Resolved core enhancements for Wiki update (2535 matches)

Closed tickets, type enhancements, resolution fixed, on all core components except internal presets and internal map paint style, for which we do not maintain a wiki page.


Show under each result:

Results (501 - 1000 of 2535)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Priority Modified Reporter Keywords
#6233 [PATCH] Updated elements not sorted in upload dialog (Add/Delete are fine) normal 13 years daswaldhorn@… patched
#1619 provide more informative error message when downloading fails because of invalid proxy configuration minor 15 years david.scotson@…
#2792 [PATCH] Not show an error on junction=roundabout when it is unnamed trivial 15 years delta_foxtrot2
#2806 [PATCH] highway=unclassified not showing warning when unnamed major 13 years delta_foxtrot2
#2861 [PATCH] Fix up street abbreviation checks minor 15 years delta_foxtrot2
#3036 Fullscreen mode/Smallscreen mode major 10 years delta_foxtrot2
#4236 Hide boundary=administrative by default normal 14 years delta_foxtrot2
#4241 Add the ability to use JOSM Search to find an object version normal 14 years delta_foxtrot2
#4359 Treat junction=roundabout as oneway=yes normal 14 years delta_foxtrot2
#4836 Download/read compressed data stream from remote server normal 10 years delta_foxtrot2
#3295 Allow reloading WMS tiles when the downloading program issued an error normal 11 years Denis <webrelax2@…> ygeopoint
#18586 Invert selection normal 4 years densyakun1128@… selection invert
#17496 AutoFilter: infer sensible default values for layer normal 4 years derickson.e@… autofilter
#2046 [PATCH] to zoom to the last downloaded area minor 15 years detlef.reichl@…
#10488 Jump to Next Track is needed when editing a GPX file with multiple tracks inside. normal 4 years Deyan Vasilev template_report
#9947 Make File / Open URL also accept URLs with an object number normal 10 years dforsi
#18009 [PATCH] Logo update normal 4 years Diamond00744 logo logotype icon
#14789 Toolbar presets text should contain group name as an option. Now is always displayed and clutters toolbar. normal 7 years dido
#661 no autocompletion with presets / while changing value major 16 years dieterdreist autocompletion
#1445 load wms-layers underneath other layers major 16 years dieterdreist WMS layer order
#1469 [PATCH] Add method to apply virtual node to multiple ways major 15 years dieterdreist overlapping ways refine plus
#1633 [Patch] Unglue does not unglue single node trivial 15 years dieterdreist unglue node
#3831 conflict management too complicated and misleading major 3 years dieterdreist conflict, upload
#4443 Plugins with known update site: Don't download unless a new version is available minor 14 years dieterdreist update version plugins
#4635 Inform about wrong turn-relations when splitting ways major 5 years dieterdreist turn_restriction relation split way from via to
#4857 make use of timestamps in JOSM for (trackable) gps tracks (velocity) normal 13 years dieterdreist velocity gps track color
#5208 "grey not in cache" and "red tiles" WMS Plugin normal 14 years dieterdreist "automatic downloading" "not in cache" cache
#5382 show an info when autosaving normal 7 years dieterdreist autosave backup
#5418 [Patch awaiting end of stabilization phase] select "download referrers" by default major 12 years dieterdreist referrers download
#5579 allow paste tags in the relation editor normal 13 years dieterdreist paste tags relation editor
#5658 won't paste tags into relation normal 12 years dieterdreist relation editor paste tags
#5880 change the direction of the new way when combining with a coastline normal 9 years dieterdreist coastline reverse direction
#5899 display different icons for closed and open ways (on selection etc.) normal 13 years dieterdreist icon select closed open way
#6306 [Patch] enable autocompletion with "name"-values of highways for addr:street major 13 years dieterdreist autocompletion addr:street streetname name
#6450 Incorporate Taginfo into Validator (was: validator, unknown keys and values) major 4 years dieterdreist taginfo dictionary validator autocompletion gsoc-candidate
#7011 automatically select newly created relations in the properties dialogue normal 2 years dieterdreist create multipolygon select focus
#7260 handling of new 30/45 fixed angle mode normal 12 years dieterdreist 30/45 angle
#7327 [Patch] show hint in undo-menu which action will be undone (from event stack) normal 12 years dieterdreist undo stack buffer menu
#7352 add a paste-tags button in the relation editor minor 11 years dieterdreist paste tags relation editor
#7822 display the time for geotagged fotos normal 12 years dieterdreist photo time
#12338 allow for quicker conflict resolution normal 3 years dieterdreist conflict,resolution
#12919 [PATCH] scale indicator regression minor 8 years dieterdreist template_report,scale indicator,scale,digits
#16055 Validator wrong message, "artwork_type without tourism=artwork" normal 6 years dieterdreist artwork
#16158 Enhance keyboard consistency on macOS normal 3 years dieterdreist CTRL command key macos keyboard javabug
#16706 [Patch] zoom to selection should not zoom out for zoom on a node normal 5 years dieterdreist zoom to selection,zoom
#16874 keep the id for the POI if unglueing normal 4 years dieterdreist unglue
#22065 [RFC PATCH] add a possibility to add and remove from selection in lasso and rect mode normal 23 months dieterdreist selection macosx
#7561 Height adjustable panels (allow saving/locking of panel height persistently) normal 5 years dimazcor@…
#4955 Feature Request: PicLayer: Specify Opacity and Alpha channel/color normal 12 years DiverCTH <chunter952@…> PicLayer Alpha Channel Color
#7450 Warning against misaligned imagery normal 6 years DJTerentjev@… imagery, offset
#395 add node into two ways simultaneosly major 17 years dmgroom
#14856 multipolygon relations for waterways, do not show relation type minor 5 years dmgroom multipolygon relation waterway name
