Custom Query (101 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 101)

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Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#20034 Add building=gatehouse team enhancement normal Internal preset tested
#19787 Add building=tent team enhancement normal Internal preset
#14964 Additional tags for landuse=residential team enhancement normal Internal preset
#19967 Add leisure=bleachers team enhancement normal Internal preset
#19383 Add line_management to power support presets team enhancement normal Internal preset
#19423 add preset animal shelter team enhancement normal Internal preset
#19304 Add shop=frozen_food to presets team enhancement normal Internal preset
#20001 Add "water" as a suitable product for "Vending machines" team enhancement minor Internal preset
#19902 Advanced preferences: add-button unreadable (language: Dutch) team defect normal Core tested
#14741 Application is called "MainApplication" in the MacOS menu bar, instead of JOSM Polarbear-j defect normal Core
#19917 Associated streets and no house number gives warning team defect normal Core validator
#20009 Build macOS bundles on Java 15, not 16ea team enhancement normal Installer MacOS
#20096 Changeset hashtags from remote control not uploaded Don-vip defect normal Core
#18527 changeset manager: content information of (closed) changeset lost when updating discussion GerdP defect normal Core latest
#8948 conflicts on nodes about parent way after revert team defect normal Core latest
#14117 Correct signature for macOS application and/or App Store Stereo enhancement normal Installer MacOS
#19915 Crash in relation editor when saving after undo GerdP defect normal Core tested
#19906 Create areas tool: bottom toolbar unusable to view offset measurement Squizie3 defect normal Core latest
#19966 Create Multipolygon blocks JOSM team enhancement normal Core latest
#20115 Create Multipolygon: Strange relation editor entries in window menu which can lead to a stall team defect critical Core latest
#20005 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted member referenced undoing conflict resolutions team defect major Core latest
#19438 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced during conflict solving GerdP defect normal Core tested
#14620 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced while using conflation GerdP defect normal Core latest
#20026 Date/time in gpx filter dialog has a strange tooltip team defect minor Core
#6529 Deleting locally referenced objects in conflict resolution breaks data integrity team defect critical Core latest
#19541 Disable Travis CI team task normal Unit tests
#20022 Do not warn about destination_sign relations with same members GerdP defect normal Core validator
#19924 Extruder: Problem with common node extruding to the inside. GerdP defect normal Core latest
#19987 False positive unconnected ways warning for ways ending at ferry terminal team defect normal Core validator tested
#19964 Fatal: failed to locate image '/colorchooser.???'. team defect critical Core latest
#19918 Fix fixme request [patch] team enhancement trivial Core
#19851 Fix shortcut display name for Tools menu (...and others) Klumbumbus defect normal Core shortcuts
#19055 IndexOutOfBoundsException: relation manager: refreshing data with discarding changes GerdP defect normal Core latest
#19913 IOOBE: Index 254 out of bounds for length 0: Saving a relation, after splitting a child member with open relation editor GerdP defect normal Core latest
#19914 JOSM can not open a gpx file team defect normal Core
#19888 JosmDecimalFormatSymbolsProviderTest broken on GitHub CI simon04 defect normal Unit tests
#19469 JOSM doesn't start in macOS BigSur via app Stereo defect normal Installer MacOS latest
#19929 Loading of sr@latin and ca@valencia from external sources does not work Stoecker defect normal Core
#19909 location:transition=yes on power=pole or tower should be handled like noexit on highway node team defect normal Core validator
#17646 Many fields are missing from Annotation Contact-dialog team enhancement normal Internal preset
#19990 missing Ubuntu release "hirsute" team defect normal Ubuntu package
#19993 newlines in notes should be shown as spaces Don-vip defect normal Core notes tested
#20095 New macOS icon to match macOS Big Sur icon guidelines team enhancement normal Installer MacOS
#19951 No warning when multipolygon preset is applied to node(s) only GerdP defect minor Core
#20066 NPE at GeoJSONWriter.getCoorArray Don-vip defect normal Core geojson
#20094 NPE at PreferenceTabbedPane.computeMaxTabWidth Don-vip defect blocker Core latest
#19772 NPE at SelectAction.confirmOrUndoMovement team defect normal Core
#19960 NPE in OsmJsonReader.readRelationMembersAndTags team defect normal Core
#19907 numeric.mapcss regex and silent fail of fixAdd team defect normal Core validator
#19743 Opening_hour with SH: false positive and fix destroying valid tag. team defect critical Core validator latest
