Custom Query (27 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3282 Syncing audio tracks not posible behind initial waypoint new team defect major
#3283 Improve audio markers new team enhancement major
#14921 Support Sentinel 2 data directly reopened team enhancement major
#5033 Add preferences dialog to reset "Do not show me again" messages new team enhancement normal
#5034 When automatic request answer are used, warn user new team enhancement normal
#5219 livegps does not drawn lines immediately new framm defect normal
#6337 Add option to download incomplete multipolygons new team enhancement normal
#6338 Better display of incomplete multipolygons new team enhancement normal
#8443 Improve reverse way user interface new team enhancement normal
#8484 Improve complicated procedure to align picture new rebsc enhancement normal
#11392 Styles, rules and presets translation new stoecker enhancement normal
#11492 No memory warning when loading OSM data new team defect normal
#14651 No tag conflict handling for "Update Multipolygon" new team defect normal
#16123 External Imagery/Styles/Presets/Plugins/Rules https new team task normal Longterm
#16360 I18n script creates data for transifex directories new team defect normal
#18211 Allow to handle direction arrows in MapCSS new team enhancement normal
#18712 Extend offline mode to disallow downloads to third party sites new team enhancement normal
#19773 AustriaAddressHelperAction: use ChangePropertyCommand broke areaselector assigned simon04 defect normal
#21656 Abort rendering when obsolete new team defect normal
#22976 GPX-Layer export into session file does not export display settings of the layer new team enhancement normal
#23286 Move JOSM plugins without maintainer back to JOSM-Plugins-SVN (GitHub SVN support ends) new team task normal
#23374 Delete Cached file in case of error new team defect normal
#23931 JOSM-Plugins git mirror new team defect normal
#24067 Reactions to the JOSM I18n contest 2025 new team task normal
#24107 Plugin uses deprecated API which will be removed new qeef defect normal
#24125 JOSM I18n contest 2025 new team task normal 25.07
#1547 Wrong play position for Audio markers new team defect minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.