Custom Query (19 matches)


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Status: closed (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#10031 [patch] Include place=farm in preset and style team enhancement normal latest fixed
#10064 realwidth and priority in elemstyle.mapcss team enhancement normal fixed
#10177 New tracks styles [patch] team enhancement normal fixed
#10301 extend display of maxspeed nodes [patch] bastiK enhancement normal fixed
#10313 support for man_made=embankment team enhancement normal fixed
#10326 new icon for barrier=block [patch] team enhancement normal fixed
#10339 shop icon should have higher priority than religion icon team enhancement normal fixed
#10342 add barrier=chain icon [patch] team enhancement normal fixed
#10345 explicit values for tunnel [patch] team enhancement normal fixed
#10363 zoom levels in elemstyles.mapcss [patch] team enhancement normal fixed
#10368 node square conflicts with maxspeed sign team defect normal fixed
#10372 sport=climbing + natural=cliff rendered as area team defect normal fixed
#10374 repeat street name labels team enhancement normal fixed
#10375 on zooming out display barrier as narrower line team enhancement normal fixed
#10376 fix piste incorrectly displayed as area [patch] team defect normal fixed
#10379 set different colours for landuse=residential and landuse=garages team enhancement normal fixed
#10383 nodes hidden by street name bastiK defect normal latest fixed
#10401 Not displaying some aeroway=* as relation/multipolygon team defect normal fixed
#10403 display both viewpoint and peak icon team enhancement normal fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.