Custom Query (14 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#5846 AssertionError when undoing PurgeCommand new purge undo command stack team defect normal
#7489 [patch needs rework] Undo merge and download actions new redo undo merge download command stack team enhancement normal
#13036 More validation for commands new gsoc-core command team enhancement normal
#14526 SequenceCommand doesn't rollback properly in case of subcommand error. new SequenceCommand undo command team defect normal
#19331 AssertionError after download, purge, download, undo new template_report undo purge command stack team defect normal
#20655 Command line option "update plugins" new template_report plugin update command line team enhancement normal
#21187 Command Stack deleted after unsuccessful upload and conflict not found in first place new template_report upload selection conflict deleted object parent command stack team defect normal
#21261 Command line option --status-report does not exit new template_report command line status report regression team defect normal
#21971 Command stack for relation editor new template_report relation editor undo command stack team enhancement normal
#23760 JOSM looses its undo stack if a changeset is rejected due to the new bbox limit new template_report upload changeset reject command stack team defect normal
#8463 Command stack (undo/redo) should be per object new command undo redo team enhancement minor
#18562 command stack toggle dialog: conflation delete icon not properly scaled new template_report comman stack delete icon Tyndare defect minor
#6786 Command stack conflict error message new command team defect trivial
#20481 just an idea: 'undo' versus 'restore to' new Command Stack,undo,restore team enhancement trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.