Custom Query (23 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#19615 add mofa/moped=use_sidepath to access preset new template_report access use_sidepath mofa moped team enhancement normal
#9904 Add node: Linux middle mouse button paste not supported new linux add node paste mouse middle team defect normal
#21702 Add option to load geotagged image via RC into existing image layer new remote control image load reuse layer team enhancement normal
#23453 addr:housename is not rendered new addr:housename team enhancement normal
#22679 Extend improve way accuracy mode to allow unglueing of nodes from other ways new improve way, unglue, separate, node, landuse team enhancement normal
#23324 fix middlemouse-hold-overlay-menu height new middle mouse,select,overlay menu team defect normal
#14083 Horizontal scrolling with mouse doesn't work new template_report javabug mouse scroll wheel horizontal team defect normal
#5746 Implement "if-unused" osmChange API feature for outside BBOX nodes new if-unused API diff API0.6 node delete team enhancement normal
#22999 Kann man disued:shop als feste Regel einführen? - Can you use disused:shop as a fixed rule? Often there are wrong entries like "disued:shop" new template_report shop disused team enhancement normal
#18838 merge layer/selection: too many conflicts created and wrong user for "their" displayed new template_report conflict merge user team defect normal
#22870 Mouse cursor doesn't show/change mode modifer after a data download new mouse cursor download team defect normal
#5381 mouse cursor not always what it should be reopened mouse pointer dieterdreist defect normal
#22913 NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class new template_report java17 openSUSE team defect normal
#21742 Proposal add presets new semidetached_house bowling_alley beauty refitted turning_circle team enhancement normal
#17874 Propose to change landuse=reservoir to natural=water+water=reservoir new template_report landuse reservoir natural water team enhancement normal
#23130 Randomly UI panels are re-rendering on wrong position new template_report, graphics, UI, user interface team defect normal
#10954 Red "edit line" not visible after upgrading linux to Slackware 14.1 new mouse linux slackware team defect normal
#8887 Render addr:housenumber in favour of operator/brand new building house number render team enhancement normal
#4132 'Shift+g' to switch from all GPS traces to just mine new gpx, gps, UI, user interface, keyboard shortcut, layer, display team enhancement minor
#20383 Shorten middle mouse button displayed context new template_report middle mouse button team enhancement normal
#6191 Terracer: does not add housenumbers if highest housenumber is given new highest housenumber add zerebubuth@… defect normal
#6173 Terracer: does not keep the orientation of housenumbers new housenumber orientation zerebubuth@… defect normal
#22928 Warn about bicycle=use_sidepath with conflicting cycleway tags new bicycle use_sidepath cycleway team enhancement normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.