#734 rendering: avoid drawing twice minor 16 years dnaber performance
#738 [PATCH] only render visible polygons minor 15 years dnaber performance
#740 better feedback after search minor 16 years dnaber usability
#784 better validation error message for invalid property minor 16 years dnaber
#1178 resize dialog with geotagged images major 15 years dnaber usability
#178 josm doesn't remember main window size minor 15 years dominik.bodi@…
#6535 Enhancement [patch] Allow plugins to modify default name formatter normal 13 years Don-vip
#6565 Enhancement [patch] Real progress bar monitoring during data update minor 12 years Don-vip
#6734 [patch] Downloaded objects history normal 13 years Don-vip
#6825 [Patch] Display imagery providers bbox in a slippy map normal 13 years Don-vip
#6829 [Patch] Display OSM primitive bounding box in advanced info dialog normal 13 years Don-vip
#6834 [Patch] Imagery providers slippy map enhancements normal 13 years Don-vip
#6850 [Patch] Ask for imagery provider EULA only once minor 13 years Don-vip
#6856 [Patch] Enable plugins to add actions in popup menus normal 13 years Don-vip
#6859 Imagery providers XSD normal 13 years Don-vip
#6893 [Patch] Add attribution getters to ImageryInfo minor 13 years Don-vip
#6896 New logo normal 5 years Don-vip logo contest svg
#7386 Improve preferences dialog startup time normal 9 years Don-vip
#7505 OSM API changes caused by license change major 12 years Don-vip api, license, history, changeset
#7906 JOSM changes after ODbL license switch normal 12 years Don-vip license odbl ct contributor terms licensechange
#7914 [PATCH] Concurrent fetching of primitives major 12 years Don-vip performance, multithread, multicore
#8011 About dialog improvements minor 6 years Don-vip i18n about
#8255 Guess roles from selected objects tags when creating a relation via presets normal 11 years Don-vip presets relation role
#8465 Switch to Java 7 major 9 years Don-vip java7
#8472 Wikimedia Commons geocoded media support major 3 years Don-vip wiwosm wikimedia commons media pictures geocoding gsoc-candidate
#8571 Enhance JOSM bug report system normal 10 years Don-vip privacy
#9440 Consistent definition of ways treated as areas normal 7 years Don-vip
#9485 MapCSS: implement "set" normal 10 years Don-vip mapcss grammar set
#9593 Detect sports without physical features normal 8 years Don-vip
#9720 Remote control: listen also in HTTPS normal 10 years Don-vip https
#9757 Better handling of semicolon in values: Validator warnings/errors normal 9 years Don-vip semicolon
#10391 Add support for "not element of" operator (⊈) major 4 years Don-vip mapcss spatial operator building hangar aeroway barn
#10455 Better OS X integration normal 9 years Don-vip macosx
#10701 Initial support changeset discussions (comments) in changeset dialog normal 9 years Don-vip api changeset comment discussion
#10789 Support changeset discussions (comments) in history dialog normal 8 years Don-vip api changeset comment discussion history ObjectHistory
#11390 Switch to Java 8 major 7 years Don-vip java8
#11889 Tiny differences in projection regression unit test with Java 9 minor 7 years Don-vip java9 unit test projection
#11924 Add compatibility with Java 9 major 6 years Don-vip java9 jigsaw javabug
#12036 Add Norwegian Bokmal language normal 8 years Don-vip i18n norwegian nb
#12115 Update code signing certificate major 8 years Don-vip jar code signing certificate certum
#12229 Unit test for audio playback on Linux normal 8 years Don-vip unit test audio linux debian ubuntu alsa java sound jenkins pulseaudio wav
#12249 [Patch] Fix Findbugs warnings "Exceptional return value of ignored" normal 8 years Don-vip findbugs file delete
#12282 Remove XML mappaint support normal 8 years Don-vip xml mapcss
#13956 [Patch] Possible memory optimization with presets cache normal 7 years Don-vip performance memory
#14043 Error-prone versus PMD on usage of short type normal 7 years Don-vip performance memory
#14176 Use Java 8 Date API (JSR 310): replace Date by Instant? normal 2 years Don-vip date instant java8
#14422 [PATCH] Dynamic NTV2 grids normal 6 years Don-vip ntv2 grid jar linux debian ubuntu projection
#14652 Remove Let's Encrypt certificate normal 6 years Don-vip certificate lets encrypt root ca
#14825 Support WMTS Dimensions normal 7 years Don-vip wmts dimension
#14929 Automatic filters on numeric tag values major 7 years Don-vip sotmfr indoor mapping level layer maxspeed voltage
#15232 Allow user to request feedback when saving normal 4 years Don-vip feedback changeset tag review upload
#15310 The Great Deprecation Cleanup normal 6 years Don-vip deprecation
#15537 Changeset hashtags normal 6 years Don-vip changeset hashtag upload
#15560 Add compatibility with Java 10 normal 6 years Don-vip java10
#15572 Render layer contextual menu icons with the same size minor 6 years Don-vip icon layer menu
#15666 Display "Abstract" field of WMS layers normal 6 years Don-vip wms
#15690 Extract error message when fetching a tile from a Tomcat server normal 6 years Don-vip wms tomcat
#15713 Add mod-tile-features="true" in the Maps XML normal 6 years Don-vip
#16047 Add compatibility with Java 11 normal 5 years Don-vip java11
#16048 Generate HTML5 javadoc normal 6 years Don-vip html5 java9 java10
#16081 Improve selection of projections by EPSG code normal 6 years Don-vip projection epsg code
#16204 Sandbox mode normal 6 years Don-vip icedtea web security
#16288 Detect similar i18n strings minor 6 years Don-vip i18n
#16453 Support other keyboard layouts than QWERTY/AZERTY for ReorderImageryLayers action normal 6 years Don-vip keyboard
#16498 Add compatibility with Java 12 normal 5 years Don-vip java12
#16546 Support Overpass API JSON format normal 6 years Don-vip overpass api download json
#16682 New plugin features to support JavaFX 11 normal 5 years Don-vip plugin javafx java11
#16723 Display change counts in changeset manager normal 6 years Don-vip changeset
#16854 Stability of created primitive IDs normal 5 years Don-vip
