Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#13344 Unable to run unit tests in Eclipse on Windows reopened team defect normal 16.08
#20433 Imagery Integration tests assigned Don-vip task normal Longterm
#21139 [PATCH] BasicPreferences Test Isolation new team enhancement normal Longterm
#13099 Broken unit test: new team defect normal
#16954 [(tentative) PATCH] MainApplicationTest: fix for non-headless mode new team enhancement minor
#17012 JMockit : Cannot execute JUnit test MultipolygonTest from Eclipse new team defect normal
#18204 Weird results from JoinNodeWayActionTest unit test new team defect normal
#19150 Add a unit test that checks external presets for deprecated tags new team enhancement normal
#20068 ImageryCompare should compare translations new team enhancement normal
#20354 Failing Imagery tests because of invalid bounding box (zero area) assigned Don-vip defect normal
#23255 [PATCH] Some MapCSSRendererTest reference images were rendered with the wrong font new team defect normal
#23705 Add unit test for save/upload layer preconditions check new team enhancement normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.