Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#7012 Handle relation membership in "create multipolygon" new create multipolygon move memberships team enhancement normal
#7513 [Patch] Warn non-experts when combining ways with conflicting tags or ways being part of relations reopened combine conflict tag membership team enhancement normal
#7628 confirmation on way combine for relation turn_restriction new combine way turn_restriction membership conflict team defect normal
#12597 Replace memberships of one object by another new replace membership simon04 enhancement normal
#14178 Replace geometry: Optional setting handling for membership conflicts new template_report replace geometry membership team enhancement normal
#18592 Tags/Memberships toggle dialog: enable opening several relation editor dialog simultaneously new template_report Tags Memberships relation editor team enhancement normal
#18675 Join Areas: Tags and Membership from uninvolved objects copied new template_report join area tag membership team defect normal
#19052 No user information if "disconnect node from way" modifies a relation new template_report disconnect node relation membership team defect normal
#20809 Tags/Memberships panel: Search for "Key/Value(/Type)" with multiple tags selected new template_report tags memberships panel search key value team enhancement normal
#22299 [Patch] Allow selection of relations in relation membership table via middle click new relation, membership table, selection team enhancement normal
#22355 Some ideas to improve Tags/Membership window and "add tag"/"change tag" dialogue new improve Tags/Membership window team enhancement normal
#22423 [Patch] Do not mix capital/lowerkey letter keys in Tags/Memberships window reopened sort keys Tags/memberships panel team defect normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.