#16912 Improve plugin features to support JavaFX 11 normal 4 years Don-vip javafx java11
#17060 Support Internationalized domain names normal 5 years Don-vip idn dns network
#17062 Add Taiwan Government Root CA certificate normal 4 months Don-vip https ssl tls certificate taiwan
#17083 Create jlink / jpackage native runtimes major 3 years Don-vip java11 javafx webstart jlink jpackage windows macosx
#17177 [WIP PATCH] Add support for Mapbox Vector Tile major 3 years Don-vip mvt mapbox vector tile
#17516 Add compatibility with Java 13 normal 3 years Don-vip java13
#17546 Report uses of improbable Unicode blocks in OSM tags normal 5 years Don-vip unicode block
#17634 Reject uploads that do not follow comment/source upload policy normal 3 years Don-vip upload comment source policy terms
#17827 Add compatibility with Java 14 normal 4 years Don-vip java14
#17861 Refactor of HTTP client to support HTTP/2 in a new plugin requiring Java 11 normal 5 years Don-vip http java11
#17885 Add a MapCSS function that returns object timestamp normal 5 years Don-vip mapcss timestamp metadata sotmfr2019
#18140 Switch to OpeningHoursParser normal 3 years Don-vip opening_hours nashorn sotm19 java15
#18521 Update shortcuts parsing script normal 4 years Don-vip
#18653 Update EU boundaries after Brexit normal 4 years Don-vip brexit united kingdom europe
#18654 [Patch] Separate unique identifiers per primitive type normal 4 years Don-vip
#18726 Use {apikey} everywhere normal 4 months Don-vip api key apikey mapkey
#18729 support regional taginfo instances from Geofabrik normal 4 years Don-vip taginfo geofabrik
#18755 Add compatibility with Java 15 normal 3 years Don-vip java15
#18962 Introduce DataSet.update normal 4 years Don-vip
#19349 Swaziland changed name to Eswatini trivial 4 years Don-vip Swaziland Eswatini
#20522 Add compatibility with Java 17 normal 2 years Don-vip java17
#20610 WMTS/WMS code deduplication normal 3 years Don-vip wms wmts projection
#21005 Add compatibility with Java 18 normal 22 months Don-vip java18
#21131 Improve GPX image correlation: direction detection and position shift normal 3 years Don-vip
#21134 add help button to access toggle dialog help from its title bar normal 3 years Don-vip help
#21136 Export GeoImage layer to GPX normal 3 years Don-vip gpx export
#21144 Images correlation: temporary editable support layer to interpolate location of non-geotagged images normal 2 years Don-vip
#21684 Add compatibility with Java 19 normal 6 months Don-vip java19
#22489 JOSM on Mastodon normal 16 months Don-vip mastodon social
#11005 [patch] Clarify a comment about Exceptions normal 9 years double-m
#1478 [Patch] Allow deletion of multiple keys minor 12 years DwiSecundus
#1516 At least lang-de does not show hint how to deselect a selection minor 16 years DwiSecundus ui select
#5257 [Patch] Automatic fix to Reversed water normal 13 years e2jk
#8895 [Patch] Upgrade metadata-extractor normal 10 years ebourg exif
#5183 Select AND zoom on validation error when double clicking normal 14 years echokilo17@…
#454 Right-click context menus in download text-entry boxes minor 14 years Edgemaster
#17683 RemoteControl Zoom Select maintain specified order of selection normal 4 years EdLoach
#1461 [PATCH] Initial zoom to bounding box instead of downloaded data borders minor 15 years ed@…
#1575 Need access to "current" relation major 16 years email@…
#10623 support WMTS imagery services normal 6 years emmanuel.blassnig@… WMTS gsoc
#4029 save editing session similar to other GIS app normal 9 years emmanuel.sambale@… session
#5660 add Philippine imagery in the slippymap plugin minor 13 years emmanuel.sambale@…
#10299 MapCSS index for last element of object normal 9 years emmexx mapcss
#18674 Add missing name of New York to data/boundaries.osm normal 4 years ent8r boundaries
#9043 Verify links on highways normal 10 years erickdeoliveiraleal link highway check
#3800 UI: improve mappaint styles and presets tabs in preferences normal 14 years es_ka UI preferences styles presets
#5551 [PATCH] Added LKS-92 projection for Latvia normal 13 years extropy
#5552 [PATCH] Delete performance improvement normal 13 years extropy
#5599 [patch] Join areas speed improvement normal 13 years extropy
#2900 Saving and reopening of downloaded gpx segments displays distorted data normal 11 years Fabi2
#4609 [Patch] copy node coordinate to clipboard normal 13 years FABIAN GERVAN
#17498 [patch] Complain about bicycle="no" and cycleway=(something positive) normal 3 years Famlam bicycle, cycleway
#18471 warn about segregated=no and sidewalk=left/right/both normal 4 years Famlam sidewalk segregated
#19603 [Patch] footway=* instead of sidewalk=* on roads normal 4 years Famlam footway sidewalk
#19604 Validator: warn when name equals alt_name normal 4 years Famlam name alt_name
#19821 Allow oneway on leisure=track normal 4 years Famlam oneway track
#20438 Validator: warn about zoo without tourism=zoo normal 3 years Famlam template_report zoo tourism
#20539 Deprecate car in favor of motorcar normal 15 months Famlam template_report car motorcar
#21115 [patch] Update highway validator rules to include highway=busway normal 3 years Famlam busway
#22335 Warn against toilet=* instead of toilets=* normal 20 months Famlam toilet toilets
#22379 Warn about unspecific parking=yes normal 19 months Famlam template_report parking
#22546 [patch] Warn about floating railway switches and crossings normal 4 months Famlam railway switch railway_crossing
#214 layers opacity minor 13 years fatbozz opacity, layer, settings
#568 zoom by levels minor 15 years fatbozz zoom levels slippymap
#580 Better error message for DNS error when downloading major 15 years fatbozz gpx download
#646 align rectantgle major 16 years fatbozz rectangle tool area buildings
#696 Don't continue drawing when way is closed major 15 years fatbozz closed box rectangle stick
#2410 remotecontrol - not download data from server with every request major 12 years fatbozz
