Custom Query (96 matches)


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Status: closed (96 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#11749 Add DMS coordinate support to 'Jump to Position' team enhancement normal Core
#11543 Add icon for amenity=casino team enhancement minor Internal mappaint style
#11674 Adding multipolygon platform to type=route relation does not set role platform team defect minor Internal preset tested
#11327 Add possibility to clear from cache only specified TileSource wiktorn enhancement normal Core imagery
#11464 advanced coastline mappaint style team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#11572 Arcgis REST projection and bbox issues wiktorn defect normal Core imagery
#10738 Background Imagery: please more aggressive caching and smarter download queening for slow connections RicoZ enhancement major Core imagery
#11785 Bing imagey "close to ground" zoom functions not really working anymore after recent change team defect major Core imagery latest
#11750 Broken UTF-8 support in startup screen team defect normal Core latest
#7363 caching bug with aerial imagery team defect normal Core imagery latest
#11598 Cannot match literal quotation mark (?) in regular expression team defect normal Core tested
#11261 Do not run test depending on parent or other member objects on incomplete data team defect normal Core validator
#11645 En español, está mal etiquetado sidewalk, creo team defect normal unspecified
#11745 "Expected integer value in range 1-60 for ''+zone=...'' paramter." - typo team defect trivial Core latest
#11672 False warning on "destination" key for "waterway=river" team defect normal Core validator latest
#11665 filtering not automatically applied on downloaded objects team defect normal Core latest
#11600 highway=motorway not rendered with direction arrows team defect normal Core mappaint
#11459 (I) can't get maximum zoom scaling working team defect normal Core imagery latest
#11703 Imager Cache 'clear' buttons get weird text after cleaning one imagery source and then cleaning another one wiktorn defect minor Core imagery latest
#11776 Imagery tiles that don't load sometimes can't be force reloaded via 'Load All Error Tiles' anymore team defect normal Core imagery latest
#3591 Implement Right-Click feature for WMS layers team enhancement normal Core imagery
#6964 Improve Start-up Time team enhancement normal Core
#10593 in "tag checker rules list" make it obvious which downloadable rules are already used team enhancement normal Core
#11681 josm bleibt beim starten hängen (Bildeinstellungen werden geladen) team defect normal Core
#11689 JOSM hangs when removing last data layer when validation layer is present aceman defect major Core latest
#11579 JOSM latest doesn't start. josm-latest of yesterday and josm-tested did work team defect critical Core
#11591 JOSM r8519 refuses to start (deadlock in splash screen) team defect blocker Core latest
#11728 JOSM throws exception after loading a TMS map and zoom(ing) team defect normal Core imagery
#11546 leisure=pitch preset lacks volleyballs team enhancement normal Internal preset
#5454 Limit number of WMS requests per a given amount of time team enhancement normal Core imagery tested
#11216 Limit size of TMS cache team enhancement normal Core imagery
#3145 listing custom presets within default groups team enhancement major Internal preset
#11611 load session with bing-layer -> high zoom doesnt work anymore like in older version wiktorn defect normal Core imagery tested
#11597 "MapCSSException: Invalid pseudo class specified: closed" if JOSM compiled with dist-optimized team defect normal Core latest
#11747 NPE at team defect normal Core
#11593 NPE in mapcss.parsergen.ParseException.initialise blocks JOSM start team defect blocker Core
#11759 NPE in mapmode.DrawAction team defect major Core latest
#11756 NPE while geotagging images team defect normal Core latest
#11677 "null must be connected to a way" validator warning team defect normal Core validator latest
#11653 [PATCH] AbstractPrimitive.getKeys optimization team enhancement normal Core latest
#11628 [Patch] Added documentation to EastNorth, changed x - y = y.sub(x) to x.subtract(y) and minor code style improvements. team enhancement normal Core
#11627 [Patch] Added Repaint listener to MapView team enhancement normal Core
#11445 [PATCH] Change POI icons: accommodation and food Yarl enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#11649 [PATCH] DateUtils optimization team enhancement normal Core latest
#11769 [Patch] Documentation for KeyCondition team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#11629 [Patch] Fixed state errors in selection (rect/lasso) and made them draw on a temporary layer. team enhancement normal Core
#11496 [Patch] getVisibleLayersInZOrder() -> Comparator is not transitive team defect minor Core mappaint
