Custom Query (20 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#11349 addr:street autocompletion is broken new autocompletion address street name team enhancement normal
#13900 Presets: Add a combobox for name new template_report name preset team enhancement normal
#14014 support for highway with different side name new name right left OliverW enhancement normal
#15217 [PATCH][RFC] Use name-suggestion-index new template_report name brand team enhancement normal
#19665 Warn about building with name but missing primary tag. new building name team enhancement normal
#20362 information=board --> ask board:title instead of name new template_report information board title name team enhancement normal
#20786 Relation Editor: Display more (useful) information in window title new template_report relation editor header title name team enhancement normal
#20881 Add names from Wikidata new wikidata names languages floscher defect normal
#20916 The SimilarNamedWays test reports false positive on Arabic street names new SimilarNamedWays Arabic i18n team defect normal
#21050 name of way drawn far from way new mappaint style name offset rebsc defect normal
#21336 gray/grey colour value confusion in destination_sign relation preset new British color names gray grey locale team defect normal
#21461 Complain about water=river (or waterway=riverbank) with names new template_report water name riverbank team enhancement normal
#21798 No empty combobox item in preset names for deleting values new template_report combobox name regression team defect normal
#21908 False positive "street name contains ss/ß" with route relations new template_report street name team defect normal
#22665 Conflict resolver has my/theirs wrongly assigned new relation editor conflict version name team defect normal
#22689 Save as: File name extension should be adjusted when changing the file type. reopened template_report save file type name extension team enhancement normal
#23453 addr:housename is not rendered new addr:housename team enhancement normal
#23773 Missing icons and toolbar actions without name new template_report icon toolbar action name double-m defect normal
#13704 file rename process unexpectedly aborts new file rename layer team enhancement minor
#18797 Same layer name used multiple times new template_report data layer name session team defect trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.