#2570 created_by autoremoval trivial 15 years fatbozz created_by, purify
#2702 Search in presets major 15 years fatbozz search, presets, user interface,
#2750 Find in View minor 13 years fatbozz
#8142 Remote control doesnt zoom to error from keepright normal 11 years fatbozz zoom, keepright, bbox
#18168 accept disused:boundary as a valid boundary tag normal 4 years ferdi relation boundary disused lifecycle
#19835 cuisine=bbq should be corrected to barbecue normal 4 years ferdi
#5532 Support for EPSG:31287 projection normal 13 years fichtennadel projection;EPSG:31287
#2447 Unnessary changes of a target node by dragging another node onto it minor 11 years fidoez drag node
#11050 Exception in file open dialog when file not selected minor 9 years filipus@…
#2227 Copy between layers without move major 15 years Firefishy copy paste layers
#6844 Remove "Namefinder" search support normal 13 years Firefishy Namefinder search
#21533 Native Apple Silicon Support major 11 days fishcharlie.code@…
#6257 +/- Keys should work for zooming in the download dialog (regression) normal 12 years flaimo
#6471 tags for changeset should be customizable major 7 years flaimo
#6963 display warnings in a less intrusive way than popups major 9 years flaimo popup
#7671 Show last 5 used tags in "Add key/value" dialog for selecting with a single click normal 12 years flaimo
#8024 New "Add key/value" dialog feature: Click on tag should apply it immediately major 11 years flaimo
#1774 address mask should offer auto-completion major 15 years flo@…
#2169 Address preset mask should take over last opened address items minor 12 years flo@…
#2869 Improve wording for "Remove" actions in relation editor minor 15 years flo@… relation
#2870 Download members in Edit relation should download relations those members participate in minor 15 years flo@… relation
#2871 Pressing "tab" in the "Edit relation" members section should jump to next field with a possible input minor 15 years flo@… relation
#1577 add a preference to set the font size for icon names minor 16 years florian.schmitt@… font icon fontsize preference
#11257 [Patch] Drop dependency on Apache Commons Codec normal 9 years floscher
#11266 [Patch] Fix SVG version of JOSM logo minor 6 years floscher svg logo
#12112 [Patch] Use java.util.Properties to read REVISION file in the Version-class normal 8 years floscher
#15274 [Patch] Support URLs with other protocol than `http` or `https` for plugin sites normal 7 years floscher
#16159 [Patch] SVG versions of icons minor 6 years floscher svg icons
#16201 [Patch] Simplify calculation of SVG size in ImageProvider minor 6 years floscher
#16850 [PATCH] Make overriding `DownloadOsmTask.AbstractInternalTask.createNewLayer()` methods easier normal 5 years floscher
#6224 Feature Request: Provide an convenient way to copy relations from one node/way to another normal 13 years Flowzn relation
#230 Warn before allowing changes outside of downloaded area minor 16 years framm
#12628 Ability to copy coordinates from History dialog normal 8 years franc template_report history
#18060 throw a warning for nodes with cycleway=crossing normal 5 years francians cycleway crossing node validator
#17050 [Patch] Refactor the GeoImageLayer and related to use a Data class with a selection listener normal 5 years francois2
#18119 [Patch] Deselect and remove multiple images in the ImageViewerDialog normal 5 years francois2
#19048 Validate the opening_hours syntax on the opening_hours:covid19 tag normal 11 months francois2
#12152 Provide hostname with SNI when using https normal 7 years francois.lacombe https,sni,api
#12386 Power validation rules update normal 6 years francois.lacombe power, presets, validation
#12577 Crossing between power lines and non-related features normal 4 years francois.lacombe validation, power, sharing nodes, crossing
#12914 Discourage contributors to use operator=RFF and operator=ERDF in France normal 4 years francois.lacombe validator, tags, operator, local
#13961 Print HTTP response body in console in case of error code normal 7 years francois.lacombe api, http, error, console, log
#15675 Power transformers on pole validation rule normal 6 years francois.lacombe power, transformer, pole, validation
#16430 Add validation rule encouraging man_made=street_cabinet instead of location=kiosk normal 6 years francois.lacombe street_cabinet kiosk
#16924 Telecom central office deprecations normal 5 years francois.lacombe telecom,validation,exchange,MDF
#16925 Telecom service device deprecations normal 5 years francois.lacombe telecom,validation,service_device
#17997 Required values: warns about generator:source, generator:method or generator:type without power=generator normal 5 years francois.lacombe required power generator dataitems tag missing
#18266 Warn about multiple values in telecom:medium normal 3 years francois.lacombe telecom
#18552 Add validation rules for French telecom references normal 4 years francois.lacombe telecom france references fibre
#18817 Warn about placing a surface marker as member of underground pipeline or cable normal 4 years francois.lacombe pipeline,cable,markers,utility,underground
#20193 transformer key should only be used on nodes normal 3 years francois.lacombe power, transformer
#20531 Deprecate pump:type and man_made=pumping_rig normal 3 years francois.lacombe pump mechanism
#21836 voltage-high and voltage-low keys replacement on power transformers normal 15 months francois.lacombe power, transformer, voltages
#9238 Warning about power lines without voltage major 7 years francois.lacombe@… power, line, voltage
#9715 Improve HTTP support for styles and presets web queries normal 10 years francois.lacombe@… presets,styles,auth,http,mime
#2092 Turkish translation minor 15 years Frank.Bielig@… i18n, language, internationalization
#15628 Support HTML code in GPX descriptions normal 4 years FrankOverman template_report html gpx locus
#5843 [PATCH] Add Tags with remotcontrol plugin normal 13 years freemaps.osm@… remotecontrol
