Custom Query (31 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#8019 Sort relations by directional roles new sort route relation role team defect major
#24076 wrong order of transport relation member's after member split if the member drives to a round about new template_report split member order public_transport route roundabout team defect major
#6920 sorting error relations of participants new sort, relation, route, relation-sorting, dual-way team defect normal
#10972 Additional third column marks for public transport relation member display new route relation public transport stop connectivity team enhancement normal
#11373 Sorting within stop/platform members of type=route relations new sort relation route public-transport-v2 team enhancement normal
#14191 Get route segments from overlapping way or GPS trace new route, member, segment, matching, selection team enhancement normal
#14711 when sorting members of a route, look at oneway tag of ways or direction of roundabout new Relation Editor, relation-sorting, public-transport-v2, sort, route, roundabout team defect normal
#16828 Validator does not catch PT2 relations routing along highway=construction new road route Biswesh enhancement normal
#18018 split way: wrong position of new member in route relation in loops new template_report split route relation connectivity loop team defect normal
#18364 [WIP PATCH] Find routing islands new route, routing, island team enhancement normal
#19096 Warning about incorrect role "forward/backward" new template_report route relation role forward backward team enhancement normal
#19217 Split way: Wrong position of new member under special conditions of route relation new template_report split way route relation order team defect normal
#19218 Relation editor: Support for roles and separate relation per direction in superroute connectivity line new template_report superroute role direction connectivity team enhancement normal
#19294 add a button to the relation editor to make it easier to create superroute relations new relation editor, copy relation, superroute team enhancement normal
#19411 Request to support new roles in the relation editor's member sort routine. new relation route sorting hiking roles team enhancement normal
#19413 incorrect route_ref warning new template_report route_ref validator Biswesh defect normal
#19534 Find gaps in incomplete route relations with some members downloaded new template_report route relation gap team enhancement normal
#20100 UI problems with route layers new gpx route team defect normal
#20568 potentially wrong validator warnings on PTv2 relations for first/last segments of bus routes new validator route last first stop Biswesh defect normal
#20605 Relation editor: Connectivity: Problem with dual-carriage, open end on top with only one way for one direction new template_report route dual carriage connectivity team defect normal
#20634 Geographically sort segments of completely downloaded relations with gaps new route sort relation-sorting gaps team enhancement normal
#20644 Relation editor: Sorting of route relation never stops under certain conditions (gaps). new template_report relation sort route team defect normal
#21602 Role verification problem with route_marker as member of recreation route new recreation route member role route_marker team enhancement normal
#21789 Add snowshoeing and running checkboxes to guidepost preset new guidepost route marker team enhancement normal
#22168 Add 'man_made=quay' to ferry route connection check new ferry route member team defect normal
#22384 splitting ways in route relation when relation editor is open can be improved new relation,route,split team enhancement normal
#22927 Super routes members are not sorted new template_report relation_editor superroute team defect normal
#23616 Nodes without roles generate unnecessary warnings in walking relations, specifically Node2Node routes in Node Networks. new template_report route node network role team defect normal
#20731 Relation checker doesn't accept role "main" and demands "<empty>" for route=hiking new route role recreational relation team defect minor
#21966 [Patch] Allow cardinal directions as roles in road routes new road route relation role team enhancement minor
#22113 mtb route preset doesn't have a network field new mtb route network team enhancement minor
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