#11751 [Patch] JOSM JNLP doesn't restart in Linux team defect normal Core restart latest
#7813 [Patch] JOSM often fails to download, and I cannot Cancel team defect major Core latest
#11713 [PATCH] JOSM raster layers filters plugin development (GSoC 2015) team enhancement normal Core latest
#11413 [PATCH] Last edit count tab for "Advanced Info" pane team enhancement minor Core
#11505 [PATCH] Load a range of OSM objects team enhancement minor Core latest
#11633 [Patch] MapView: Made paint() method shorter by moving draw prearation to a new method. team enhancement normal Core
#11655 [patch] memory optimization team enhancement normal Core latest
#11635 [Patch] Move creation of the MapView children to new method. team enhancement normal Core
#11636 [Patch] Moved cursor management to new class and used java library fuctnions for the cursor stack team enhancement normal Core
#11634 [Patch] Moved global SOM management out of NavigationComponent to SystemOfMeasurement class team enhancement normal Core
#11709 [Patch] New performance test for MapCSSStyleSource#apply and for OsmPrimitive#get/put/getKeys team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#11650 [PATCH] Parsing optimization team enhancement normal Core
#11768 [Patch] Performance test: Use a generic random string list. team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#11708 [Patch] Removed redundant code from StyledMapRenderer. team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#11714 [Patch] StyledMapRenderer javadoc team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#11631 [Patch] Synchronized access to MapView#layers team enhancement normal Core
#11632 [Patch] Synchronized access to temporary layers and added a getter. team enhancement normal Core
#11255 [PATCH] Tiling approach to WMS layers team enhancement normal Core imagery latest
#11767 [Patch] Use Arrays.copyOf in OsmPrimitive#put(String, String) team enhancement normal Core
#11657 [patch] User - createOsmUser memory optimization team enhancement normal Core latest
#11651 [PATCH] whitechars stripping optimization team enhancement normal Core latest
#11630 [Patch] Workaround for NPE in team enhancement normal Core
#9154 "Precache imagery tiles" only works with WMS wiktorn defect normal Core imagery
#11737 Public Transport > Stop Position preset correctly sets aerialway=yes but validator shows a warning about that tag team defect normal Core validator tested
#11793 Quit with open relation-editor team defect normal Core latest
#11647 Regression: relation list empty team defect critical Core
#11094 Select box can be moved team defect normal Core
#10519 Session: wms-layer not working after loading team defect normal Core imagery latest
#5509 Sorting property lists ce enhancement normal Internal preset
#11559 Sort members from this point forward team enhancement normal Core
#11355 Splash screen should support parallel initialization tasks (was: 'Reading local plugin information' 3 times @ startup?) team defect normal Core latest
#11707 sport without physical feature reported for sport=swimming + natural=water team defect normal Core validator
#11376 The same WMS layers have joined zoom levels team defect normal Core imagery
#11548 TMS regression: can not load tiles from file:// wiktorn defect normal Core imagery latest
#11442 "Toolbar action" bug w/ 'notes' & normal dialogs. team defect minor Core notes latest
#11664 unhandled exception after hitting ok in relation editor (2 re open) team defect blocker Core
#11586 validator: dont complain about relation type=restriction restriction:hgv= team defect normal Core validator
#11644 validator: waterway=weir + highway=* may be a legal combination team defect normal Core
#11669 Warning: natural type valley - Unclosed way team enhancement normal Core validator latest
#11564 When validating 'motorway' / 'motorway_link' ways, please give warning in 'Other' in case they don't have any oneway=* tag. team enhancement normal Core validator latest
#11639 WMS automatic changing zoom level problems wiktorn defect normal Core imagery latest
#7682 WMS-cache does not "tile" requests one same boundaries between session resulting in re-requests of already cached areas team defect normal Core imagery tested
#9263 wms layers broken team defect major Core imagery latest
#11697 WMS refuses to load with some of the projections that has no bounds defined wiktorn defect normal Core imagery latest
#11770 WMS Service errors because of HTTP/302 redirects wiktorn defect normal Core imagery tested
#6248 WMS tile cache location in imagery preferences team enhancement normal Core imagery
#11701 WMTS issues on open data from Swedish Lantmäteriet wiktorn defect normal Core imagery latest
#11660 WMTS Runtime Exception anonymous defect normal Core latest
#11499 Wrong validator result: Value 'yes' for key 'payment:credit_cards' not in preset. team defect normal Core validator latest
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