Custom Query (293 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 293)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#14278 [Patch] Plugin not printing any map new team defect blocker
#6141 extend confict message on upload and provide a button to update. (WAS: warn before upload old/outdated data) new team enhancement critical
#21084 Sorting more complex route relations completely fails new Biswesh defect critical
#21725 Incorrect understanding of lanes=* and *:lanes=* damages data new Rub21 defect critical
#4509 In addition to "conflicts", detect and resolve "potential map anomalies" new team enhancement major
#4798 relation editor: highlight "doubled" members with different roles differently than "doubled" members with the same role new team enhancement major
#6518 select and edit actions performed in inactive layer. new team defect major
#8835 Button to send download to background new team enhancement major
#8913 PH and SH unknown new boman defect major
#8968 Combining ways: Roles not adjusted when changing direction new team defect major
#9908 [WIP patch] Filter downloaded notes reopened ToeBee enhancement major
#14196 Conflict manager allows to create inconsistent ways with zero or only one node new team defect major
#18992 Tagging Preset: No information exchange between linked presets new team defect major
#19790 Angle and distance overlay not displayed anymore new kolesar defect major
#20006 Merge layer: specific order of layers needed to find conflicts new team defect major
#20643 Relation editor: Disable full sort and sort everything below for relations with incomplete members. new team enhancement major
#21154 Split Object: Invalid, self-crossing closed ways created new team defect major
#24028 Upload dialog should preserve all changset's tags if an open changset is the target new team defect major
#4368 conflict-list sorting new team enhancement normal
#4399 tree-view for relation-list new team enhancement normal
#4507 conflict manager: option to switch freeze after all members on/off. new team enhancement normal
#4615 conflict manager: tags: provide buttons use all my/their tags new team enhancement normal
#4654 warning when deleting an object with remaining conflict new team enhancement normal
#4689 conflict management: Remember width of columns in member window new team enhancement normal
#4746 conflict manager: please highlight deleted members and conflict in roles separately new team enhancement normal
#4748 conflict manager: member dialog: possibility to apply role to all selected members new team enhancement normal
#5097 [α Patch] possibility to repeat the last action (macro recording) new team enhancement normal
#5619 "update data" does not find conflicts new team defect normal
#5930 imagery once initialized does not use new network-settings new team defect normal
#6172 Terracer: Does not check for existing associatedStreet relation and silently deletes members reopened zerebubuth@… defect normal
#6173 Terracer: does not keep the orientation of housenumbers new zerebubuth@… defect normal
#6178 terracer: deletes addr node without copying any data new zerebubuth@… defect normal
#6191 Terracer: does not add housenumbers if highest housenumber is given new zerebubuth@… defect normal
#6312 terracer: alphabetical interpolation new zerebubuth@… enhancement normal
#6319 More information and options on error 410 pop up (deleted object) new team enhancement normal
#6489 turnlane plugin: add extra left lane on the outer left side of all lanes. reopened benshu enhancement normal
#7451 download incomplete members in background new team enhancement normal
#7468 Do not delete address nodes but use them as corner node new Upliner defect normal
#7826 conflict dialogue bottom buttons half hidden new team defect normal
#7966 georef images wrong displayed after switching to correct projection new rebsc defect normal
#8225 split object with several split ways selected. new team enhancement normal
#8252 irregular black border around pictures new team defect normal
#8253 JOSM stalls changing projection with open piclayer + importimage layer new team defect normal
#8345 Coloured_Postcode: support associatedStreet and Street relation new geozeisig enhancement normal
#8388 Two different building presets new team defect normal
#8489 IllegalStateException deleting some nodes new team defect normal
#8493 "background" option just leads to another dialog in foreground new Upliner defect normal
#8559 unhide toggle dialog buttons should not hide contents of focused dialog reopened team enhancement normal
#8659 window "advanced info" should not block new team enhancement normal
#8660 [Patch] False positive conflict detection with reverter plugin reopened Upliner defect normal
#8709 Offer to convert into a multipolygon relation when splitting an area new team enhancement normal
#8782 Possibility to disable core functions new team enhancement normal
#8821 Include ReplaceGeometry in core new team enhancement normal
#8887 Render addr:housenumber in favour of operator/brand new team enhancement normal
#8889 SVG: styles not fully supported new team defect normal
#8891 Preset: new multiselect for multiselection of same value with two separators new team enhancement normal
#8933 External presets / rules / styles: Update does not work new team defect normal
#8946 Download Location: option to undelete when downloading older versions new team enhancement normal
#8979 Impossible to set a custom page size new team enhancement normal
#9190 Preset: option to fold part within preset new team enhancement normal
#9895 checking correct use of noexit new team enhancement normal
#9904 Add node: Linux middle mouse button paste not supported new team defect normal
#9929 Replace geometry does not use nodes with multiple parents reopened team enhancement normal
#9934 Hide toggle dialog header context menu item dynamic side bar buttons when disabled through preferences new team enhancement normal
#10032 No changes recognized if uploading with an open relation editor and closing it later new team defect normal
#10056 support to include chunks from default preset in external presets new team enhancement normal
#10286 extruder: problem with shared nodes new team defect normal
#10545 "real-time" UI feedback in case of data errors new team enhancement normal
#10999 Download area status not preserved when moving node new team defect normal
#11218 Cancel on upload + window size new ToeBee defect normal
#11316 auto completion: last entered tags not remembered after restart. new team defect normal
#13472 Detect areas mapped on top of highway=* areas new team enhancement normal
#13600 too far away check does not use multipolygons new team defect normal
#13651 conditional tag: False warning with complex opening_hours values in combination with AND new team defect normal
#14096 Optional use of subgroups triggered by number of hits new team enhancement normal
#14177 Tag/Membership conflict window: Window height/divider not properly adjusted new team defect normal
#14178 Replace geometry: Optional setting handling for membership conflicts new team enhancement normal
#17851 conflict manager: automatically add child objects which are in common new team enhancement normal
#17867 Download object changed in changeset in background new team enhancement normal
#17878 Cannot download full old version of an OSM object new team defect normal
#17898 better protection of relation member order new team enhancement normal
#17899 relation editor: oneway direction with route=bicycle and oneway:bicycle new team defect normal
#17978 More user-friendly message about deleted objects after downloading a changeset new team enhancement normal
#17980 search dialog: better user interaction with "deleted" and "incomplete" new team enhancement normal
#17998 check for correct value of access new team enhancement normal
#18018 split way: wrong position of new member in route relation in loops new team defect normal
#18461 Unresolved conflicts: Warn before or deny some data layer actions new team enhancement normal
#18463 changeset download: only download modified members of relations new team enhancement normal
#18515 no warning about adding new end node to a way with membership new team defect normal
#18526 Different order of items: windows menu <-> lower left vertical toolbar new team defect normal
#18564 Disabling filter only affects active layer new team defect normal
#18592 Tags/Memberships toggle dialog: enable opening several relation editor dialog simultaneously new team enhancement normal
#18610 Do not show warning about modified incomplete multipolygon when only tags were added/modified new team enhancement normal
#18645 relation editor: Show continuity line with nodes in between ways for some types of relation new team enhancement normal
#18648 combine objects: tag conflict: no warning for equal values which should be summed up new team defect normal
#18650 combine objects: tag conflict: support more keys with option to sum up values new team enhancement normal
#18651 add more context-sensitive help to code new team enhancement normal Longterm
#18671 Silent download to other layer new team defect normal
#18672 icon for amenity=social_facility new team enhancement normal
#18673 Selection toggle dialog: Harmonize display of icons for "fixme" and "note" new team enhancement normal
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.