#21068 [Patch] Flat roofs with roof:height normal 3 years Friendly_Ghost roof height
#17053 MapCss stop loading rule on unknown instruction normal 5 years frodrigo osmose france mapcss
#519 requiring confirmation when reversing the direction of oneways major 16 years froestel
#662 Allow the user to manually download nested relations major 15 years froestel
#136 Patch for uploading hooks major 17 years frsantos@…
#11741 [Patch] Add a contextual menu on taginfo normal 9 years FrViPofm template_report taginfo
#3266 add "zoom to problem" for conflicts major 13 years fschlich@… conflict, upload
#15760 route/forward/backward/alternate roles in PTv2 routes should be validation errors minor 6 years ftrebien template_report
#19227 Speed up scrolling in plugin list trivial 4 years gaben plugins scrolling
#19747 Add railway=rail electrification checks normal 4 years gaben
#19918 Fix fixme request [patch] trivial 3 years gaben
#20129 [patch] Fix typos and misspellings in the code minor 3 years gaben typo
#20167 [patch] Improve code readability by replacing indexed loops with foreach minor 3 years gaben
#20716 [PATCH][RFC] Search for missing power line support features normal 19 months gaben power line segment
#20741 [patch] Code improvements minor 3 years gaben
#21244 [patch] Fix misspellings in comments trivial 3 years gaben
#21423 [PATCH][RFC] Document validator test identification codes normal 14 months gaben ignore list
#21645 [patch] Extract common branches trivial 2 years gaben
#21792 [patch] Request focus in SplitWayAction window segment list trivial 23 months gaben focus
#21865 [WIP patch] Harmonize menu strings style minor 2 years gaben string
#21867 [patch] Harmonize ConditionFactory pseudo classes javadoc minor 2 years gaben javadoc
#21965 [PATCH] Use <different> translation from KeyedItem minor 13 months gaben
#22832 [patch] Minor typo fixes, code cleanup minor 8 months gaben
#22846 [patch] Anonymize VM arguments in status reports normal 12 months gaben information disclosure
#22880 [patch] Use a single log entry for MapCSS error logging trivial 12 months gaben mapcss log error_handling
#22908 [patch] Search button's dropdown list not initialized on JOSM lunch minor 11 months gaben template_report search dropdown arrow
#23078 [patch] Improve cancel action on OSM API errors minor 9 months gaben
#33 more unit tests, then remove the release-version and declare josm-latest as "always stable" minor 15 years garaolaza@…
#17644 Power=plant and generator:*= should not be on same element normal 5 years Gazer75 power
#18937 water area inside water area normal 4 years Geimas5 water
#6801 [Patch] rendering of railway=rail + service=* major 13 years Geogast
#1462 [PATCH] Java source code formatter style sheet minor 15 years GeoJ <geoj@…>
#15694 [PATCH] Remember confirmations of command actions normal 6 years george-hopkins
#2955 Better help text for the slippymap downloader map major 15 years GeorgFausB <news2@…> help text download
#8410 de: evangelisch-protestantisch normal 11 years geozeisig Deutsche Übersetzung
#1177 color problem minor 16 years gerald.deppe@…
#205 implementing a ruler to measure the distance between nodes minor 17 years Gerbil ruler distance measurement
#12004 Propose a solution to source:maxspeed=UK:* normal 8 years GerdP template_report iso country code maxspeed united kingdom
#13250 [Patch] JOSM seems to hang after sorting members of a complex relation normal 8 years GerdP Performance Relation Editor
#13289 [Patch] Improve MultipolygonBuilder normal 8 years GerdP MultipolygonTest, performance
#13295 [Patch] improve UnconnectedWays test normal 5 years GerdP
#13307 [Patch] MultipolygonTest doesn't find some errors normal 7 years GerdP Multipolygon Validator performance
#13347 [Patch] simplify CrossingWays test normal 8 years GerdP
#13361 [Patch] What is the bbox of an incomplete OSM primitive? normal 7 years GerdP
#13394 [Patch] fix some memory leaks normal 8 years GerdP template_report
#13396 [Patch] improve performance in Renderer normal 8 years GerdP performance
#13439 [Patch] Node.toString() and Way.toString() causing performance problems normal 8 years GerdP performance
#13454 [Patch] Memory leak in MapView normal 8 years GerdP
#13483 [Patch] Exclude .svn directory from Checkstyle processing normal 8 years GerdP Checkstyle Windows
#13492 Fix errors is very slow normal 5 years GerdP Performance Fix-Error
#13933 [Patch] Simplify QuadBuckets and improve memory footprint normal 7 years GerdP performance
#13948 [Patch] Validator seems to hang in last executed test normal 7 years GerdP performance
#15097 Validator should flag ferry routes which are not connected to a highway=* or man_made=pier normal 7 years GerdP ferry routes
#15211 Don't warn when bridge=yes is used in combination with man_made=goods_conveyor normal 7 years GerdP template_report
#15228 Support missing Overpass Turbo extended shortcuts normal 7 years GerdP template_report overpass api turbo
#16510 [Patch] Ctrl + A (Select all) is slow normal 6 years GerdP performance select
#16873 Validator: Treat highway=yes like highway=road normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#16942 [Patch] Poor performance in validator hang when checking complex Multipolygon normal 5 years GerdP template_report performance
#16982 [Patch] small improvement for MapCSSTagChecker normal 5 years GerdP performance
#17006 Update of certificates at JOSM startup on Windows is slow normal 5 years GerdP template_report windows certificate security tls ssl https performance startup
#17021 [Patch] Missing index for MapCSSTagChecker rules normal 5 years GerdP performance
#17026 [Patch] Validator should not complain about reg_name without name normal 4 years GerdP template_report
#17028 [Patch] Improve performance of some validator tests normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#17035 Validator: Improve progress monitor normal 2 months GerdP template_report
#17055 [Patch] Validator should complain about simple typos in tag values normal 4 years GerdP template_report
