Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#8835 Button to send download to background new download, background, mirrored_download team enhancement major
#1708 JOSM should not make me wait for up/downloading data but do it in background new background team enhancement normal
#3118 Indicate what background processes JOSM is running new background team enhancement normal
#3496 Background checking mode for validator new background team enhancement normal
#7451 download incomplete members in background new background team enhancement normal
#7537 Load history-data in background new background team enhancement normal
#8456 can't run validator while downloading traces in background new background team defect normal
#8493 "background" option just leads to another dialog in foreground new background Upliner defect normal
#12548 Proper colors for modified nodes in way history new ObjectHistory background highlight children team defect normal
#13706 History browser: color moved relation members differently new ObjectHistory background highlight children team defect normal
#17867 Download object changed in changeset in background new template_report download background team enhancement normal
#18637 Option of keyboard shortcut for "switch (background-)imagery view to next available (background-)imagery in list" reopened keyboard shortcut background imagery team enhancement normal
#19095 Warning about "*:lanes=*" tagging without "oneway=yes" new lanes-tagging forward backward team enhancement normal
#19096 Warning about incorrect role "forward/backward" new template_report route relation role forward backward team enhancement normal
#20494 [WIP patch] Add priority=forward / priority=backward in presets new priority forward backward team enhancement normal
#20672 Backup rotation scheme for preferences.xml new backup rotation preferences team enhancement normal
#22376 PC crashed and lost all my preferences new template_report preferences backup team defect normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.