Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#23705 Add unit test for save/upload layer preconditions check new save upload layer precodition team enhancement normal
#23168 Autosave layers in a more automatic way or make deleting of the workin layers more difficult needinfo autosave agvg enhancement normal
#22383 autosave restores older file than the local file new restore,autosave team defect major
#19157 Layer panel context menu: Save option not disabled with no changes new template_report save layer context menu team enhancement minor
#7487 option to auto-save the current osm file after upload new upload save local file team enhancement normal
#21931 [Patch] .nmea/.pos/.wpt files always ask to be saved new nmea, pos, wpt, gpx, save team defect normal
#22689 Save as: File name extension should be adjusted when changing the file type. reopened template_report save file type name extension team enhancement normal
#21487 Save Session: Using a dot in file name does not add file extension new template_report save session file extension team defect normal
#23379 The edit-relation screen looses changes new relation editor textbox save team defect normal
#23749 The `State: all-referrers-downloaded` is not saved to file new template_report save state refferrers downloaded team defect normal
#19567 When restoring an auto-saved data layer, keep the file around new autosave team enhancement normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.