Custom Query (39 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (38 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#19485 Crash while combining two opposing roads team defect critical Core latest
#19432 Split way: AIOOB: Problem with member check with duplicate members GerdP defect major Core latest
#19598 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive cannot be modified in read-only dataset team defect major Core
#9164 [PATCH] add more values for historic=* team enhancement normal Internal preset
#10932 [Patch] Warn if way has 'turn:lanes=*' but lacks 'lanes=*' tag. team enhancement normal Core validator latest
#11245 [PATCH] Clothes tag team enhancement normal Internal preset
#13173 Mouse pointer target offset team defect normal Core
#16391 [Patch] UI - Add noref=yes and noname=yes checkboxes next to ref and name fields team enhancement normal Internal preset latest
#17296 [PATCH] If there is a fixme and the fixme value is also a tag, we should ask if the fixme is fixed team enhancement normal Core validator
#17750 [Patch] Include mofa moped allowed traffic on barriers. Klumbumbus enhancement normal Internal preset tested
#18698 [Patch] Request: Add (motor_)vehicle combo to highway=path preset team enhancement normal Internal preset
#19094 [Patch] Warning about "placement:forward/backward=transition" team enhancement normal Core validator
#19180 false positives from tagchecker with single letter differences team enhancement normal Core validator
#19241 Why does "JOSM Validator" is a data source on upload? team defect normal Core
#19293 Double encoded spaces when viewing wikipedia article link team defect normal Core tag2link
#19425 Regression: remote control started asking acceptance for each addition team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#19436 [PATCH] Don't attempt to add null objects to a JsonArray in RequestProcessor team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#19440 Add placement:forward/backward to highway presets skyper enhancement normal Internal preset latest
#19444 Can't get link from ref:FR:prix-carburants key team defect normal Core tag2link
#19445 Add man_made=telescope team enhancement normal Internal preset
#19449 [PATCH] ImageProviderTest.testGetPadded has slow startup, and a race condition team defect normal Unit tests
#19451 Update data: Do not download incomplete ways GerdP defect normal Core latest
#19457 Add sport=curling team enhancement normal Internal preset
#19476 java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException team defect normal Core
#19489 NPE at ComboMultiSelect.getItemToSelect with default="" in multiselect team defect normal Core
#19496 some multipolygon icons are missing in object lists team defect normal Core
#19508 [PATCH] Don't suggest to change incline=0% to -0% when reversing or combining ways team defect normal Core
#19514 IllegalStateException if double clicking with CTRL on items in the Command Stack Dialog team defect normal Core latest
#19515 Add man_made=antenna team enhancement normal Internal preset
#19517 Add club=* team enhancement normal Internal preset
#19526 Multipolygon validation failures pch14@… defect normal Core validator
#19536 Warn about names which are numbers team enhancement normal Core validator
#19544 Warn about building overlapping with building:part team enhancement normal Core validator
#19551 [PATCH] Crash when Name Suggestion Index is enabled team defect normal Core
#19555 adjust rendering of note and fixme on nodes team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#19556 bug reported. after cleaning up all activities GerdP defect normal Core
#19568 Don't complain about highway ending near other highway for railway platforms GerdP defect normal Core validator
#19571 Update to OpeningHoursParser 0.22.0 simon04 task normal Core validator

Resolution: wontfix (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#19483 unknown protocol: tms team defect critical Core remotecontrol tested
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.