Custom Query (15 matches)


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Status: closed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#21965 [PATCH] Use <different> translation from KeyedItem team enhancement minor Core
#22381 [PATCH] Error when trying to open a shape file team defect normal Core
#22603 [PATCH] Add PBF reading support to JOSM taylor.smock defect normal Core
#22767 Deleting Geotagged Image - does no longer automatically skip forward to the next image team defect normal Core image mapping latest
#22770 Can't zoom out image with scrolling in the Image Viewer (macos) team defect normal Core image mapping tested
#22779 fix help page of Paste at source position team defect minor Core
#22783 Presets menu: Sorting fails on second and third item (Search actions should be on top) taylor.smock defect minor Core latest
#22784 [patch] Link to context sensitive help is missing for "Search for objects by preset" team enhancement minor Core
#22785 [patch] Link to context sensitive help is missing for "Draw boundaries of downloaded data" team enhancement minor Core
#22786 [patch] Link to context sensitive help is missing for "Expert Mode" team enhancement minor Core
#22787 Do not check if value of `addr:housenumber` key exists in presets team defect normal Core validator
#22788 [patch] Crosslink flowerbed and garden in the presets team enhancement minor Internal preset
#22792 [PATCH] Support for natural=shrubbery team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#22811 Map layer is not dirty after processing OSC that adds one node team defect normal Core tested
#22833 [Patch] Command line environment variables are overwritten by /etc/default/josm team defect normal Ubuntu package latest
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.