Custom Query (19 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#21725 Incorrect understanding of lanes=* and *:lanes=* damages data new template_report lanes count bicycle Rub21 defect critical
#8891 Preset: new multiselect for multiselection of same value with two separators new preset lanes multiselect team enhancement normal
#9679 [Incomplete Patch] Validator complains about key: *:lanes:conditional (etc.) reopened conditional lanes-tagging team defect normal
#16395 Warning/test for possible wrong lanes count reopened oneway lanes lanes-tagging team enhancement normal
#17172 [WIP PATCH] turn:lanes and lanes should match new mapcss lanes lanes-tagging team enhancement normal
#17998 check for correct value of access new access value lanes-tagging team enhancement normal
#18006 Handle all from-via-to relations in the same way as turn restrictions new from via to connectivity manoeuvre turnlanes relation team enhancement normal
#18415 interpret things like change:lanes=no as 0 lanes for the validator new lanes-tagging change team enhancement normal
#18488 Lane count validation new lanes lanes-tagging team enhancement normal
#19093 Warn about "destination" with "turn:lanes" new template_report lanes-tagging turn_lanes destination team enhancement normal
#19095 Warning about "*:lanes=*" tagging without "oneway=yes" new lanes-tagging forward backward team enhancement normal
#19159 Lanes support for destination new destination lanes team enhancement normal
#19649 Specify key name in Number of lanes greater than *:lanes new template_report lanes-tagging team enhancement normal
#19653 Find more conflicting keys in lanes-tagging new template_report lanes-tagging conflicting keys team enhancement normal
#20029 missing tag - turn:lanes:forward without lanes - although lanes:forward and lanes:backward are correct new turn:lanes:forward lanes team defect normal
#20236 Add some validator rules (psv:lanes / lanes:psv etc..) access vs lane count information new lanes traffic_mode team enhancement normal
#20436 Use lane_markings tag new lanes and road attributes lane_markings team enhancement normal
#21163 [WIP Patch] Validating an object (way with conditionals) fails new template_report conditional highway lanes team defect normal
#22329 Many false positives for ":lanes" tagging with additional prefix new template_report lanes prefix team defect normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.