#17119 [Patch] Improve rendering time of partly visible complex shapes normal 5 years GerdP template_report performance
#17192 [Patch] Show actual path to preferences.xml and other directories used by JOSM normal 5 years GerdP
#17233 Remove class TagChecker.CheckerData? normal 5 years GerdP
#17237 Save/Save As: Poor error handling with write protected files normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#17270 Improve History (Ctrl+H) when multiple objects are selected normal 4 years GerdP template_report history
#17291 [Patch] improve handling of return code 404 in multifetch api normal 5 years GerdP performance
#17302 Long delay when validator shows "Updating ignored errors" normal 5 years GerdP performance
#17333 [Patch] Show last used tags in Add Tag Dialog normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#17342 [Patch] ValidatorDialog: Lookup button needs improvement normal 5 years GerdP
#17343 ValidatorDialog: Validation button should be disabled for empty layer normal 4 years GerdP
#17344 ValidatorDialog: Right click on the titlebar always shows all buttons enabled normal 5 years GerdP
#17345 [PATCH] ValidatorDialog: Ignore button should be disabled sometimes normal 5 years GerdP
#17431 Improve readability of code regarding OsmDataLayer.validationErrors and ValidatorTreePanel normal 5 years GerdP
#17440 Confusing code normal 5 years GerdP
#17443 GPX layer: Download from OSM along this track is slow normal 5 years GerdP template_report GPX
#17475 [Patch] Validator should mark obsolete type=associatedStreet relations normal 5 years GerdP
#17506 [Patch] Display languages in alphabetical order normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#17530 Complain about ele values with decimals normal 5 years GerdP
#17567 rephrase warning for role location_hint in restriction relation normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#17656 Do not run "information" level checks if not wanted normal 5 years GerdP performance
#17684 Confusing error message for wikipedia tag normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#17746 [Patch] Detect invalid MapCSS search expressions normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#17765 [Patch] Move code for error "Area style way is not closed" to UnclosedWays normal 7 months GerdP
#17768 Use code in MultipolygonTest to improve CreateMultipolygonAction normal 5 years GerdP
#17819 Improve performance when loading or validating complex multipolygon relation normal 5 years GerdP multipolygon performance
#18228 Test 'Unconnected highways' is very slow when long barrier is involved normal 5 years GerdP template_report, performance
#18232 remove Test.compareTo() and more normal 3 years GerdP sort
#18397 [PATCH] Provide more helpful error message when loading an invalid gpx file normal 3 years GerdP template_report gpx
#18728 [patch WIP] Join overlapping Areas is slow when combining many complex ways normal 4 years GerdP
#18810 Validator dialog should show the test that produced the message normal 4 years GerdP
#18964 [Patch] MapCSS rules using index are slow minor 4 years GerdP validator mapcss performance
#18969 Improve performance of validator checks normal 4 years GerdP performance
#18979 Improve display of PrimitiveIds normal 4 years GerdP undelete
#19018 [Patch] Flag combination of major highway type (trunk .. residential) and crossing=* normal 4 years GerdP
#19042 Unglue should be smarter when deciding which way is to change normal 4 years GerdP unglue
#19121 [Patch] JosmAction.checkAndConfirmOutlyingOperation() should also handle dataset without download area normal 4 years GerdP
#19180 false positives from tagchecker with single letter differences normal 3 years GerdP tagchecker single letter
#19181 [Patch] Preference "Draw. Direction Arrows" looks ugly when zoomed out normal 4 years GerdP
#19257 reduce number of ShowHistoryAction implementations normal 3 years GerdP history
#19260 [Patch] Show menu on right-click in History of relation members normal 4 years GerdP
#19285 [Patch] Ctrl+C (Copy) should keep the order of selection normal 4 years GerdP
#19312 detect circular dependencies in relations normal 4 years GerdP
#19375 [Patch] Avoid to download changesets contents twice normal 3 years GerdP performance download
#19393 Warn when addr:interpolation way has end nodes without addr:housenumber normal 4 years GerdP template_report
#19577 Lots of identical info messages for gpx track without timestamps minor 4 years GerdP template_report
#19597 validator is very slow when validating a complete complex multipolygon normal 4 years GerdP template_report multipolygon performance
#19881 [Patch] Poor performance in delete action normal 3 years GerdP template_report performance
#19898 [Patch] Performance improvements for DatasetMerger normal 3 years GerdP performance
#19939 [RFC] [Patch] Replace ParentRelationLoadingTask by DownloadReferrersTask normal 3 years GerdP
#20038 Autofix in RightAngleBuildingTest should be removed normal 3 years GerdP right angle building
#20393 Duplicate message for closed way with area=yes normal 3 years GerdP template_report
#20405 [Patch] History browser for complex relations requires lots of memory normal 3 months GerdP template_report history performance
#20514 [Patch]Possible poor performance when validating selection normal 3 years GerdP template_report performance
#20633 [Patch]Download object: Too slow when downloading a relation with members with OSM api normal 3 years GerdP template_report performance
#20785 Improve Status Report when locale "Arabic(Saudi Arabia)" is used normal 3 years GerdP
#22529 [Patch] possibly improve performance in class `ChangesetDataSet` normal 16 months GerdP performance
#22808 [Patch] Undoing "Paste" for ways of a route relation is very slow normal 11 months GerdP template_report performance
#23397 Improve the results of partial validations normal 3 months GerdP
