Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#9908 [WIP patch] Filter downloaded notes reopened filter github ToeBee enhancement major
#8057 Improved filter new filter team enhancement normal
#14965 Improve autofilters new autofilter team enhancement normal
#17803 Automatically unglue nodes when children of filtered objects are moved new filter move node team enhancement normal
#18564 Disabling filter only affects active layer new template_report filter layer team defect normal
#21227 [WIP PATCH] Too many autocomplete suggestions for roles in relation editor new template_report role autocompletion filter relation editor team enhancement normal
#22322 [Patch] Add tag list popup menu actions to create filters for selected tags new tag, filter, selection team enhancement normal
#22332 Filters set to 'hide' objects completely override and disable other active 'hiding' filters new filter, hide, override, replace, multiple team defect normal
#4929 Filtered and disabled objects can be selected new filters function team defect minor
#21561 Symbol in search expression missing in notification and enable filter menu new template_report search filter notification menu team defect minor
#13259 filter is not rendered correctly if you open two layers and then switch to the second new rendering mappaint filter team defect trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.