Custom Query (100 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#9513 Fix self-intersecting ways new team enhancement normal
#9534 Strange "overlapping water areas" test result new team defect normal
#9912 Scale/strech data horizontally and vertically new team enhancement normal
#10226 Verify multiple equal values new team enhancement normal
#10254 Search for objects with warning/error/invalid data new team enhancement normal
#10334 More control points in PicLayer new rebsc enhancement normal
#10523 Displaying area in hectare while it should be square meter/kilometer new team enhancement normal
#10683 Wrongly merging some ways new defect normal
#10779 undelete plugin hangs with a lot of objects in "Object ID" field new team defect normal
#10782 Download/restores objects in parallel needinfo naoliv enhancement normal
#10982 Validate turn restrictions with to = from new team enhancement normal
#11091 Smartly create boundary relations new team enhancement normal
#11251 Should not conflict on unmodified objects new team defect normal
#11288 Can't cancel undelete process reopened team defect normal
#11446 Download around node new team enhancement normal
#11460 Generate statistics when multiple objects are selected new team enhancement normal
#11497 Options to solve conflicting tags while merging ways new team enhancement normal
#11692 Better test for "Crossing boundaries" new team defect normal
#11873 ClassNotFoundException after canceling a plugin download new team defect normal
#11874 No progress bar while downloading plugins reopened team defect normal 16.07
#11970 Possible problem when comparing key with a replace() value new team defect normal
#11976 Option to highlight relation members new team enhancement normal
#11983 "Crossing ways" operator in MapCSS new team enhancement normal
#12066 Option to restore object to its original state new team enhancement normal
#12106 Issue while adding multiple key/values with colon new team defect normal
#12302 Visually differentiate deprecated tags new team enhancement major
#12327 Advanced alignment and distribute for selected objects new team enhancement normal
#12334 Validate some more unneeded turn restrictions cases new team enhancement normal
#12360 Reverting objects with deleted data isn't ideal new Upliner defect normal
#12365 Better deal with conflicts on deleted nodes new team enhancement normal
#12483 Should not silently delete layers with upload=false reopened team defect normal
#12532 History for imagery offset new team enhancement normal
#12548 Proper colors for modified nodes in way history new team defect normal
#12615 Option to restore deleted objects only new Upliner enhancement normal
#12772 Make it possible to temporarily select some validator tests before running it new team enhancement normal
#12788 Misleading message for different defaul values new *Martin* enhancement minor
#13143 Make autosave not block on other threads new team enhancement normal
#13146 UnsupportedOperationException: Unable to remove primitives from TestError new team defect normal
#13152 Unecessary decision dialog while merging two ways that are part of a multipolygon new team defect normal
#13160 Some kind of deadlock which prevents typing in textboxes new team defect major
#13435 Option to restore deleted and modified objects only new Upliner enhancement normal
#13546 Overlapping characters in textboxes with very long strings new team defect minor
#13678 Problem with closed multipolygon displaying and test new team defect normal
#13713 Simplify area is removing some big chunks new *Martin* defect normal
#13740 Should reverse highways by default, instead setting oneway=-1 new team enhancement normal
#13753 Option to keep or remove all ways when resolving conflicting merges new team enhancement normal
#13884 Option to save selected objects only new team enhancement normal
#13885 Option to paste the same object into another layer new team enhancement normal
#13887 More complete option to select nodes from ways new team enhancement normal
#13894 Object out of boundaries in JOSM new team enhancement normal
#13914 More descriptive network connection issues message new team enhancement normal
#13918 Better handle some dialogs marked as "never show again" new team enhancement normal
#13938 Provide faster way to edit imagery bookmark entries new team enhancement normal
#13939 Should not create dialogs at the middle of two screens + should remember the dialog position new team defect normal
#14022 Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] Problem loading keys for file TMS_BLOCK_v2 new team defect normal
#14069 More coloring options for GPX files (HDOP circle) new team enhancement normal
#14092 Should not suggest to downgrade the classification of some roundabouts new team enhancement normal
#14094 Incomplete object info in the conflict dialog new team defect normal
#14111 Some improvements for notes new team enhancement normal
#14290 Parent selector is selecting both child and parent new team defect normal
#14378 Global territory selector new team enhancement normal
#14404 Support similar/alternative words when searching for a preset new team enhancement major
#14530 Automatically include outer and inner roles when creating relations new team enhancement normal
#14664 poly plugin: should warn about unclosed ways or properly merge them, if possible new Zverikk enhancement normal
#15326 Increase timeout when testing IPv6 connectivity new team enhancement normal
#15349 Different style when object is a building new team enhancement normal
#15475 Should offer more options when clicking on GPX tracks' pictures new team enhancement normal
#15582 SyntaxException with a possibly valid opening_hours new boman defect normal
#15590 The default style should differ name and ref new team enhancement normal
#15604 Display more metadata for ESRI layer new team enhancement normal
#15622 Needs a wider upload progress dialog new team defect minor
#15629 Rendering for some boundary=* values new team enhancement normal
#15640 Check for possible unneeded only_* restrictions new team enhancement normal
#15726 Not returning the value when using tag() new team enhancement normal
#15751 [PATCH] oneway=reversible|alternating for highways new team enhancement normal
#15752 Test for landuse inside landuse new team enhancement normal
#16395 Warning/test for possible wrong lanes count reopened team enhancement normal
#16408 JOSM is reloading multiple times a modified validation file new team enhancement minor
#16409 Not rendering some office=* types new team enhancement normal
#16732 Support Brazilian ABNT/ABNT2 keyboard layouts when reordering imagery layers new team defect normal
#16747 Should not download tiles from other zoom levels if not necessary reopened wiktorn enhancement normal
#16844 Also include layers with a JPG option new team enhancement normal
#16941 Display the default projection new team enhancement normal
#16967 WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported new team enhancement normal
#16968 Emojis with color in texts/menus new team enhancement minor
#17014 "produce" key new naoliv enhancement normal
#17078 [PATCH] update clothes in preset new team enhancement normal
#17124 Improve conflict solving performance new team enhancement normal
#17132 JOSM froze while asking to upload new team defect normal
#17211 Can't see all the discussion from some notes new team enhancement normal
#17303 It seems that it's not properly working new OliverW defect normal
#17905 Store the imagery layers names used to edit data and use them in source new team enhancement normal
#17911 Option to automatically run "update modified" before upload new team enhancement normal
#17955 Wrong multipolygon validation when filter is applied new team defect normal
#17956 Inserting tags with Shift+Enter don't update the Tags dialog new team enhancement normal
#17958 Doesn't reload tiles after a timeout new Don-vip defect normal
#18019 [Patch] Creating a multipolygon is wrongly moving highway=* to the relation assigned GerdP enhancement normal
#18074 Small issue with precision new team enhancement normal
#18132 "Download along" should automatically download smaller areas in places with many objects new team enhancement normal
#20693 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: begin 0, end -1, length 4 new maripogoda defect normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.