Custom Query (47 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#14404 Support similar/alternative words when searching for a preset new preset search alias i18n team enhancement major
#18992 Tagging Preset: No information exchange between linked presets new template_report tagging preset link team defect major
#21221 Relation editor: Preset link: DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset while editing a relation new template_report data consistency relation editor tagging preset validate async regression team defect major
#5900 Presets: combo box styled element to setting the key to a fixed predefined value new preset combo key ce enhancement normal
#6870 Increase Readability of Available Presets new presets preferences usability team enhancement normal
#6990 Preset: option to allow to enter user-defined value with multiselection (WAS: cuisine tag entry form should allow to enter any value, not only pick from list) new preset multiselect ce enhancement normal
#8177 Preset <check> and <combo> to set several keys in one check new preset check team enhancement normal
#8891 Preset: new multiselect for multiselection of same value with two separators new preset lanes multiselect team enhancement normal
#8933 External presets / rules / styles: Update does not work new update external preset validator rule style cache team defect normal
#9190 Preset: option to fold part within preset new preset fold collaps team enhancement normal
#10056 support to include chunks from default preset in external presets new chunk external tagging preset team enhancement normal
#12716 <preset_link>: prefer target in current source, then search in defaultpresets, then search in other external presets new template_report tagging preset link team defect normal
#13900 Presets: Add a combobox for name new template_report name preset team enhancement normal
#15007 Tagging preset: check and set key/value for more then one kv. new tagging preset multiple tags checkbox team enhancement normal
#15700 Presets links can take too much space in properties dialog and relation manager new preset link properties relation manager team enhancement normal
#17287 crossing=marked as a new preset and/or a validator test new mapcss preset validator crossing team enhancement normal
#18380 [RFC] Add implied tags to presets new implies, implied, tags, presets, tag, preset team enhancement normal
#19023 Tagging presets preferences: Several usability issues new template_report tagging preset preferences team enhancement normal
#19077 Presets: label suffix/unit at end of text input box reopened preset unit suffix label i18n team enhancement normal
#19190 Option to set and call variables in tagging presets and validator rules new variable tagging preset rule team enhancement normal
#19472 Tagging preset: Column width as option for checkgroup new template_report tagging preset checkgroup column width team enhancement normal
#20044 Relation editor: Exceptions with preset links in presets new template_report relation editor preset link team defect normal
#20197 Highway=… related presets: add maxspeed:type to presets new maxspeed, preset team enhancement normal
#20667 How to handle external presets/rules/styles on the wiki for different JOSM versions? new max min version external style preset rule stoecker enhancement normal
#20688 Tagging Presets Preferences: Own tab for preferences settings (check boxes) new template_report preferences tab tagging presets team enhancement normal
#20861 Tagging preset: "value_template" always overwrites value without strong indication and without option to disable. new template_report tagging preset value_template team defect normal
#20878 Add/Update and harmonize plain vehicle access restriction icons new vehicle restriction access plain preset team enhancement normal
#21051 Status report: Add indication of (active) internal preset and mappaint style new template_report status report internal presets style team enhancement normal
#21145 Support language specific description new preset description language team enhancement normal
#21207 Tagging presets: Align text behind icons and center icons new template_report tagging preset align center icon team enhancement normal
#21228 More flexible tagging preset dialogs new tagging presets team enhancement normal
#21308 defaultpresets.xml revamp assigned defaultpresets reichg task normal
#21654 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset: {Node) while editing restaurant with preset needinfo template_report tagging preset validate async andre-sa defect normal
#21691 Group inside group not properly allocated within the menu new template_report external tagging preset team enhancement normal
#21829 [Possible PATCH] F3 produces " Primitive must be part of the dataset" new template_report tagging preset validate async team defect normal
#22001 display_value's in presets ignored when sorting value list new preset display_value sorting team defect normal
#22002 Presets: XmlParsingException using reference plus list_entry in chunk new template_report preset xml exception chunk reference list_entry team defect normal
#22049 multiselect field emptied after new dialog opened new tagging preset multiselect icon preset link team defect normal
#22297 [Patch] JOSM always sorts value from multiselect when closing preset form new template_report preset multiselect sort value team defect normal
#22350 [TaggingPreset] Add some values for "match" attribute to determine negative results of matching new tagging preset match team enhancement normal
#22664 [PATCH] Make tagging presets more flexible new tagging preset team enhancement normal
#22910 Add massage= to shop=massage preset new massage shop default preset team enhancement normal
#23750 Exclude addr:* tags from the "Presets do not contain property values" validity check. new validtaion preset value addr team enhancement normal
#23865 Problem with the regions validator (false positive) if there are duplicate presets (like one for inside the US and Canada and one for outside the US and Canada) new vespucci regions tagging preset team enhancement normal
#23986 Some lower levels of presets menu are displayed on wrong screen new template_report sub-menu presets simon04 defect normal
#20380 Toolbar buttons for easypreset-created presets are disabled until you once enter toolbar editing settings panel new toolbar preset easypreset button github maripogoda defect minor
#22840 Preset PostPartner: wrong Wikidata, Wikipedia link new preset update team defect minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.