Custom Query (22 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#8913 PH and SH unknown new defect major Plugin openinghourseditor
#20735 "Edit Opening Hours" changes hours when dragging to create time. new defect major Plugin openinghourseditor
#6656 OpeningHoursEditor corrections + enhancements new enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#7890 Add columns for the opening hours on public holidays (PH) and school holidays (SH) new enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#7932 Allow change of first day of week new enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#8288 Hour resolution new enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#8289 Opening the dialog. new enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#8290 Month ranges new enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#9085 opening_hours, "off" and OpeningHoursEdit new defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#10157 IAE in OpeningTimeUtils.ensureValidMinute new defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#10840 IAE in OpeningTimeUtils.ensureValidDay new defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#15582 SyntaxException with a possibly valid opening_hours new defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#16767 fails to parse PH or when <time_selector> is not seperated by <space> after <weekday_selector> (only valid option) or when <rule_modifier> present, but accepts and saves some wrong values without warning new defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#17566 Add support `lunch:*` to OpeningHoursEditor new enhancement normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#20783 Common hours override exceptions new defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#22108 The work hours editor cannot edit some some values new defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#22258 opening_hours value: error in plugin but parsed correctly by other evaluation tool new defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#22930 IAE: newMinuteEnd is not a valid minute (0-1441) new defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#23173 Plugin: Opening Hours Editor has a problem with the indication "PH" for holidays new defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#8965 timespan ::= ... wrong specification, so is generation wrong too? new defect minor Plugin openinghourseditor
#14556 Editor for the duration=* new enhancement minor Plugin openinghourseditor
#22468 Particular tags not managed Plugin won't open new defect minor Plugin openinghourseditor
Batch Modify
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