#20027 Opening preferences in Metal LAF on macOS produces exception team defect major Core
#18721 Overwrite key - Windows's layout [patch] team enhancement normal Core
#19887 Parallel ways tool: bottom toolbar unusable to view offset measurement GerdP defect normal Core latest
#19903 [PATCH] Add space to title of filter dialog team enhancement trivial Core
#20021 [Patch] Aeroway holding position type preset support team enhancement normal Internal preset
#19375 [Patch] Avoid to download changesets contents twice GerdP enhancement normal Core
#19920 [Patch] Cancel doesn't work with "Download All Children" team defect normal Core
#17498 [patch] Complain about bicycle="no" and cycleway=(something positive) team enhancement normal Core validator
#19704 [Patch] DateUtils: sychronization is no longer needed thanks to JSR 310 simon04 enhancement normal Core
#19997 [Patch] Disable MapPaint style submenu for empty settings Don-vip enhancement normal Core mappaint latest
#19949 [Patch] Don't translate suggested tag values - deprecated sidewalk warning team defect normal Core validator latest
#19995 [Patch] exit saving two layers (without upload) not possible Don-vip defect normal Core
#19581 [Patch] Fixing duplicated nodes does not work GerdP defect normal Core validator
#19822 [Patch] Inconsistent behavior with GeoJSON multipolygons team enhancement normal Core geojson latest
#19751 [Patch] MapImage.rescale: use original SVG instead of rastered version simon04 enhancement normal Core
#19898 [Patch] Performance improvements for DatasetMerger GerdP enhancement normal Core
#19881 [Patch] Poor performance in delete action GerdP enhancement normal Core
#19745 [Patch] Preferences: add quick filter for styles/presets/rules simon04 enhancement normal Core
#18200 [PATCH RFC] Mocking of private methods prohibited in JMockit 1.47 ris defect normal Unit tests
#19752 [Patch] StyleCache.intern: use HashMap instead of Storage simon04 enhancement normal Core
#19877 [patch] Warn on emergency=defibrillator on way team enhancement normal Core validator
#19123 Plugin conflation throws error while trying tu cut an area into an existing area team defect normal Core tested
#19876 Preference dialog only shows Advanced Preferences GerdP defect normal Core
#20099 Preferences Dialog: OSM Server needs vertical scrollbar Don-vip defect normal Core latest
#20088 Preset renaming (de) tourism=wilderness_hut / amenity=shelter + shelter_type=basic_hut. team defect minor Internal preset
#19953 Relation shortcut issue where it overrites itself team defect normal Core shortcuts latest
#7548 Re-organize the preference dialog team enhancement major Core
#19976 Replace default SWEREF entry "SWEREF99 13 30" in the projection method list team enhancement normal Core
#19952 Restructure sports_centre preset by sport type team enhancement normal Internal preset
#16637 Rework unit tests to not depend on external website team defect normal Unit tests
#19939 [RFC] [Patch] Replace ParentRelationLoadingTask by DownloadReferrersTask team enhancement normal Core
#19954 Shortcuts captured while renaming a layer Don-vip defect normal Core
#20018 Start page produces high cpu loads Don-vip defect normal Core latest
#19973 Tag2Link: update to 2020.10.18 team enhancement normal Core tag2link
#19895 TagChecker cannot cope with read-only datasets. GerdP defect normal Core
#19869 test SharpAngles cannot cope with read-only datasets. GerdP defect normal Core validator
#19871 TurnrestrictionTest cannot cope with read-only datasets. team defect normal Core validator
#19937 Update macOS build process Don-vip enhancement normal Installer MacOS
#19945 Update to JavaCC 7.0.9 team enhancement normal Core
#19962 Update to metadata-extractor 2.15.0 simon04 enhancement normal Core
#19879 Update to OpeningHoursParser 0.22.1 simon04 enhancement normal Core validator
#19506 Validator: duplicate warning node connecting building and highway team defect normal Core validator tested
#16247 Validator issues on power related items team defect normal Core validator latest
#19981 Warn about closed power=line way team enhancement normal Core validator
#19980 Warn about highway=livingstreet together with maxspeed>20km/h team enhancement normal Core validator
#18266 Warn about multiple values in telecom:medium team enhancement normal Core validator
#19862 Warning "foot=yes is unnecessary for highway=footway" is incorrect team defect normal Core validator
#20119 Warning for kerbs with tags smoothness team enhancement normal Core validator
#19930 Warning "oneway=yes is unnecessary for waterway" is incorrect; has lead to deletion of valid data team defect normal Core validator latest
#20013 When combining two ways and one of them needs to have the direction changed then JOSM doesn't consider effects on stop and give way signs GerdP defect normal Core tested
(more results for this group on next page)
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