#23427 [Patch] load session performance strongly depends on order of layers normal 3 months GerdP template_report, performance
#23468 Performance issue with Validator tree window normal 2 months GerdP performance
#8584 About screen does not allow text copying minor 11 years ggeldenhuis About box
#9509 Reverse direction dialog prompt. normal 10 years ggeldenhuis template_report
#12440 Keyboard shortcuts is not really readable on Mac normal 8 years ggeldenhuis macosx
#21693 [PATCH] Map only visible part of image, read directly from buffer array when buffer type is byte. normal 2 years GhostFoxSledgehammer performance
#11152 Validator gives warning of Style for outer way mismatches polygon normal 9 years Glassman multipolygon
#3526 [patch] be more verbose about available traces in GPX layer normal 15 years glebius GPX
#6031 [patch] save named nodes as waypoints when exporting OSM to GPX normal 13 years glebius
#659 JOSM is very slow when dealing with many roads or large polygons minor 15 years g.mascellani@…
#5788 Use of WPAD as Proxy normal 13 years g.m.pearce@…
#7976 Get downloaded gpx areas normal 10 years Gnonthgol gpx
#14807 Validation check for "highway without reference" should consider noref tag. normal 7 years gokehufu
#14756 Download dialog should also parse URLs which dont contain "#map=" minor 7 years gormo download, URL, map
#5794 Fine tune position of the four coordinate boxes in the download->bounding box dialogue trivial 4 years gormur download dialogue gui
#12234 Validation: Power lines terminal points minor 8 years Gppes Power Line Nodes Out Of Downloaded Area
#2459 Drag Box to zoom into images minor 14 years granjow
#8885 disable network at start (provide an offline function) normal 10 years grinapo network start offline
#2437 More verbose information about OSM API errors and user help on the wiki minor 15 years Gubaer api 6.0
#2510 [Patch] ConflictItem - Refactoring minor 15 years Gubaer conflict resolution merge
#2540 [Patch] projection for SwissGrid minor 15 years Gubaer projection SwissGrid
#3249 Resolve conflicts between invisible and deleted primitives automatically major 15 years Gubaer conflict
#3518 Provide a new feature for uploading the currently selected primitives normal 15 years Gubaer
#3684 Add "chunked" upload mode normal 14 years Gubaer
#3702 Trac: Install TOC Macro normal 15 years Gubaer
#4840 Provide new tested and switch development to Java 6 normal 14 years Gubaer
#6149 [Patch] Multipolygon - Extended functionality normal 13 years Gubaer multipolygon
#6150 [PATCH] mapcss - extended functionality for instruction text: ... normal 13 years Gubaer mapcss
#147 Propose possible values minor 17 years guilhem.bonnefille@…
#163 Key/value auto-completion major 17 years guilhem.bonnefille@…
#1306 Search Results window major 16 years GwennG search
#9204 Security warning when starting JOSM with Java 7u45/Webstart normal 4 years gwgwgwgw@… Security warning java7 webstart
#20493 Contribute to changeset discussion directly in JOSM normal 3 years habi template_report changeset discussion comment
#1618 [PATCH] for SAX BOM bug minor 16 years h-a-l-9000@…
#1624 [PATCH] use consistent line endings in GpxWriter trivial 15 years h-a-l-9000@…
#5012 [PATCH] Rename File->New to "New Layer" normal 14 years HamishB <hamish_b@…> layers
#5015 rfe: logical AND & for search tool normal 13 years HamishB <hamish_b@…> search
#18485 don't warn about man_made=maypole looks like man_made=manhole normal 4 years Hanikatu template_report man_made maypole
#18550 don't warn about bollard=unremovable looks like bollard=removable normal 4 years Hanikatu bollard unremovable
#3532 [PATCH] QuadBuckets for Node storage normal 15 years hansendc
#3671 [PATCH] QuadBuckets for Way storage normal 15 years hansendc
#3676 [PATCH] deprecate the use of OsmPrimitive selection methods normal 15 years hansendc
#3696 [PATCH] Replace OsmPrimitive selection implementation with storage in DataSet normal 14 years hansendc
#619 downloaded area shown as amalgamated rectangles major 15 years Harry Wood downloaded area
#9172 rename "Properties / Memberships" as "Tags / Memberships" normal 7 years Harry Wood
#15918 Confusing English texts normal 4 years Hb--- i18n english
#15987 Open External Pages in an External Browser normal 6 years Hb--- help
#17310 Disable "Download as new layer" button and do not hide it normal 5 years Hb--- layer download gui
#17323 [Patch] Duplicate tooltip "Show preset search dialog" minor 5 years Hb--- English l18n
#17380 Add translation en_CA normal 4 years Hb--- i18n english canada
#17419 [Patch] Own labels for Select mode and Zoom mode buttons minor 5 years Hb--- i18n english mode
#17448 [patch] Same buttons in Upload Selection as in other upload dialogs normal 5 years Hb--- gui i18n upload selection
#17457 Drop data depended tool tip from SelectedMembersForSelectionAction minor 5 years Hb--- gui i18n english tooltip
#17526 [Patch] Search action dialog: New tooltip and more translations normal 5 years Hb--- i18n english tooltip search
#18711 Bold Font for Tab Subtitles in Preferences Dialog GUI minor 4 years Hb--- preferences
#18870 [Patch] Suppress multiple requests dialog for only one server request in DownloadAlong minor 4 years Hb--- i18n download along
#18943 Download along dialogues miss caption for data types minor 4 years Hb--- template_report download along
#1580 [PATCH] Create circle action minor 16 years Henry Loenwind
#1622 [PATCH] Keyboard Configuration major 16 years Henry Loenwind
#1625 [PATCH] Extended UnGlueAction minor 16 years Henry Loenwind
#18692 Show Duplicate relation in context menu normal 4 years hiddewie relation toggle dialog duplicate context menu
#18852 [PATCH] GpxReader nullability detection (Sonar) trivial 4 years hiddewie gpx
#19281 [PATCH] Use Objects.hash where it is not used trivial 4 years hiddewie refactoring
#19282 [PATCH] Add documentation from wiki to Presets XSD minor 4 years hiddewie schema xsd presets documentation
#19903 [PATCH] Add space to title of filter dialog trivial 3 years hiddewie
