Custom Query (21 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#13734 Wishlist: Multitouch mouse zoom/pan gestures on mac OS new macos team enhancement normal
#13814 Zoom is extremely sensitive now reopened osx sierra mac scroll zoom team defect normal
#15570 Icons in settings sidebar are too small on macOS new template_report macos team enhancement normal
#16076 Second dialog window underneath the first window on macOS reopened template_report macos javabug team defect normal
#17098 Special Characters on Mac OS freezes keyboard new template_report macos team defect normal
#17849 macos: erratic extra window behaviour needinfo macos richlv defect normal
#17850 macos: add a way to shade [image] windows new macos window team enhancement normal
#17865 macos: "Centre view" not indicating the status new macos javabug team defect normal
#18848 Provide a way to override overzoom new template_report macOS hidpi tile zoom team enhancement normal
#19767 What about auto-updates of Homebrew Cask assigned macOS, brew, cask, install, homebrew Stereo enhancement normal
#19933 Cannot typing Chinese and Korean character normally in MacOS new template_report macos team defect normal
#20140 JOSM inconsistently respects remapped macOS modifier keys assigned template_report macos Stereo defect normal
#20477 Devanagari input - issue in typing consonantal conjuncts new template_report i18n devanagari macos team defect normal
#21212 text rendered on tiles is too small on retina screens new template_report hidpi macos team defect normal
#21342 Viewing the article on wikipedia does not work new template_report wikipedia macOS team defect normal
#21700 Grammarly app can cause problem with JOSM shortcuts new template_report grammarly macos team defect normal
#22020 [WIP PATCH] Mac OS X > arrow keys cannot be used to move the downloaded map new pijltjestoetsen macos team defect normal
#22055 Drop down selection boxes no longer respond to arrow keys assigned regression, macos, javabug, aqualaf taylor.smock defect normal
#23089 Use standard macos text editing shortcuts with `Cmd` in Metal/Nimbus themes new template_report macos team enhancement normal
#23102 [RFC PATCH] Poor map navigation on macbooks new macosx team enhancement normal
#23546 NullPointerException: Cannot read field "about" because the return value of "org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication.getMenu()" is null new macosx team defect normal
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