Custom Query (29 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#13984 Add: spatial resolution, date new team enhancement major
#12466 JOSM can handle 50000+ changes requement and 5000+ changes recommendation automatically new team enhancement normal
#12609 suggesting recently used presets (multiple suggestions; iD is way better at this than JOSM) new team enhancement normal
#12659 Less complex tool to project a point(s) on way segment (current tools are not predictable) new team defect normal
#12663 Viewport following mode (Ctrl+Shift+F) doesn't interact with FastDraw tool new akks defect normal
#12667 Ability to swtich between latest JOSM configs via swticher or via hotkeys new team enhancement normal
#12668 Add posibility to discard tags during duplication (Ctrl+V) new team enhancement normal
#12671 Unbind J tool by default? Hide it from main menu? new team enhancement normal
#12673 Instead of an error during G tool, use Alt+J tool new team enhancement normal
#12679 Current "simplify way" Shift+Y is primitive compared to simplification steps in Fast Draw and other tools new team enhancement normal
#12765 M hotkey should be default behaviour during node hover over another node new team enhancement normal
#12814 Allow multiselection of data primitives to selection from the Command stack new team enhancement normal
#12985 Move advanced info to expert mode new team enhancement normal
#13373 Adding a node with two selected ways may result in unintended node move new team defect normal
#13457 Street area new team enhancement normal
#13517 Warn users if hw=path is a lone tag new team enhancement normal
#13519 "Selection" main menu new team enhancement normal
#13520 Add support for video in embedded help new team enhancement normal
#13698 RelationEditor: "Zoom to" replaces selection without hint in text, it shoudn't new team enhancement normal
#13706 History browser: color moved relation members differently new team defect normal
#13967 Direct option to save/load toolbar items new team enhancement normal
#13968 Optional display of current zoom level new team enhancement normal
#13971 Explain what "fix" "autofix" button will do for every check using captions new team enhancement normal
#12676 Run validaton after Fast Draw finished way construction new team enhancement minor
#12918 Warn about 1,2,3,4,5 year old shops/amenities new team enhancement minor
#13452 Not able to use/set visibility of the server (re-download after local deletion) new team enhancement minor
#13667 osm-obj-info plugin can replace advanced info new team enhancement minor
#13925 Enable edit button when utilsplugin2 enabled new team enhancement minor
#12674 Incorrect text in extrude tool new team defect trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.