paint new template_report team defect normal
#18101 Josm doesn't send the changeset comment new template_report upload changeset comment history combo team defect normal
#18131 Antialias JOSM logo on loading screen - jaggy steps are not very nice new template_report logo antialiasing svg clip path team defect minor
#18214 during edit conflict on deleted vs edited object it should be possible to delete tags new template_report conflict team enhancement normal
#18270 Special rendering for highway=construction construction=footway/path/cycleway/steps new template_report highway construction team enhancement minor
#18352 add tag dialog: prevent window size to be bigger than screen new template_report expert mode add tag dialog recent window size team enhancement minor
#18372 Notes description does not fit in box (sometimes) reopened template_report team defect normal
#18377 Merge (selection) into a new layer new template_report merge new layer team enhancement normal
#18461 Unresolved conflicts: Warn before or deny some data layer actions new template_report unresolved conflict data layer session merge team enhancement normal
#18463 changeset download: only download modified members of relations new template_report changeset content relation download team enhancement normal
#18479 Consider making highway=track color-adaptive based on aerials or add halo new template_report highway track team defect minor
#18515 no warning about adding new end node to a way with membership new template_report new end node relation warning team defect normal
#18526 Different order of items: windows menu <-> lower left vertical toolbar new template_report item order team defect normal
#18564 Disabling filter only affects active layer new template_report filter layer team defect normal
#18592 Tags/Memberships toggle dialog: enable opening several relation editor dialog simultaneously new template_report Tags Memberships relation editor team enhancement normal
#18593 IAE at mergeoverlap.hack.MyCombinePrimitiveResolverDialog.buildWayResolutionCommands new template_report team defect normal
#18604 Validator doesn't give warning when a natural=scrub and natural=wood areas overlap new template_report validator overlap overlapping team defect normal
#18610 Do not show warning about modified incomplete multipolygon when only tags were added/modified new template_report incomplete multipolygon team enhancement normal
#18647 Ability to create layer groups new template_report group layer team enhancement normal
#18648 combine objects: tag conflict: no warning for equal values which should be summed up new template_report tag conflict sum combine object team defect normal
#18650 combine objects: tag conflict: support more keys with option to sum up values new template_report combine object tag conflict sum team enhancement normal
#18664 avoid the need to add quotes manually for copy/paste new template_report copy tag quote team enhancement normal
#18671 Silent download to other layer new template_report download never osm file layer team defect normal
#18672 icon for amenity=social_facility new template_report node icon social_facility team enhancement normal
#18673 Selection toggle dialog: Harmonize display of icons for "fixme" and "note" new template_report selection toggle dialog fixme note icon team enhancement normal
#18675 Join Areas: Tags and Membership from uninvolved objects copied new template_report join area tag membership team defect normal
#18691 link to English version in the internal help browser new template_report outdated translation link team enhancement normal
#18697 IAE: "Failed to set current primitive. Current version not available in history" after conflicts new template_report history conflict regression team defect normal
#18716 Upload dialog shows elements from previous upload new template_report upload team defect normal
#18717 IAE: "Relation is already deleted" at TurnRestrictionsListDialog$DeleteAction.deleteRelation (deleting invalid turn restrictions) new template_report team defect normal
#18718 Updating of relation members connected to roundabout new template_report team defect trivial
#18736 IAE: java.awt.Dimension[width=0,height=0] is invalid new template_report team defect normal
#18771 IAE: Parameter 'data' must not be null - clicking "OK" on the "Edit New Relation" box new template_report relation team defect normal
#18797 Same layer name used multiple times new template_report data layer name session team defect trivial
#18838 merge layer/selection: too many conflicts created and wrong user for "their" displayed new template_report conflict merge user team defect normal
#18841 Reverse Ways: Option to remember choice for action new template_report reverse way action remember team enhancement normal
#18848 Provide a way to override overzoom new template_report macOS hidpi tile zoom team enhancement normal
#18894 Merge (selection): No user information about layer state `upload=*` new template_report upload never false merge layer state team defect normal
#18898 Add Tag: clicking on key/value combination just added in the action does not fill key text field new template_report add_tag key team defect normal
#18911 Clicking on layer's opacity slider "toggles" instead of sliding new template_report layer slider opacity team defect normal
#18921 Minimum height of dialog field to avoid endless flickering new template_report java8 windows classic laf team defect trivial
#18947 IAE: Parameter 'member' must not be null - Bus route conflict resolution new template_report conflict relation team defect major
#18974 [patch] Add support for shortcut 'zoom to selection' (key '3') when note is selected new template_report zoom shortcut team enhancement normal
#18988 Split way: no warning about *:direction=forward/backward/both on split node new template_report split way node direction team defect normal
#18989 Some more warnings for direction and railway new template_report direction railway signal team enhancement normal
#18992 Tagging Preset: No information exchange between linked presets new template_report tagging preset link team defect major
#19001 download object reports downloading incomplete data reopened template_report team defect normal
#19002 undeleting a node to existing layer does not work new template_report state visibility team defect normal
#19008 Differences in results outside downloaded area between no download area at all and small download area somewhere new template_report download area team defect normal
#19016 IAE: Listener actions.mapmode.DrawAction was not registered before or already removed new template_report team defect normal
#19019 IllegalStateException in LayerListDialog.createInstance after downloading new template_report team defect normal
#19023 Tagging presets preferences: Several usability issues new template_report tagging preset preferences team enhancement normal
#19043 Sort relation's member: Better protection of incomplete relations. new template_report sort relation team defect normal
#19052 No user information if "disconnect node from way" modifies a relation new template_report disconnect node relation membership team defect normal
#19062 Listener was not registered before: LayerChangeAdapter new template_report team defect normal
#19082 Error while moving a polygon (building) new template_report team defect normal
#19083 DataIntegrityProblemException: Nodes in way must be in the same dataset new template_report team defect normal
#19090 Recently added tags: Separate number of displayed items and lenght of list new template_report recently added tags team enhancement normal
#19093 Warn about "destination" with "turn:lanes" new template_report lanes-tagging turn_lanes destination team enhancement normal
#19096 Warning about incorrect role "forward/backward" new template_report route relation role forward backward team enhancement normal
#19119 Annotation/Address Preset is filled with previous Entry values when summoned on an entry that has zero values at instantiation new template_report team defect normal
#19133 IndexOutOfBoundsException in new template_report team defect normal
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.