#7228 HTC Sensation uses / as date separator, date parsed wrong when geotagging normal 12 years hildenae@… htc sensation date format slash
#6857 Right-click->copy value directly from properties dialog normal 13 years hjart
#7302 Field showing name of object under cursor is often too short normal 8 years hjart
#12982 The current Geodatastyrelsen TMS-proxy will stop soon normal 8 years hjart denmark
#16085 Copy values from history dialogue normal 6 years hjart history tag copy
#11297 Validator should ignore artist_name for "alternative name without name" check normal 9 years hno2 name,
#756 add timestamps to gpx layer info minor 16 years holger@…
#7711 Extract altitude from photos and GPX track normal 12 years holgermappt
#9274 [PATCH] GeoImageLayer functionality enhancements normal 7 years holgermappt geoimage, GeoImageLayer
#10894 [PATCH] Show photo direction arrow for thumbnail normal 9 years holgermappt
#10920 [patch] Stop image thumbnail loading if thumbnails are not shown minor 9 years holgermappt
#10958 Change Taginfo JOSM icon to rev. 7770 minor 9 years holgermappt
#12255 [patch] GeoImageLayer: ImageEntry enhancements for image property dialog normal 8 years holgermappt regression
#12322 [patch] GeoImageLayer: Add method isCenterView() to ImageViewerDialog normal 8 years holgermappt
#12462 [patch] Extend Save Layers dialog for more layer types normal 8 years holgermappt
#13880 [PATCH] AbstractTileSourceLayer: Allow additional layer context menu entries normal 5 years holgermappt
#14179 Duplicated lines in minor 7 years holgermappt
#14181 [PATCH] GeoImageLayer: Improvements of display of selected photo in map normal 7 years holgermappt
#14536 [PATCH] Improved ExifReader.readTime(), Refactored ImageEntry.extractExif() minor 7 years holgermappt exif
#15502 Subject: [PATCH] ImageEntry: Copy isNewGpsData in applyTmp() minor 6 years holgermappt
#15701 [PATCH] CorrelateGpxWithImages: Test newGpsData, speed, elevation, gpsTime set by matchGpxTrack() minor 6 years holgermappt
#7168 Add a "jump to gap" functionality to the relation editor normal 12 years hwb relation editor
#2479 Better multilayer support major 15 years !i! multi layer
#3567 Imagery: add HTTPS Support normal 12 years !i! SSL, HTTPS
#4919 Optimize download along GPX track normal 4 years !i!
#8352 Color picker for presets, color viewer for tag toolbox normal 4 years !i! color preset-ui
#15525 Add parent_osm_id for mapcss normal 6 years Ialokim <ialokim@…> mapcss
#3147 JOSM should have a UNIX Man page minor 15 years Ian Darwin <ian@…> patch
#3123 JOSM should have a .desktop file for KDE/Gnome/etc minor 10 years ian@…
#9744 Change OsmApi#sendRequest() to protected minor 10 years iandees
#8254 Need a "get-capabibilty" - type bookmark for wms normal 11 years iav wms bookmark
#1988 [PATCH #2] Allow drag-n-drop for toolbar items in preferences minor 15 years Igor Shubovych <igor.shubovych@…>
#2423 [patch] Filter for AdvancedPreferences panel minor 15 years Igor Shubovych <igor.shubovych@…> preferences filter usability
#6935 [Patch] Ability to auto-find based on key/value pairs normal 8 years ij auto-find, tag, keyvalue
#18431 Advanced Preference to disable falling stars minor 4 months ika-chan!
#8519 Validator error for keys suffixed with :lanes normal 10 years imagic
#9596 MapCSS style: determine opacity/transparency of a color normal 10 years imagic
#9674 Support for escaping special characters normal 10 years imagic MapCSS, SVG
#16163 Right To Left support for input boxes normal 3 years iman RTL bidirectional arabic
#16780 auto-closed changesets are reported as open normal 6 years iman close changeset upload
#16891 [Patch] Define custom browser on Windows normal 5 years iman default internet browser windows
#18012 [PATCH] Using original gpx name on spliting gpx to new layers normal 5 years iman gpx split tracks name
#1 Import of background images from an image server critical 8 years imi
#30 Hotkey for toggle Layer Visibility minor 13 years imi
#9635 Allow Remote Control to disable downloading referrers normal 10 years ingalls
#10996 Hiding Error/Placeholder Tiles minor 9 years InsertUser zoom, overzoom, error tiles, placeholder tiles
#4938 Alt-B now tied to Public Transport menu normal 12 years ipofanes keybinding
#9891 [patch] MapCSS: feature request - add pseudo-class for selected objects normal 8 years IrlJidel mapcss
#5488 Coordinate format to add node normal 13 years ivanatora@…
#5673 "oneway" arrows on ways should be painted in different style than way-direction arrows normal 13 years ivanatora@…
#22547 [Patch] tunnel=culvert should have waterway=* as well normal 14 months ivanbranco tunnel culvert osmose combinations waterway overpass
#12731 Add an option to completely prevent upload of a layer : e.g. "never" to upload=true/false normal 7 years jaakkoh upload policy
#5520 Add Estonian legal WMS-s normal 14 years jaak@…
#9008 Ungluing a highway junction with a turn restriction normal 4 years janjko@… unglue turn_restriction
#9459 Default view normal 10 years javiersanp setup
#7760 [patch] Double click on Attributes Window minor 12 years jbcorbeille-josm@…
#9081 [patch] "L" shortcut to nodes normal 10 years jbcorbeille-josm@… align
#10830 Improvement after history-window disappearance normal 9 years jbcorbeille-josm@… template_report history
#11537 Autosave also note layer normal 6 years jbcorbeille-josm@… template_report autosave
#18975 Save position of 'close note' panel normal 4 years jbcorbeille-temp3@… template_report remember window geometry
#19997 [Patch] Disable MapPaint style submenu for empty settings normal 3 years jBeata MapPaint, sub-menu
#20554 [Patch] OpenStreetCam plugin renaming normal 3 years jBeata openstreetcam kartaview plugin
#6035 [PATCH] Add extra polygon shapes to MapCSS painter normal 13 years jcollie
#1621 Align nodes to rectangle proposal normal 10 years jekader
#1650 [Patch] Proposal: Authors Dialog minor 16 years jekader
1 2 3 4 5 6
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.