Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#5215 Automatically detect and fix situations, where server accepted upload and JOSM assumes upload failure new double, changeset, duplicate, node, and, way, conflict, management, upload-api-response team defect major
#7282 OsmTransferCanceledException while opening changeset or uploading changes new upload, network, api, changeset, upload-api-response error ResponseCode 500 team defect major
#16258 GDPR related API changes new GDPR api anonymous team enhancement major
#5746 Implement "if-unused" osmChange API feature for outside BBOX nodes new if-unused API diff API0.6 node delete team enhancement normal
#6319 More information and options on error 410 pop up (deleted object) new 401 error deleted object ResponseCode upload-api-response team enhancement normal
#7140 Improvements for /capabilities at startup new api capabilities blacklist team enhancement normal
#11991 josm conflict not showing the error new http 412 upload upload-api-response ResponseCode team defect normal
#13914 More descriptive network connection issues message new network slow offline upload-api-response team enhancement normal
#15219 remote control with an Overpass query new Overpass API, remote control team enhancement normal
#17878 Cannot download full old version of an OSM object new template_report download api team defect normal
#19044 JavaFX calls unknown class assigned template_report, javafx, mapillary, openwebstart, java11 Don-vip defect normal
#19412 Empty error message shown new template_report error 503 upload-api-response ResponseCode team defect normal
#20284 Move Mapillary Main to proper namespace new Mapillary stoecker task normal
#21826 [WIP patch] Upcoming API 0.6 change: limit maximum number of relation members new api capabilities limit relation team enhancement normal
#22610 Crash when triggering a mouse click while panning mapillary image in image viewer new mapillary, 360° team defect normal
#24034 Add {apikey} support for TIGER Roads 2023 new api key apikey mapkey team defect normal
#8268 Not animated progress bar after 50k/10k changeset new 10k 50k api upload changeset progress team defect minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.