Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#7297 Conflict management - Synchronize datasets efficiently new conflict, synchronization team defect major
#9353 Sync JOSM between multiple computers new Sync team enhancement major
#21221 Relation editor: Preset link: DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset while editing a relation new template_report data consistency relation editor tagging preset validate async regression team defect major
#5088 Trouble to synchronize several small audio files new audio synchronisation team enhancement normal
#10537 Imagery menu hangs when an external layer icon cannot be loaded new menu icon connection download asynchronous team defect normal
#21654 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset: {Node) while editing restaurant with preset needinfo template_report tagging preset validate async andre-sa defect normal
#21829 [Possible PATCH] F3 produces " Primitive must be part of the dataset" new template_report tagging preset validate async team defect normal
#3757 audio play head jumps to start of the track new audio geotagged images sync team defect minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.